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<br /> B,All futurr, ndvnnccs from UcnePiclary tu Trustor or ather future obDigations of Trustor to Hc:neficiary under nny
<br /> ' promissory note, �ontrnct. guaranty, or other evidence of debt executed by Trustor in favor of �eneficinry executed
<br /> I after this Security Inntsument whether or not ihis Se�:urity Instniment is specifically referenced,If more thAn ane
<br /> person signs this Security Instnunent, er.ch Trustor ngrees thnt this S�eurity Instrument will sccure nll future
<br /> � ndvenccs sind future abligations thnt are given to or incurred by nny ane or more Trustor,or nny one ar more Trustor
<br /> Iand othere. AU tbture ndvances and other futute Ubligatlona nre secured by this Secu�ry Instrurnent even thougli all , ..
<br /> I or pnrt mny not yct br.ndvnnccd. All fi�ture udvnnces and other future oblfgutione are secured as if made on thc date
<br /> ! of this Seciuity Inntnimbnt. Notl�ing in this Su:urity lnstrument shall consdtute n commitment eo make addidonnl or
<br /> � future loans or udvnnees in�ury tunount. Any snch commitrnent must be a reed to in a sepflrate wridng. ,,,:�
<br /> un
<br /> • • � C bttt o�tglimited oA�linl�iliiies�faorpoverdratts hrelntlnsy tot any deposit nccaunt agre entj�betveen,Tru tordi�n�
<br /> � � DeneFciary. ,,:�`-�!
<br /> D.All ndditioual sums�dvnnced and eapcnses incurred by Beneficiary for insurin�,preserving or otherwise protectiug .,;�_,
<br /> the Property aad itn vnlur:nnd any other sums advanced and expenses incuneai by BeneflcIary undEr the terms of this �;
<br /> �,_.
<br /> 5ecurity Instn�ment. =--
<br /> Thie Security Instrument will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary f�ils to bive any rec�uired notice of the rlght of _
<br /> rescission. --
<br /> � 5. PAYM1VaE�NTS.Trustor a�rees that all paymen4.s under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the __
<br /> terms of the Secured Dcbt and this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> 6. V�AItR,ANTY OF TITLE. Teustor warrants that Trustor is or will be lawfully seized Tcustee�in�uustnwi p�wer�of :�:;r=�
<br /> � � sa�le Tnu�r also w earrantn thae thehProperly ls anencumbec d,except for enr.�umb�ran��ce�s of xecord. .
<br /> � ,I ' ,.
<br /> ` �, pRip�i SE�UEtITy IIV'T�ILIESTS, With regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, securtty agaeement or other lien . ,;�
<br /> . 1 document that Grznted a pdor r}ecurlty interest or encumbrance on the Prop�rry.'Tniscor agrees: ,.
<br /> A
<br /> �i A.To make all payment�w Jien due an d to r form or co 1 w i t h a l l c o v e n a n t s. ' ''�f�
<br /> D.'I'o promptly deliver to i#eneficiary any notice�thas T�toi receives from the holder. �.'''�'q
<br /> ;:�'`t'(� : C.Not to allow any moditication or extension of, nor to request any future advances under any note or agreement --
<br /> ''•;i secured by the lien dosw.nent without Beneficiary's prior wntten wnsent. '..;�`'
<br /> ..'�,/,' ,. ,'�_
<br /> . i� 8. CLAIINS AGA�PIST TITL�. Trustor will pay nIl taxes,assessments,liens,enciunbrances,lease payments,ground rents, '
<br /> utilities,and other char�es relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may re�uire Trustor to provide to Beneficiary ::h ,,.:i:._�
<br /> ,ei;a
<br /> •.'i;�n, copies of all aotIces that such amounts aze due and the receipts e�idenciug Trustor s payment. Tcustor will defend tide to r,��
<br /> :'ri._;��."� tlie Property against eny clrfcans that would impair the lien of this Secunty Insuument. Trustor agrees to assi�n to a�
<br />__ ,___..,:,_�_,��L. nL;Liay��..�� z ,�a�i•�f�,v Eirne.ficiary;any Il�hts.claims or defenses Teustormay h�ve against parties who supply labor -,______
<br /> � � v ,� or maYeda�s to�tain or improve the Property. �_
<br /> ` ,� � � --
<br /> `''�'• 9. DUE ON SAQ.E OR ENCUIbIDRANCE.Beneficiary may. at its option. declan the entire balance of the Secured Debt to __
<br /> '`��" � be imrnediately due and payuble upon the creadon of. or contract fur the creation of. any lien. encsvnbrance, aansfer or _
<br /> ����i'l�ir:=;�;, ----
<br /> ::....:..... . sule agthe Property• '1Y�1s rl ht is subject to the restrlcrions imposecl by f�deral law(12 C.F.R. 59Il),as applicable.This _ _
<br /> +�.', r - coven�nt sbal] run wlth die�operty and shall remain in effect until the Secwed Debt is paid in full and ch�s Security — ____
<br /> -• ' � Insuu�oent is teleased. =
<br /> �' ALTE;RATIOIVS AIVD IIVSPEC'A'IQN.Tnuror will kee the Prope�rry in,good condition �- --
<br /> � . 10. pROPER'Y'Y CQ+I�ITION�
