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201�0943� <br />The property is located in .......................... HaJI........................... at :4�QA G1�4�4.RA9d ............... <br />� (County) <br />.............................� ....................., ..............Cvar�dlslaud Nebraska........6�8A3......... <br />(Add[ess (CflY) (7.IP Code) <br />Together witY► all rights, easements, appurtenances, royaldes, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and <br />riparian rights, ditches, and water stock and all e�eting and Rnure improvements, strucdttes, funu�es, and <br />replacements that may imw, or at any Hme in the fuaue, be part of the reai estate described above (all referred <br />to as "Property°). <br />3. MARNIUM OBLIGATIOI� LIMPf. The mtat principal amount se�ured by thia Security Instnttnent at any <br />one time shall not exceed $.34000.00 ................................. . Thia limita6on of amount does not include <br />interest sud other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Secudty Instrument. Also, this limitation <br />dces uot apply to advances made umler the terms of this Secutity Instrument w prot�t Beneficiary's security <br />aad to perform any of the covenants contained in thie Security Instroment. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCE�S. The term °Secured Debt° is de�ned as follows: <br />A.I?ebt incurred nnder the terms of all promissory note(s), conhact(s), guaranty(i�v) or other evidence of <br />debt descrihed below affi all their extenaiom9, renewals, modi5cations or substltutione. (When <br />referenctng the debts 6elow lt ts suggested ehat you tnclude drems such as borrowers' names, nore <br />amow:ts� interest rates, maturdry dates, etc.) <br />530,000 note dated 121912011 <br />B. All future advances from Beneficiary to Trustor or othcr future obligations oP Tn�stor to Beneficiary <br />under any promissory trote, concract; guaranry, or otl�r evidence of debt eac�uted by Tn�swr in favor <br />of Beneficiazy after this Seourhy Instniment wherher or not thia Secudty Insuument is sPecifically <br />referenced. If more than oae pe�on slgns this Securlty Instrument, each Trustor agrees that this <br />Security Instrnment will secure all thttue advances and future obligations that aze given to or incurred <br />by any one or more Trustor, or any one or more TrnsWr aad others. AU future advances aad other <br />Pumre obligations are secured by this Security Insainnent even thoagh all or par[ may not yet be <br />advancal. All fluure advances and other future obligations are s�ured as if made on the date oF this <br />Sectirity Iasonrmniment. Nothing in this Secudty In�*�±e•±r shall consUmte a commitment to make <br />additional or futiue loans or advanca in eny amount. Any such commitment must be agreed to in a <br />separate wdting. <br />C. All obligations Trustor owes to Beneflciary, which may later ar3ae, to the extent not prohibited by law, <br />including, but not limited to, 1labilides for overdraRs relating to any deposit acconnt agreement <br />betwe� Tnutor a� Beneficiary. <br />D. All additional aums advanced aad expenses incurrad by BeneBcIary for iusuring, preserving or <br />otherwise pmt�ting the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incutted by <br />Beneficiary under the terms of this Se�urity lnstrument. <br />This Securiry Tnstrument will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails to give any required notice of the <br />right of mscission. <br />S. PAYMENTS. T=ustor agrces that aq paymentc umler the Secured Aebt will be paid when due and in <br />accordaace with the.terms of the Secured Debt and this Securiry Insm�menc. <br />6. WARRArTfY OF 1TTLE. TrusWr wartants that TrusWr is or will be lawfiilly seized of the estace conveyed <br />by this Security Tnauvment and has the rlght to lrnvoeably gtant, canvey, aad sell the Property to Trustee, in <br />uust, with power of srle. TmsWr atso wureuts tl�at the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br />of record. � <br />7. PRYOR SECZJRITY IlVTERTST3. Wtth regard to any other mortgage, deed of uvst, security agreement or <br />other lien docnment that cteateci a prior securiry inter�t or encumbrance on tiie Pmperty, Truscor a$rees: <br />A. To make all payments when due and to perform or camply with all covenants. <br />B. To prompUy deliver m Beaeficiary any nodces that Tnistor receives from the holder. <br />C. ATOt to allow any mallflcadon or extension of, nor to request eny fwaue advances utuler any note or <br />agreement seeaced by the lien document without Benefieiary's prior wcitten consent. <br />8. CLAIMS AGAINST TTfLE. Trustor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens, enctnmbrances, lease payments, <br />ground rents, ntilitiea, and other cherges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may require Tnistor <br />to provide to Beneffciary copiea of all notices that such amouats are due a� the receipts evidencing Tnutor's <br />payme�. Truswr will defend dde to the Property against anY claims that would impair the lien of this <br />Security Insnument. Tn�stor agrees W aesign to He�ficiary, as requesced by Beneficiary; any rights, claims <br />or defenses Trustor may have agalnst parties who supply labor or macerials to maintain rn' in'►Prove the <br />Propetty. <br />sewr�iylnav�annmconewner-n�E I�.or-Ne 7n�zott <br />VMP BenMueByatemntee VMP61881NEIPo11�t208 <br />Wohara Itluwer FNanetel3ervkoa 01994, 7A71 � <br />�� <br />� 1 <br />