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All future advances nnd othsr future abllgations ere secured by this 3ecurity Inatrument even tuough all . _ <br /> � or part may not yet be edvert�ed. All future advences�nd other future obligatIons fue secured as if mnde on the dnte . <br /> - of this Security lnstrument• INothing ia thia Securlty Insnumeat sh a l l canstttute a commitment tu�tmlce udditional or <br /> � future loane or advances in any nmount. Any such commitment must be agreed ro in a separata vrritenQ. . <br /> � C but not�limite�os�Ilabil ties fBornaverd its hrelat n�tot any�deposithaccount agre memltbetvi cen Trustordinnd � '' <br /> ' Heneficiary. �' <br /> D.All add'stional s��n� advunced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring,prese�ving or otI�erwise protecting ,:,� .: �, <br /> the Property aud its value and uny other sums advanced aad expenses incuneQ by Btneficinry und�:r the ternti:of this ;,��:��,. . - <br /> Security Instrument. ,� � <br /> .. ' f .. <br /> 'Ihis Security Insuument will not secure wy other debt if Beueficiary fails to give anl c�quiMd natice of the right of .:''., ,:,�;.�; ••: <br /> �, . ,•k <br /> • rescission. •;�,�� , .:�`.—-- <br /> ,;'.,.- �, �.Y'. ___ <br /> 5. PAYMENTS.Trustor agrees that all payraents under the SecumRi Debt will be paid when dua and in accardnnce with thc .l',. ;,.:.,;. .•4�,—._._ <br /> terms of the Secured Debt and t�is Security Instrument. • ' ''�"'�`"�' <br /> � •s.����.,_�—_, <br /> r:.;;;;�;;�:;,''! <br /> 6, Vy,�l�tANTY! OF TI1'LE. Trustor wnrrants that Trusror is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this ,�:°�,;,,_ ,,. <br /> 5ecnrity Insuument and has the right to inevocably grant,comcy,and sell the Feopeiry to Traetas, in trust,with��ver of ��•'-'"'�:��' --___-_, _ ___ <br /> �... ..... <br /> � sale.Trustor also warrants tbat the Property is unencumberecl,except for of ir�co�. , ,�,���:= <br /> � i?;:...� ,_._ <br /> �,•',,.,, � .�'-- . _ <br /> 7, PRIOYt SECiJItITY IIV'TERE51'S•With regud to any other mortgage, decYS of trust, security ugreement or other lien � ��,,;.,,: �}'�ti. _. <br /> ' document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Trustar agrees: �;,:�i;�,..�,,,: iN;��. <br /> A.To make alt payments whea due and to perform or comply with all covenanta. i A�A, �; <br /> � B.To prompdy deliver to Bene�iciary any notices that Trustor receives from the holder. , , ` <br /> C.Not t o a l l o w a ny m o dificntion or extension of.�nor to request any future advnnces undar any note or agreement „ , , ,,���� <br /> _ ,� secuied by the lien dacument without Beneficiary s prior written coasent. „��;;..-:s,;:.�"� <br /> .�. s� <br /> ° � 8. CLAIIVIS AGAINST TITLE.Trusror will pay all texes,assessmeats,ltaus,t�ncumbrances,laase payments, ground rents, .''�,i;;��:`. <br /> . utilittes, and other charges relating to the Property whea due. Beneficiary may rc4uire Trustor to provide to Beneficiary �'�',1��,� • ` <br /> . � copies of all nadces that such aznounts are d�ue and the receipts eviden�ing'Mistor s puyment. Trustor will defend title to �^" <br /> the Property a�ainst any claims that would impair the lien of this SLecurity Inettvmpnt. Truetof��afii��unnlvlabor _�....�� <br /> - �-_-= Benefici .as reyues�ed oy iseaenciary�any ri�;his,�iai,,,� �rd::f���� ..-usso::n..} ha:..agein-•fia.--- •• - - <br /> � or matcrl�s to mauitain or improve Qte Properry. � , ' ' , <br /> � 4. DiJ�ON SAL�f�1R ENC[J1VIDItANCE.Beneficiary may. at its o tion,decluro the entire balance of the S:xured Debi to ,� � <br /> � be inunediately due aad payable upon the creadon of. or coatract�or the creauon of, cu►y lien, encumbrance,tranafer or �;� <br /> ` " .�;:,;����„ sate of the Property.This d�ht is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), ae applicable. This <br /> ��',��•'� covenant shall run with the�roperty and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt ie pa#.d in full wd this 5ecurlty <br /> ' ,. �''.�';; Instrument is released. . <br /> .',,ir:;; � � . . <br /> � 10. PROPERTY CONDI'�[ON, ALTERATTOPi3 AND INSPTCTION. Trustor will keep the Pr�npeny in,�ood condition <br /> �• and malce all repairs that are reasonabiy necessary. Trusror sdall aot commit or allow auy waste, �mpaimient, or <br /> ,:;�>; deteriaration of the Property. Trustor will keep the Properry frce of noxfous wcede and grasses. Trustor agrees that the � <br /> . �'•�:;sl�• nature of the occupaacy and u�e will not substautially chan�e without Beneficituy s prlor wcitten consent.Trustor will not -- <br /> ���''' `��,,<<�;" " permit any change m any license. rescrlctive covenant or easement withaut HenQticiury's pt�or written consent.Tcusror wiU `�" <br /> - �•�',.