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<br /> 1 B. All future advnnces from Beueficiary to Trustor or other future obligations of'Trusto to BerceCciary un cr nny -
<br /> . I promissory a�te, contract, suaranty, or other evidence of debt ezisting nuw or executed nfter this Deed of Trust , �� ;: �,
<br /> „ , i wltether o•r not thls Deed of Trust is spccificnlly referred to in the cvidence of debt.
<br /> C. All obligadons Trustor owes to Beneficiary, whlch n�w exist or may lucer arise, to the extent nnt prohibital by .�,
<br /> . law. including, but not limited to, liabilities for overdrAfts relaAng to any deposit account agrcement between ,
<br /> Trustor nnd Beneficiary. �
<br /> ��°� D. All additional sums advancecl and expeuses incun•ecl by IIeneficiary fAr insurin�,preservin�or atherwise protecting _
<br /> ti' th� Property und its value and any other sums advanced and expeases incarred Gy Beneficiary under the terms of - .. , -
<br /> t6is Dced of Trust, plus interest at the highest rute in effect, from time to eime, as provided in the Evidence of ��
<br /> ' Debt. • � '
<br /> E. Trustor's perforn�ance under the tem�s of any lnstrument evidencing a debt by Tnistor to Benet�iciary and any Deed ; _
<br /> ra zn �
<br /> of Teust securing,guartu►rying,or otherwise relating to the debt. . ,{ .
<br /> df iuore t�an one person signs this Dee�l of Trust as Trusror,each Trustor agrees that this Deed of 1'rust will secure all `�' �,
<br /> - �
<br /> . �:. .. .
<br /> funue advances and future obligations descdbed above that are given to or incuned by any one or more T�ustor, or uny • .;u4: �p
<br /> one or more Trustor and others.This De�d of Trust will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails, with respect to such ,._����,:;��-�:
<br /> other debt. to mafce any required disclosure about this Deed of Trust or if Beneficiary fails to glve nny required notice of
<br /> ,' �sr ; —
<br /> .''• the right�f resaission. �: "„�`:-'`-
<br /> r{; M�'�.,�+.
<br /> � . y:'�.,.._ _
<br /> '. S. FAYMLNTS.Trustor agrees to make all payments on the Socured Debt when due and in accordance with the tem�s of the ..: „ �
<br /> .,.
<br /> Evidcnce o�Debt or this Dced uf Trust. •"'�'�°�"'°--
<br /> ,•• Y�,�����.
<br /> :,!%�1 6, WqI�ItpN7'y OF 7'ITI.E.Trustor covenents that Trustor is lawfully seized of the estate wnveyed by this Dced of Trust .''•� -�..
<br /> and has the right to irrevocably grant,wnvey and sell to Trustee, in trust, with power of sa�e, the Property and warrauts ,+ ��_
<br /> that the Prc�perty is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of cecord. � '�.�`:a ?;�•-
<br /> ��.;`�°�l � -_�
<br /> � <:.;,� .,w,��:
<br /> - - 7. CLAIMS AGAIIVST Tff7fiLE.Trustor�vill pay a11 taxes,assessments, liens,enti�mbruncxs,lease pay�neats,ground rents. �.,�
<br /> �';, utUitles,and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may requi��e Trustor to provide ro Beneficiary %�,�':�.+
<br /> •''�. copies of•nll notices that such amounts ars due and the receipts evideaciag Trustor's payment. Tn�stor will defend utle to =�ur'�'� +�'�•��' •
<br /> the Property against any claims tbst would impair the lien of tbis Deed of Tivst. Tcustor agrces to atsign to Beneficiary,as :ti� ;�"�
<br /> �,,,f. mquested by Beneficiary, any rights� claims or defenses which Trustor rnuY have against parties who suppDy labor or ,
<br /> , , . . ._
<br /> - .-- ._.,.� materiala to impreve or maintain the Property. � .�"
<br /> 4�/ N . .
<br /> "� 8. PRIOR�CURITY IN'1'ERF.�CS• �3'ith regard to any other�ongage, deed of tr�st, security agreement or otber lien , ,;'i
<br /> . ���'�� ciceument that created a prior security interest or encumbrancc oa�the Property and that may have priorlty over this D�ed ; •.�;� ,:.,`�
<br /> of Trust,Trustor agrces: �"�i,;:;'�
<br /> A. To make alt payments when due and to perform or comply with all cover�auts. �•
<br /> �,�� B. To promptly delivet to Beaeficiary any notices that Tiustor receives &om the holder. , ' :;K�
<br /> i`�;.
<br /> � • C. Nnt to make or permit any mocl�fication or extension of,and not to requ�st or accept any future advances under any �. ';-
<br /> ��� note or agreement secured by,the other mortgage,deed of wst or security agreement unless Beneficiary consenta �.
