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. --�Y • 'S'`•;iLi4, ...;: <br /> •itMMas� 7ti':.r.. - <br /> .._y. � <br /> ..+.t��. . .....__,.: --- , . .._ <br /> . ..._.. __ <br /> ._.._.��...r...w�wr�...�.....�..... . . . . . 4 ./ , _�, <br /> �� .. � .ti:Sti r _' <br /> __.t_�:, <br /> r I �°� �,�➢�i4tr / . _ <br /> i i tc or to f3E:nefislnry under eny �r <br /> B. AU futuec �sdvancca �rom P7enef�cinry to Tructor or othcr futurc obli�;ntionr ot"15� <br /> � � prumiscary+ note. conYa'act. �uNanty, nr oti�er evid�nee of Aebt exlstinr naw�r exc;cuted nRer A�ie Du.d of Tn►st ; <br /> � � whcther ur nai tliie Dced of Trust io speci�calEy referrcd to In the evidence of d�zbt. � " - <br /> i G, Ait abliQntions Tructor a�ves to i3�:neficinry, which now exist or mny Inter arino, ta tl�e extent not proliiUited by . ' _ <br /> � law, includlnp, �ut nat 1lmlted to, linbilitics for ovcrdrnfts relndn� lo nny �Jcponit nccount n�rccment bettiveen � - <br /> I Trusior nnd Bcneficl�uy, � <br /> p, /�tl•�dditinnnl�urns ndvnnccd and eupenscs irtcuned by Ficneficinry for innurin�,prescrvin(�or otlicrwice protectlnB <br /> Utp property �nd Ite valucs t�nd nny adier sums edvaneed nnd expensea incura:d by ne��eficiary under the terms of .. <br /> ' titia DecYl of Tr�s6 pluo intcrest ut thc highest rnte in effect, from tlmc to time, aa nmvided in tlic Bvtdeace of � <br /> - DcUt. � . <br /> - E. Tructor's perform�nce undcr the terms of nny instrurnenc evidencind�debt by'Pruotor to�encficiary and any A <br /> of Tcaot securina,gunrantylnB,or othGnvise nlatln�to the debt. , _ <br /> it motr�tlinn ono person si�ne thia Deed of Trust as Tcusror, euch Trustor aQrr.cq thnt d�la Deed of Trust will secure nll � . <br /> future ndvnnces nnd futurc oblibatlons described above thnt F+rc given to or incurrcd by nny onc or more Trustor, or any �•'r <br /> ona or more Trustor and othets. Thto DePd of Tnist will not secum any od�er detft if 13eneficiary fails,wldi respect to sach ��� '•i�:.•Y,�����"•- <br /> nthnr dt�bt, to mnlce any required dicclosure ahout this Deed of Trust or if Benefir.lFUy f�ile to Bive any required natice of ',�== <br /> . IW.. <br /> tho reatti af resciaEion. :;���;;��='= <br /> � ...�,r-., <br /> � 5. PAYIV�NTS.Trustor a�rees to mnlce�11 payments on the Secured Debt�vlien duo nnd in accordance with the terms of tlie . �.,'��;.__ <br /> � j Evidencr uf Debt or this Dc:d of Tiust. _ __ <br /> �,, yrr��tIItA,N'T�f OI'TITLE. Tni�tor covennnts that Trustor is lativtWly seized of die c:stat�:coaveyed by this Deed of Tru,t =_-� <br /> a u d l i n�t hc ri�ht to irrevocably Qcant�convey and sell to Tnistce, in uvst, wiQ� power of srile,tUe Property and wnrrantc �:.-%�F <br /> i thnt tha Fmperty io uaennumUered,except for encumbrances of reco r d. �';;�;;:::,�;, <br /> ' .t � q. CUAIIl�,6 AC,a►Il�iai'TfPI,�,'I'cuator will pny all taxes. assessmenta, lieas,enewnbs�wces,lease payments.grouud rer�ts. �. a � � <br /> ,y�" .