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<br /> Unless otlietwise agreed in wrlting, nll insusance proc;ecds shall be appliccl to Uic restoraUon or repnir of the Property or to
<br /> the Secured Aebt, �vl�edter or not then due. nt Beneficiary's optlon, Any applicntion of pracc.�:ds to principa] slfnll not
<br /> � extend or postpoue the due date of the scheduleQ p�ytnent nor change the emount�f nny paymcat. Any excess will be psid
<br /> ro the Cirantor. If the Pmperty ie acc�u�lrcQ by IIeneflciary,Trustor's d�ght to anp insurtinccpo licles nnd proc:ceds resuIeb�g
<br /> ., from damagc to thc 6�ea�:ny bcfor the acc�uieitinn eh�ll p�ss to DenefiC�nry to�he extent of the Secared Debt immt�dintcly
<br /> � 4 before the acquteltlon.
<br /> " 20. �a�Ra�"�I'�R aA7f� AISTID IlR�UltAN��. Unlcss nthcn�isc provided in n sep�rnte er,reenient, Trustor wi❑ not brz
<br />_ ti.;� requlred to nay to Beneflciary tt�nds for taxes and insuraace in escrow.
<br /> �� ; 21. FINANCIAL REP�RTS AATD ADDYTIONAL DOCUM�N'1'S. Trustor will rovide to HeneflciAry upon request, any
<br /> • �, financial statement or infomiatlon Beneflclary mny deem reasonably necessary.�rusror agrees to eign.deliver, and file an�
<br /> '• �-��^ additional document,9 or a:rtificadons that Benoficinry ma��ansider necessary to perfect,continue,und preserve Grantar s
<br /> - obligations under thia Sccuxity Instrunient and Beneficiary s lie�n status an the Property. .
<br /> this Security Insuun�ent�re joint and indlv�dual. If Trustor signs this Security Insuument but daes uot sign An evidence of ,,a_=
<br /> �, debt, Tcustor does so only to mortgt�ge Trustor's interest in the Prope� to�ecure payment af the Secwed Debt and _ _
<br /> �� � Trustor does not u�rec tv b�personally liable on the Secured Debt. If this ecurtty Instrument secures a guaranry becween _
<br /> ��, • Beneficiary ana Tru.stor,Tiustor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Beae�iciary from bringing any aceion or claim �'a:
<br /> agaiast Trustor or any patty indebted under tho obli ation. These rlghts may includo. but are not limited tn, any �;;;:.
<br /> �. antiile�iciency or one-aetian laws. Trusror agmes thnt�eneficifuy and eny pa�ty to this Security Instrurnent may extend, _��>.
<br /> �. modify or make nny chunQe itt th�terins of Wia Securit Iastrument or any evidence of debi without'I'rustor's conse�nt. —
<br /> e ns
<br /> � • S�ch a change will not release'I`rustor from the term�o this Security Instnuneat.'!he dutles and benefits of this S�curity _
<br /> � . � Instnuneat shall bind and benefit the suacessors uud essigns of 1 rustor aud Benef�cial. --_
<br /> .�` 23. ApPLICAB�E LAW S�'HEYtABII.TI'Y;INTERP�U:TA'1'ION.This Securiry Instrutnent is govemed by the laws of the �
<br /> -;::. jurisdlctlon in whir,h�eneCciary is,located. except to the extent otherwlse required b the laws of the Jurlsdiction�vhere .�:,__.
<br /> ,.� �,..,
<br /> � �. , the Property is located. TWs Secunty Instrument is complete and fully iniegrated. s Seciulty Instr�ment may npt be
<br /> � amended or�nodifled by crai agreement.Any sectlon in Wls Securlty Insmuneat attachments,or any,agreement related to —
<br /> �.��F �-�, the Secured Debt tl�at conllicts with applic�lble law will not be effective,u���s t�at law eapressly or unpliedly pernuts the ___
<br />= .. variations by writY�.n a�ceement. If any seetion of thie Security Insmuttent eannot be enforced accordittg to ite terms. that __
<br />_';:` secdon will be severed and will nat affect the enforceabiliry of the remainder of this Security Instniraent.Whenever used, _:.--
<br />- •'�; the singul�r shull includr��he pluml and the plural the siagular. The captions w►d headinge of the sectIons of this�tcurity _ _ _
<br /> � Instrument ure for convsnfence onty and Are not to be us�cl to interpmt or deRne the temis of this Security I��sc�umeut.
<br /> t� Titne Is of the essenc4 in rhis Securlty Instrument.