<br /> � and make all repurs that nre reasonabiy necessary. Trustor shall not commit or low any waste, unpairment, or
<br /> cic�eri�aration of the Propeny. Truetor will keep the Property free of noxious wc�eds and grasses. Trustor agrees that the
<br /> " � �aA�n�ie of the occupancy aurt use will not substantially change without Beneficiary s prior written consent. Trustor wlll not _
<br /> �F.r.�a•t any cdange in any lfcense,restrictive covenant or easement without BeneRciary's prior written consent. Trustor will --
<br /> nontp Beneficiaiy of all deinnnda. pn�ceedings. claims� and actions a�sinst Tmstor, and of any loss o�damage to the �,�
<br /> ' . Properry. _
<br /> �` Beneficiary or Beneficiary'u a�s�ents may,at Beneficiary s optlon,enter ths Property at any reasonabl�rime for the purpose �
<br /> of Ivspeccmg tLe Prope�rty. Heneficiary shall give Trustor notice at the time of or before an inspection speeifying a ___ _
<br /> reasonable pwrpose for the inspe�ction��s��e�on n of the Property shall be entirely for BeneHciary's benefit and - �_-
<br /> ec
<br /> " Trustor will in no way rely on SeneficI i •
<br /> Pc=-�^°::_
<br /> ' il. AUT`HORT('Y TO P�RL�ORM• If Trustor fails to perform any dury or any of the covenar:ts consained in this Seeurity --=r� _
<br /> • lnstrument,Be.neficiary,may. ��+Ithout aotice, pedorm or cause them to beperformed. Trustor a�ppoints 9�aeficfary as =_ ____
<br /> � attotney ln fact w aign Cn�stor s name or pay any amou�t necessary for p.,rfomnance• Heneficiary''s right toperfom►for _ _ _
<br /> - ' 'hvstor shall not create an obliguuon to rfoim. aad Aeneficiary's failure to perfomn will not preclude Bene�iciary from __-_
<br /> exercisin� any of 13eneficiury s other ri�under the law or this Security Insttument.If any coastrvction on¢he Property �':,,_
<br /> is discoatanued ar not cnrried on in a reasonable manner, Beneficiary may take all steps necessary to protect Renaficlary's �;�;;_.-.
<br /> �� security inieres�in the Propeccy,including campletion of the construction. `
<br /> ��"�
<br /> ' � 12. ASSIGNMEN f OT�.CASES AND REN'T3•Trnstor irrevocably grnnts, conveys and sells to Trustee. in trnst for the "`�.
<br /> . � benefit of Beneficiary, as udditional securiry �Il the right. title and interest in and to any and all existing or futuae leases, :���;�:
<br /> ' subleases. aud any othar written or verbal agre.cments for the use and occupancy of any portion of tl�e Property, ipcluding ,�.�;,,..__:,.
<br /> ` � any eateasions �eaewals, madifications or substitutions of such agreements(all nferred to as "Leases") and ren2s,issues �`...�p ;y.
<br /> and profits(al� referned to as "Reuts"). Trustor will proinptly provide Beneficiary with true and correct copies of all -•.,`.:r,
<br /> ! existing and fumre Lenscs.Trustor may wllect, receive,enjoy and use the Rents so lon�as Trustor is not in det�ault under , , .
<br /> ;.j the tern�s of thia 5ecuiity Instnunent.
<br /> � Tmstor ackno�vlecl�es tl�at this assignment is perfectec!upon the recording of this Deed of Trust and that Benefieiary is
<br /> � e�tit3ed to notify any of Trustor's tenants to make paynnent of Rents due or to beco�e due to Beaeficiary. Elowever, . ,
<br /> P3.neficiary a�rees thnt only on default will Beneficiary nodfy Trustor and Trustos's tenants and make deman�]that all
<br /> future Renu be paid direcdq to Beneficiary: Un receiving n�dce of default,Tnistor will endorse and deliver to Beneficiary ..
<br /> • . any payment of Rents in Trustor's possession and will receive any Rents in tnist for Beneficiary and will not commingle :
<br /> --.--.--- � the Rents �vith any oth�r funds. Any_nmounts collected will be aFpl�ed�s provided i rtho S�ctnt�Y�c��mainta n�and
<br /> _ � --•---1
<br /> � warcants tLnt no default extsts under[ne Leases or any appucau�c�m��..,...�....�..••�+^. .•W�'• —_ _o•--- -- -.- -
<br /> -_ —
<br /> � r�equire any tenant to comply�viW the ternis of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> 13. LCASEI�OLDS; CONDOMIMi1MS; PLANNEU MTIT DEVELOPN�N'i'S. Trustor agrees ro comply, with thc
<br /> ' provisions of any Ie:asc if d�is Security(nstniment is on a leasehold.If the Property includes a unit in a condor[unium or u
<br /> , planned.unit devclopment,Trustor wttl perform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants,by-laws,or regulations of th: �
<br /> condoi►uniwn or planned unit development. �
<br /> �
<br /> IpDpo 2 0/41 �
<br /> - ,. �1894 0mkcr�Srntcros.:nc..St.G�wa.�!N It 800397�23671 Fam HE OT�NE 9!1�N0 - I
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