� I util[tias, and atber chargcs mlating to the Property when due. Beneficltuy may rcquire Tcvstor to provide to Beneficiary �. �� <br /> �'r�:.:'`�! . capir.s of all notices thatsisch amounts are due aad die reccipts evidencinB Tniator'� payment.Trustor will defend ude to .._i .r4�,• <br /> � � ''�;. tha Ftoperty aguinst any cl�in�s that would in�.air the lien of this Deed of Tivst. Tiuetor agrees to assign to Bene�CCiury,as . A.� <br /> .`• � requasted by @eneficiary, any righte, cl�irns or defenses which Tn�swr may hsve aBuinst parties who supply It�bor or '� : <br /> �„ � � mntorialo to unpTnve or mAintain the Pc�operty. f <br /> e <br /> - �-� , 8. I�RYO�B SF�C[Jiti'i'1l y1VTERES'1'C. With regard to any other mort�age, deed ot'truet. secunty agreemem or viuc�i�� ,, <br /> , '���',� .' dcxument thnt cneated aprioa security interest or encuinbrance on the Prope�ty and that may have priority over tIiia Bc�d '�,� <br /> Y <br /> . '?,'.,.,:� ' of Tmst.Truetor agcees: . �5 �, <br /> ' , ;: A. Tm mtil:e all naymecnts when duc and to perform or comply with all covenants• ;�u;, a ,.� <br /> • � � I3. To promptly d�:liver to Bcneficiary any notices that Trustor mceives from tl�e uolder. � <br /> ! C. Nut to mnke or peru�it any madifiratinn or extension of,and not to requcst ox uccept uny future advnnna�s tu�.der anY i ` <br /> ;;,, n o t e o r a g e zcneut secuzed b y,tlie other mortgage,deed of tn�st or sccurlty aQreemeat unless Beneftciary canseat� : ,, <br /> '' in wdting. '` �.," <br /> •� ����'� ': _ <br /> -�` 9. LDiJC ON SA�LE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Beneficiary may,at its option,declane thc entize Ualance of ehe Sc�3�*��u".I�ebt ur ���__ <br /> �� 6e imwedintely dua and paynble upan tue creation of any lien,encumbrance,t�nfer,or enle,or contrnct for amy of tue:,e ___ ; <br />- �; on tha Fc�operty. However, if the Peoperty includes Trustor's reside�ce, thls secaon auall be subject to the resuictiaa� _ _r,.�- <br /> imposed by federal Iaw(12 C.F.R. 591).as applicable. For the purposes of tlifa section,tlie term"Property"ulso incitui�s - <br /> auy interest to�11 or any pnct of the Propecty. 'I1iis wvenant shall run with tlie Property and shall re�ain in e�ec:until v7ie --: <br /> 3c:cund Debt is p�id in fitll and this Deed of Trust is released. r <br /> �`�. <br /> i��Tg,�1Iys�'Eg mF AN QJ'TERESC IN� GRANTOR. If Tnistor ia w entity otl�er Wen a nFteu�l person (sucI�as a =__ — <br /> 11 interest in'YYustor w - <br /> ' coiporatton or other organizatfon). Bene€iciary cnsiy deivand immediute payment if(1) a Uene�'ic�i. _ _ <br />- . � �� ' �s.�,. <br /> s��d ar uansfcrrc;d;(2)there is u chan�e in cither il�c ident[ry or numbcr of ineaabers of a partnership; or(3) tliere is,a �-�,�t..__ �_.z,_ <br /> �a,,.�:.. <br /> - chtuiBa in o�wership of more than 25 percent of the va2ing stock of a ooiporation. Iiowcver,E3eneficiory may noi deman�� ;�,r,-,,., <br />__= � • pnyment ia the above situations if it is pmhibited by law as of the datc of thie Dec�i of Tnist. [�,_^'�; <br /> �3� <br /> ` ^ ; 11.ENPTTY Vd'.�i1EtRANT�S AN� REPR�ENTA7TONS. lf Tiustor is an entiry other dian a natural Person (such as n ���=�_ <br /> - `,��,_�,� � coi�ai�atfan or other organizatiou). Trustor ms�kes to Beneficiary the follo�vin�wnncanties and representstions which sl�atl �� .