<br /> ��,; in�vdting. . _
<br /> �•rr.;
<br /> `,° ` '�;, �9. DUE ON �ALE OR EiVCUMBRANCE.Beneficiary may, at its opdon,declare the enttre balance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> be imn�ediately due and payablo upon the creation of any lien,encumbrance,n•ansfer,or sale. or contract for any of these �?�"
<br /> '„ on the Property. However, if the Property includes Trustor's residence, ttils section shaU be subject to the resuictlons
<br /> � ,:�"ti�� icaposed by federal law(12 C.F.R. 591),as upplicable.For the purposesuf this section,the term"Property'also includes __
<br /> ,.,.,
<br />,,:��� � ti•j� any interest to all or any part of the Property.This wvenant shalfl Yun wi�h the Properry and shall rea�ain in effect uutil the �-
<br />-,:�•.�. . � °� Secured Debt is paid in fiall and this Dced of Trust is released. _ ----
<br /> ��'.,�'; °, ,n; 10.T1tANSF'ER OF AN�i iTEREbT IN T� GRANTOR. If Trustor is an entity other than a natural pPraon(sucli as a `
<br /> ,r �,as s .
<br /> • .�r wrporadon or other organization), Denefic:ary may demand ira�diate payment if(1) a beneflcial inrerest in Trusror is ��;�,I:,�,�.:
<br /> `� ' ;:f sold or uattsferred; (2) there is a change in either the identity or nurnber of inembers of a pazmership; ot(3)there is x �•a. ------°- -�-
<br /> _ ' � � change in ownership of more than 25 percent of the voting stock of a carporatioa. liowever, Beneficiary may not demaud `--__—
<br /> •r;>�1�.; �, payment jn ihe above situations if it is pmhibited by law as of the date of this Deed of Tnist. �:__
<br /> ;.,,:... • ��=.:_.
<br /> nri:.�_._...,o.�.
<br /> , �,;�,���.� 11.EN'ri7'K '�'VA�RRANTII:S AND REFRESENTATiONS. If Trustor ie an enuty other than a natural person(such as a ��-�
<br /> • ,.,�t cor�oration or oWer organization). Trustor makes ta Beneticiar3�the following warranties nnd representations wtuch sh�l �'�,,�-�.�--�--...-.--,-,-�.--.°'
<br /> .,ti � `•;'l•a'Y4i;:..� .c ��-(...:�.
<br /> be cc,ntlnuing as long as the Secured Debt remains outstanding: , +:i�V..:.;..,,,,,.:,;�>�;�
<br /> Y � � ���;;..:�:
<br /> ,: A. Trustor is an enuty which is duly organized and validl exisdn in the Trustor s state of inw rauon (or „ti.,.•,,s'?.� � ���
<br /> �•y organization). Trustor is in good standing in all states in wluch Trustor uansacts business.Ttustor has the power ;,`�"�''.:,7_��_:. .
<br /> and authorit,v to own the Propercy � pp `'��� �� �
<br /> and to carry on its business as now Uein conducted and, as a licable, is ,��t•� , w�•fi�
<br /> ,': qualified to do so in each staee in wluch Trustor operates. ';`�;;'� " ..`..'::��';`�'.
<br /> , ,.,.r�_j �,�;.,�.
<br /> ' B. Ttie execution, delivery and perfoimance of this Deed of Trust b Tmstor and the obli ation evidenced b the ��''"�'
<br /> y g Y �:--tiAti;::
<br />�� E�vidence of Debt are within the power of Trustor, have becn duly authorized, have received all necessary •
<br /> �;, govemmental approval,nnd will not violate any provision of law,or order of court or governrnental agency.
<br /> C. Other than discloaed in writing Trustor has not changed its name within the last ten yearr ancl has not usod any
<br /> • � other trade or fictitious name. Without Beneticlary's pri9r wriqeu consent, Trustor does not and will not use any
<br /> ' �',`� other naune and will preserve its existing name,uade names and francluses until the Secured Debt is satjsfied. � .,
<br /> � .�_ .i_r.. . ..a ......a:. u. �
<br /> --=� - - -. .. - — —'—�_..�. ... ,.. .----
<br />" 12.PROPERTY CONDTITON� ALTERATIUNJ APIU IIV�YGI:t tvt�.�rusivc wui Rw-y uic rivyc:aa� :�.s:..,�....�...._.:..^^.,
<br /> �5� and make all repairs chat are reasonably necessary. Tnistor will give Beneficiary prompt notice of any loss or damage to
<br /> � -- -
<br /> ' the f'roperty. Trustor wi11 keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses.Trustor will not initiate,join in or consent
<br /> to any change in any private restrictive wvenant, zoniug ordinauce or other public or private restriction limiting or
<br /> , definin�; the uses which may be made of the Property or any parc of the Pnoperty, without Beneficiary's prior wrltten
<br /> conseot. Trustor will notify Beneficiary of all demands. proceedings,claims, and actions against Trustor or any other
<br /> o�vner made under law or mgulation regarding use,ov�nership and occupancy of the Property.Trustor will comply with all
<br /> IegaD rec�uirements and restrictions,whethcr public or private, with respeet to We us�of the Property.Trustor also agrees � .
<br /> thnt the nature of the occupancy and use will not chonge without Beneficiary's prior written consent.
<br /> No partion of the Property�vill ba rcmoved,demoliched or materially altered without Beneficiary's prior�vritten consent
<br /> except that Trusror has che ri�ht to remove items of persor_al properey comprising a part of the Propeny that be�rome wora
<br /> � � . pago 2 016
<br /> ,C�9`3�6a��cnSvaccme.Inc.St Ctwa.MNit 800397�23at1 FurmnG�C00TNE 9�t�i96
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