� noufy Beueficiary of all deu�ands,proceedings, claims, and actions zgtuntt 'IYustor, and of any loss or dawage to th�e r�� <br /> , �. Property. �`—� <br /> �� � .� � Beneficiary or Beneficiary's a eats may,at Beneficlary's opdoa.entor thc Propeny at any reasonabl�time for the purpose r�'• _ <br /> `.�"^, of inspecung the Pmperty. �eneficiary shall sive Trustor notice at tha time of or before an inspection speci{y ing a __ .�--- <br /> ������ reasonable purpose for the tion. Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Beneficiary's benefit and =,_ <br /> �;;_:,,�,, .:�.�. <br /> ��,•;:.;;. . Tiustot will in nu way rely on eneficiary s�nspection. r�...W___. <br /> - .. ;,Il��l{✓ . Q?:�s.�;.�---- <br /> r_.'sm <br /> � � 11. AUTHORITY T,O PERFY)RM. If Trustor fails to p�.rform any duty or any of the covena�ita contained in this Security --_------ <br /> Instnunent, Beneficiary may, witho�nt notice, perform or cause them to be perfotmod. Trustor s��points Beneficiary ns ---- <br />-=- " attorney in fact to sign'Trustor's name or pay any amount necessary for performuices.Benuficiury s right toperform for -_—�_______ <br /> • �;.;:: Tnistor shall not cmate an obl�gation to perfarm, and Beneficiary's failure tn pedorm will not preclude Bcneflciary from �__ <br />- ,:., ' exerclsin�any of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or this Security Instnuneut. If any constcuction on the Propert�y .,.�� „t,:�.�a,�.�,. <br /> � �' is disconunued ur not carried oa in a reasonable manner,Beaefciary mny tako all stc�ps necessary to protect Beneficiuy s •.,r. , ,�� <br /> ,%;� � - <br /> _ • � }" � security inrtenst in the Property, including completton of the constmction. - <br /> _ z s� �::. <br /> . 1�. ASSIGNMEN7' OF LEASES AND RENI'S. Trnstor inevocably grants, conveys and selln to Trustee, in trust for the '�:-`•1-�y. �-.�L, �, •� <br /> i all thc ri t tltle aud interest in and w any and�ll existing or fumre leases, ' ''f��.,.'.�.�L <br /> '.�:�;,; • benefit of Beneficiary, as additional secw ty gh� <br /> • .�,... <br /> - subleases,and any other written or verbal a�reements for the ase and occupancy of any portion of the Properry, including ' " t�.... _ <br /> • ° ' nay extensions,renewals,modlfications or substitutions of such agreements(all roforre@ ta as "I..eases")and renus, issues �,':• ;��`.���"v..; : • <br /> and prafits (all refem�i to as "Rents"). Trustor will prornptly provide Beneficiar w�th true and conect wpaes of all �'•;:r <br /> ., existing and fiuune Ixases.Tivstor may collect, receive,enjoy and use the Rents so�nng as Trustor is nat in default under <br /> ' the tezms of thls SECUrity insuument. • •� • <br /> Trustor acImowledges that thia assignmeat is perfected upoa the recording of this Deed of Tnist and that Beneflciary is � <br /> eutidai to notify any of Trustor's tenants to make payment of Rents due or to bt�om$due to Beneficiuy. �IoNever, <br /> BeneRciary agrees that only on default will Beneficiury notify Trustor a��d Trustor's tenanto and make demflnd that all <br />- , ; futtu+e RentE be direcdy to Beneficiary: On receiving notice of default,Trustor will endorcc and de;l[ver to Beneficiary . <br /> � any aynxnt ofRents�in�rus�ror'e pos�s�s�oncand�w 1�rwu he�n I�eQsas nrovided in th scS�i►nty Insltru�men T�rusgor � <br /> .��._ <br /> -- — u�c a�cuw AItR w.� ........ .......... .._� -----� --•------ _.., <br /> _ � warcants that no default eusts under the Leases or any a}�plicable fandlord/tcnazu law.Trustor alr,o ugeees to mauitain and - - <br /> , � require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law. <br /> • � 13. LEASEH�LDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLAI�TN�� UNTf DEVELOPMCNTS. Trustor agtccs, to c;omply with the <br /> "I provisions of any lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Property includes a unit in a condomuiium or a <br /> ! planned unit development,Trustor will pedorm all of Trusror's duties under thc covenants,b}�•luu�s, or rsgulations of the <br /> � i candommium ar planned unit devclopment. <br /> � <br />_ I -- rnoyo s o�41 <br /> 01994 BMkure Svetcros.1a.5� Cicvd.MN 11�800-39743411 Fnrm NEDT•NE 9/1790 <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � I <br /> � � -- <br /> , • � <br /> � . .. .. ...r._. <br /> . . .. __ . �._.�.. ... .. <br />