-T � <br /> mk - <br />= ''�;;:� :: Ue cantinuing as long ns the Seciu�ed Debt mmains outstanding: `'-•:4= t�;�::•• T�'•,•�`-. <br /> ` � p, Tmator is an entkty which is duly organiz�ed and validly existin� in �Ate Trustor's state of inrarparatlou (ar ::w,�:.:;<.y Y;�c;- <br /> - °,t ar�tuuzauan). Trustor ia in gaod standing in al�states in which Trustor u�nsacts Uusiness. Trustor�ias the pow�r ,_,�.':;;=,;��.«< __ <br /> � i� ; nnd authority to own tUe Fropem.+ and to cury on its business as now being canductect and, as applicaUle, �s ,��• -•�:�'-:��••� <br /> N�.�.. :.: ;. <br /> qunl[fced to do so in each statc in�vhich Trustor operates. � '���"�� •��" Y"'�'.` <br /> - B. The execution,delivery and perforniance of t�is Deed of Tcust by 1`ivstmr and the obIigation evidenced by tlte ,`�;,�,, ° . <br /> � I F.vfdence of Debt are within the power of '�'rustor. have been duly nca�Iioiized. have received 111 necessary `,,;;,,�";�.' . <br /> _ i 1 governmentnl approval,aud will not violaYe any provision of luw, or order of wurt or governmental agency. , <br /> C. Other t�t►n disdosed in�vritinS Tnistor has not changed its name�viWin tlie last ten years and has not used any <br /> ' other uade ar fictldous name. Wishout Beneficiary's prior�vritten consent. Tn�stor does not and will not use any <br /> - � other name aud�vell prescrve its existing name.uade ntuncs und fcanchisa until tlie Secmr,cl Debt is satisficd. � , <br /> ' I �� <br /> _--_l ... ..�s�nnnmat�+ANIIIiTi(1N ei.��wTte�NS AND IIVSPECTION. Tn�stor will kcep tlie Froperty in goad condition <br /> _...----�-.._..__—_. ts.rnvana.a. ......�.•��... .. <br /> + '_'----� - -� -- -- <br /> and mnke�ll neps�c�tUut ane ceasonably nc�ecessary,Tnutor will give Dene�ciwy prompt notice of any loss or atu�w�e co <br /> ,, the Prope�ay.Truator�vill keep the Property free of noxious weecls and grass�;s.'l�usror�vill aot initiatc,join in or consent , <br /> ' to any chnuge in uny privute msuictive covenant, zoning ordinance or other public or pii�ate t+estriction limiting or <br /> � defining che u�es�vhich may be made of the Property or any part of thc Property, �viQiout Iicneficiary's prior wxitten <br /> - conaent. Tnistor will notify Beaeficiary of all demands, praci.�edings, clnims, sud acdon� n��inst 7'rustar or wy other <br /> - � owner made under la�v ar��ula:ion m�az�ding use,o�nniership and occup�ney of U�u Property.T�ustor will comply�vith all . <br /> legal requit�ennentc and�+emictionc,whether public or private, �vidi resrect tn d�e use of tlie Property. Trustoc also�grees <br /> � that the uatuce of the occupancy and use wili not change without BeneTiciary's prior written cunsent. �� <br /> No portion of che Property will be c�movcd,deniolished or materinlly altcrccl�vithout Dencficiary's prior�vritten uonsent � . <br /> eacept that Tnistor has the right to remove items of personul property comprisin�;u pnrt of tl�e Prop�rty that beconie worn , <br /> � <br /> ,•1 pepn 2 0!6 . <br /> � �% _ <br /> - p t 993 Benkcro SKtomt.lnc.A CIaiC.�•800 397 23411 Porm AG!CO OT NE 9�1 Ji90 , <br /> . i <br /> { .. _ .. �__�..--"... - .. <br />