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EXHIBIT A <br /> This is to certify that: <br /> Assistznt <br /> 1. I,the undersianed,am�Secretary of_Tne__i?ruciential__Insurance__ComLany__of__America______________________� <br /> being the same corporation «•hich, contemporaneousi� ��:ith the esccution hereof, e�ecuted and delivered to <br /> ___,"zumner___�_�__[_,lhitt_i_e__r_____.__________________________________ _ __ , aclministrator of Veterans' Affairs, a deed <br /> - <br /> dated - --�-�th--- daY of ------ -Ju�� -------- - - -- - > 1�_ :9_. <br /> 2. -- - -- ---- --- - ';. -'i. Scnu�ler-- -- ---- - - - -- , «�ho executel s�.id deec� on behalf of said <br /> cot•poration, aL��'esident thereef «•as at the time he esecuted the ;ame the dul;• elected, quaLfied and acting Vice- <br /> President of said corporation, ha�•ing been so elected at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation <br /> held on the - --1'��-- aa3' �f __ _�a�uar;' -- - -_, 19_��'_. <br /> 3. Said ofhcer �cho etecuted said deed ���a� dul�- authorized to execirte ii on behalf of said corporation by <br /> ( Y�ke-��la�s--e€-�e-ee����to�r � <br /> eirtue of l z a resolution of the Boar�l of Directors i du15�adopted on the ___ 'lth ._ __ . da�- of ________i�ay______ <br /> ; <br /> _ _._ _ _-- , rs__��` . <br /> 9:.-�'�ia.��.castou�- of, ha�-e examined �aid record� and knc«� the aoo�e to be true. <br /> - �. <br /> � � , <br /> �. ��. -'.- ..� . �//./ �-�— <br /> ' (co�oxaTE s;�aL� * ----_�I/ J���i�'�- <br /> = i�. L. �utto^. r� <br /> ; <br /> � �,.jvore ro Rec�p[:rt,—j�h�idllo�.-ing note�are not yart of this in...rument and are n�. to be recorded. <br /> ��. .. 4..'��". .' � ^ <br /> Y�ftiTyl�.«-(m�37elete.'parxgrlph [ ] before signing,if inapPlicable; <br /> �� . <br /> . ' -.�1�.1�.Delete «'nrds in ('1 unless evidence afforder3 by ��hihit A has been re�<�r;rd 7�rea•ioush•. If Pre�'iously recorded in county where <br /> � � herein-descriLed land is situutvl,fill bianks at I�) and;;rike oec unlerscwcvl«'ords yrcccdi.�p ��) and all of EshiUit�. <br /> � (c) Draw line throu^h inapPlicable stntement (�,') ot Ezhibit A. <br /> RJOre B.—Print,tyPeu�rite,or siamp names of Persons executing this instrumenc: also names of w-itnesses and notary public immediately underneath such sig- <br /> nature;. <br />