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<br /> .. - � � _ � �/'�' a,V����,7 �3008Q9 04/0�/1997 �'� .
<br /> , t .''�BRNICB J a88DBR �:.:_-
<br /> � 1a. Bo+�rowr.r'd Rljbt to Rd�te. Notwid�standing Lcndcr'� acccle�risian of d�n sums seciucd by tt�1s Deed of -���
<br /> • Ttust, due co Bamnwer'a bnx�h,Bonovrer shx9f dwve the right to hi�ve xny pmc�odlnA�,begun by Lender ro enforce this
<br /> De;.d of'Peust dle�;ontli�ue� nt any dme prior to thc carller to occ�ir o.f(i) d�e f1Qh day bafore tlie sale of thc Praperty
<br /> puasu:wt to the pnwer of sale conuincd in this Detd of Tcust or(ii)r.nt.�y of w jud�mo�►t enfurciuB this Dted of 7'cust if: (u}
<br /> , Aorrower puys Lencl�r W➢ �whicL would be th�en due under rutl.a Deed of fruet Attd tlie Note had m accelerutloa
<br /> " ocsurrcd; (G) Borrower c�ucs all bn�cl�es of any otder covcnants �s.�r aAn�n�tntn of D�Riower coatained In this Deed of
<br /> " Trust; (c) Eonower piys �A ceuonible expeiues incurred by J�.ru1Gr and T:nisu�a lr� enforcing the coveuAnta aud
<br /> � agroements of Bormwer ca�taiixd in this Deed of Truss usci in en�i�xsJmg Lcndnr'�And T[ustee's rtmodies t9 provided ia
<br /> paeage:,�h 1T h.r�,a€. includin;, �ut IInt Ilmfte�i ro� rcua�!^.bl�; et��.ret+:ys' f�°s; ancf (d; RArmwer takes su�b�:doii as
<br /> . ".� �� Lender miy nasonably requirs to as�ure ttut the llcn of this [,ecd af Tru�¢, Lenctur's inten�t ta the PropertY and ,
<br /> �- 5 Borrower's obligadon to pay the sums secured by this Aecd of Trust s6nll cflnduufl unimtraixed. Upon such p�ym�nt and
<br /> ��.: cure by Bazrower, this Deed of Trust usd the obllgadons secu�t�! ur.reby slinll mm�in tu full force And eff�ect as if�o .
<br /> . accel�ration had occutred. ��
<br /> .. 19. Assip�mtnt ot Re�si AqpolaWent ot Read�er; Iuxtr��e l�i Fpss�asiun. As uddidonal securlty herunder. � �.
<br /> . ' �orrower horeby assigus W I.eMtr the rents of�he Property,pr.�AY�(EPd tllAt BUIE0IV°Y SJIiIII. prIor to acceleradon under `�-
<br /> ' �: i paragraph 17�cnof or tbaudonwent of the Ptoperry. bnve the riKt�r.ro collc�t and remin��ch rents as tbey become due and �� y
<br /> � PaYable. - -
<br /> �� � Upon ascelerndon under puagraph 17 hereof or ubandonnlRas of the Pmpeit�, Le�dcr. tn pzrson, by agent or by ___
<br /> j, judicizlly appointed receiver sUsU bo entidcd to enter upon. t�lcr passession of and mnn�be the Ptoperty and to collect t�, _-
<br /> � i�nts of the Property inclu�n�g those past due. All rents coWscted by Lendt:r or tbn i�cciver shill be applial Srst m
<br /> payment of the costs of man�geme�t of the Property aAd collat�a�of�nta,includln�,6ut not limitod ro.receivor's fees,
<br /> :. . j1 � premiums on receiver's bonds rmd re�sonable attomeys'f�es,an�t�ine�i to ths s�taf�s:.cuntd by thic Il:ed a�T'aust. T��er �_-
<br /> ond the[ec�iver shall be liable to account only for thase rents�cnw�lly m�ceived. �
<br /> ;,,. ?A. RaoAVeyancc. Upon psyment of ull swns sccured b� ttais Dced of TYuea, Leadcr shall request Tivstee to
<br /> �ri_
<br /> , • . recoavey the Proporty tad s6All surrend�r thia Dad of Tn�i end nll nntes evldonciuB indubu:dnss secured by thls Deed of -----
<br /> �� Tzust tn Tzusex.Tnutee shall recflrney the PrQperty wit�out wnrrs�tt�y Rnd witlioti�t cbnr,�c to the pers�n ar pessoas legatIy ._ _
<br /> ��, entidod thento. Su�h person or pe2sons st�all ps�y all r.osts of�ecoadadon,If AAy. __
<br /> ,;• 21. Suhetituta Tnnta. A.cader,at I.ender's opdon. m�y�COan timc w dme n:ma��Tnutee and appoiut a successor m,
<br /> � t�ustee to any Tiusta a�pointod hereunder by an insnume� r�orded in tho couanJ ia wlnch tWs Deed of Tn�st �s -
<br /> ' recoi�ded. Without coaveytnce of thc PrnPert3►� th� sucr.essea truste.� sbull s¢�cceed sA all the dde, Power and di�ti�s
<br /> conf�rnd upon the Tnutce henin and by applic�bie taw. _
<br />' 2Z. Reque�t [or Natloes. Borcower rtx►uests that copieo of the nndcc af dofsn►lt and nodce of sale be sent to ;,.