<br /> •
<br /> - 24. SUCC�SSOR TIF►nJSi'1�E. Aeeeficiary, at Benefict�'s opuon, mny,from timc to time reuave Trustee and appoint a
<br />-• • 6llCCCSSOI[N&lCC�vtist�tit auy'uirici iviiui�iiy L`ia►"i i22� w��n atic��'�:XC�..Rn. ��..°22^.^.,.PQSfl!'���,4yitJZmtt rt�IIYr_.vanre nf
<br /> � the Prop.°,rty, sh�k2 suceced to all the title, gower and dudes conferred upoa Tcustee by this Security Insmunent and
<br />- '' -;:;��.' applicable law.
<br /> ,.�.,r,::
<br /> •''��'�: 25. PIOTICE.Unless atr..rwise xeqnired by Inw,auy aatice shsill�e givQn by delivering it or by mailing it by first cluss mail
<br /> • to thc appropriNe�Sart�'s nddress on page 1 of this Security Instrument, or to any othar address desigaated in writin�.
<br />-• � Nutice to one trustz+7 an9l be dEemed to 6e nodce to all trustors.
<br /> _�, : •"�. '•;
<br />�===�--�x.y;;.., 26. WAIYERS. Except to the exrent prohibited by law. Trustor waives all appraisemeat and homestead exemption rlghts
<br /> '" � relating to thc Propc:rty.
<br />�"- • .'•'e�
<br /> -�--" '"'""",' 27. OR'HEIt TERM9. If checked,the following aze applicable to this Security Instnunent:
<br />�y ... ..
<br />-��'��•°�-"� 8�Llne o!Cr�edbC.The Secured Debt includes a revolvuig I{ne of credit provision.Although the 5ecured Debt may be
<br />�;:.,. .
<br />�;;��'-,:', t'OQ(ICtXI[0 II ZCPO b3IRIICC,thi9 5ecurlty Instn!ment wilt remain in effect until released.
<br />-�-�;;;;�"'�°� �Constn�ctiott Loan.'Iliis Security instnunent secures an oblt�atiun incurred for the construcHon of an improvcment
<br />=���_�.°::�5�� on thr.Pivperty.
<br /> ' ='`�'����`-� [7 FYxtura F1LSir�.Tiustor grunts to BeneSciary a securlty interest in all gooda�hai C3rantor owns now or ln the fuhue
<br />��:� and thnt anr or wlll become fixtur�s related to the Praperty. This Secwity lastrumeat si+ftices as a financing
<br />==K�"•�• • statemcnt ru�d any cazbon,photographlc or ather reproducdon may be 81ed of record for purposes of Article 9 of the
<br />�''`'"°'''"'�' Unlform Co;nmcrcial Code.
<br />-� K,Y�.t
<br />_�=�7rY-: ❑ Rfders.The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and supplement and
<br /> --�''��r�: ` uncnd tlie terms of this Security Iastrument.[Check all appticable Uoxes]
<br /> -- �
<br /> ==.s�ars�:;:.
<br />�:,,.�::R.. . O Coits�crtiniura Rider 0 Planned Unit Developmeni RIder ❑ OtLer .................................................. —
<br />=��,k;,` ❑ Adclib��l Terms. __
<br /> `S�ift�r�..
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<br /> ':�:; :: x SIGNATUItF.S:By aigning below,'frustor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in thls Security Insttvment and�►any
<br /> ..�" " attachmcats.Tcu�ior also aeknowled�es receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stat�ed on page 1.
<br />��- � SI�R06TI�, FICl�S, INC.
<br />_,
<br />�. �� �1!F... .��s'��l� ...... . .............................................................. ,.;
<br /> ,.�,'_ ' (Slgnamm)I,A�VID S'PAR06TiCA, PRESII7FNT N3te)� (Signature) (Date)�
<br /> ` � ACI�iOWLEAG1Vi�NT: 1 ,
<br />" ' S'TATII UF......I�1��f2.A s�cA...................�CUUNTY OF ........�4�:.�.�..r............................} ss.
<br /> �u,��n�,� Thls instn�ment was acknowledged beforc me this......�J.'=....... day of....Ma!:5�.��....199'.:1...................
<br />,. , �Y�......caq.�..........I NOTARI'•Slile o1 Mt�qs1�...............1. .......1...'��' �. ........ :..............
<br /> ... ...... .. .. .. ... ..
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<br />-. � 01994 OEnk¢q Syatemf.Ine..5t.CIp�Q.MN I7•800-39•341 prm � T•NE 9117l90 (pd Q 4 O/4J
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