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<br /> ,`B�FiN�CS J BSBDBR �7,� �V1�e�/5 200808 04/0�/1997 -
<br /> a
<br /> � " UNIPORM CovLNRNTS. BQrrower nnd Lender covenant and egrce as follows: �=.
<br /> , 1. B4i y nieat oP Frind�rd n�d Inte�s. Honower sht�ll pmmptly pay when due the pr�ncipal and inrerest
<br /> • indebtedness evidenced by the Note and late c harges as prov i de d in t he Na te.
<br /> 2. k�tn�Bor Taxes rnd Wur�ncr. Subject to�pplirable law or a wxitten waiver by Lender, Bonower shall�►ay Eo •
<br /> Lcnder on the day manth�ly payments of principal and interest are Qayable under thc Note, until the Note is paid i�full, a ..
<br /> • sun�(hzuin 'Fut�ds")oqual to onr-tweltih of the yearly taxes t►nd essessaients(including condom[ni�un and planned unit �..
<br /> development usses�ments. if any) which a�ay attain priority over this Deed of Tn►st,and grouc►d rents on t6e Property, if •
<br /> any,plus one-tweifth of yearly prejuiuw ins[allmc:nts 4'or Dazard insuea.nce,plus o�-nvelfrli of ye.�rly�rendum installments
<br /> for a�ortgage insurance, if auy, all as rcasoaably esdmated initlally aad from tims to dn�c by Leader on the basis of ,
<br /> �s�ssmepts and b;p�and ceasonable esdmates thereof. Borrower shall�ot be obligated to mtke suzh payments of Funds
<br /> " �' to Lender to the extent that Borrower makes such payzuents to the holder of a prior mortg�ge or decd of tnist if such holder
<br /> � ' Is an iastitudonal lcnder. � ., -
<br /> If Borrower pays Funds to x.ender, the Funds shall be held in an insritudon the degosits or nccounts of whIch are ,
<br /> ipsured or guaruneed by a Federal or state agency(including I.ender if Lender is such an insdtudon). lxader shall App�y •• �� _
<br /> ehe runds to pay said taaes,assessmencs,insurance premium5 and ground rents. Lender may uot ch�rge for so holding and :�,�.^��d:.
<br /> a I ' the Funds. analyzing s�id ac�aunt or verifying and sompiling said assessmeuts and bWs. unless Lender pays , '�<`_�_'
<br /> PP Y�B ,`•�"';�
<br /> Borrower interest on tUe Fuads and applicable law permlts I.endEr to make such a charge.Aom�wer and Leuder may agree ;_
<br /> ia wrlting at the titne af execudon of this Deed of Tzust that intenst on the Fuads sliall be pald to Borrower,and unless ;;a�irua��.
<br /> °' yucli agreement is made or applicable la�v requires such interesc co�e paid,Lender shall not 6e reyuired to pay Horrowsr ,::i,:i?�.� -
<br /> any inierest or�,zmings on the Funds. I.cnder shall glve to Borrower.without charge. an aunual accaundm8 of the Funds !. .;.xa•__.
<br /> showing creclits aad debita to th� Funds and the puIIpose for which each debit to the Fnnds was wade. The Fw�cls arre -___
<br /> pledged as addidonal securiry for the sums secured by this Deaf of Tnut. �.:-�
<br /> If the amrnmt of the Fw�ds held by Lcn,ler, togec�ea with the future monthly ins-sallmeuts of Funds payable prior to �` ��;;
<br /> :: thP due dAtes of taxes� assessments.ins�uance piemiums and ground rents, st�all exceed We amount required ro pay said .;,.:%•r� --�
<br /> � taxes, assessments, insurance Premiums��a�:Sr°u°d rents as they � due. such excess sbaU be, at Borrower's option. . ��'�
<br /> dil__c..
<br /> either pmmpdy repaid to Horrower or crec�:ized to Borrower on monttn�y iastallments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds ;,,1i-��-•
<br /> held t�y Le�ler sLaU not be suf�clenc to pay taxes, assessments�insora�x:e premiwns and ground rents as they fall due, ,T��.,�
<br /> �' �.��,;
<br /> Borrower sl�all p�y to Lender any amount necessary to make up she deficiency in one or mc�re pryments as I.�nder maY, ..�; �.
<br /> '�'��•-
<br /> require, :;a�r�::�c�
<br /> • ..� Upon ps��ent in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Tcust.Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Horrower any Funds ' �.��.,�
<br /> ---- ;; Ueld b�L..�.P*.If�•n�IPr nara„aranh 17 6ereof tl�e ProPerty is sold or tbE Property is othervvise acquired by Le�er,Lender �,:-;.�.�.;�..
<br /> sh2ll apply, no later than immediately pdor ro the sale of the Property or its arquisidon by I.endor, any Funas neid my `�'�!-__
<br /> ''• Lender at tlie time of ap�lication as a credic against the sums secured by this Deed oSTxust. ���--
<br />