<br />,� Horrower's adAress which ia the Froperty AddrCSS. �_
<br />; � •.;,�;,; , ?3.�ae�doi�Subetana�.Borrtmwer shall not cause or�.�ciYnit the p�seace.uoe.dispos�l.storage,or reles�se of a+ny
<br />-�,,.:�:; }.�;.;. ,: .�*�,�Substam�s on or in the Pa�n�erty. Borrower shall noa do. uar allotv any�uu e1sQ so do. anythtng affectin8 t��
<br /> < ,-
<br />,f„�° n '1rj��i,:.
<br /> • ;�-,-;;�..+.•+ Pa�operty ihit is in viol�tion of any Fsnvironmental Law. The pc+acedinB tv��o seuisacea crl�Y all aot app]y to the presence,nse.
<br /> ��'�'`� '� �� 7• or sturage oa the Fropeny of small quauddes of HazArdous SuUcitances d�t ase gonemliy recognized co be approp�iau ta
<br />_:cs�. •..,��:. �'
<br /> r6�.%..,:�:, nocmal residential uses and to in�inLCAance of the Property. t _
<br /> -:.�,;1=,-=�=.� Bomowa sh�ll Prom�tlY give Le�er writtr.n nndcc of an�nAVrstigRdon, cluitu� ciemand,lawsuit or odur acdon Q�y
<br />'•�'y:°:•`.U:?' � anY 8ovun�ental or regulawry agency or p�vate party �nv�lv,�ng d�o Pmperty �nd any Haurdous Substance mr
<br />--_`^'•'�" Bnvi�+nnmental Lw df whic6 Borruwer h�s accual imowlecige. IF Bnr[oNer 9�a, ar�S md�ed by any governmental or
<br />�^:;�3-f. .1�... o authori t�at Any romoval or otLer remodiadon of any I�;ta�Jona Svbst�nce atffcedng the Pr�erty is
<br />�-.� �,::..��+•. n8�� rY ►Y•
<br />=�z�=_--�• m�s�y�Boirower�11 promptly tAke all nec.essuy►nmodul�tcdans in accordunce w�th Bavimnmental Iaw.
<br /> --="„�'��— A.e asod ia this puag�h 23. "Hazardous SuUstances"are dnnse substjwces d�r�n�d as wxic or ha�rdous substances
<br /> �:�;�„�:r::;;°', .
<br /> �_�_�,�_�:,';:,`. by Bmdmnmental Lw and tlhe foilovitag subshnces: gs►sallue, kero9en�, otlie�r flau�ble ar toxic petrolcum products.
<br /> toxic pesdcides And herbicides.voladde solvents.mntedals wntxie+in�asbestas or fo��unideLy�le,wd c�diaacdve mat�rials.
<br /> �;;'"�_'.�'t°'-`� As used in this puagraph 23. "Bnvlro�ment�ttl I.1w" mans falet�l laws and ls�ws af dtc jurlsdietion cv�eie 2he Property Is _
<br /> ��'`-: - locatai that nlate to health,safecy or euvironmental prnteceion.
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