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' _ _ " - �.� �' ( C � -C � „ <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> � R��tEE�S DFID � <br /> KNCFr7 ALL MT'N B`� THESE PRF'S�NTS: <br /> That, �dhereas, in an action of partition pending in the �istri.ct �ovrt cf Hall <br /> County, Nebraska' wherein Fred W. Vogel, and Frieda Uogel, his wife, were plair.tiffs� <br /> and John 31nme, and Irene Blume, his wife, �ertha Ottemoeller, At•, rsta r���T�!oth� <br /> ;. ��erle rSeDerr�ott, Gvardian of Au��usta Niamoth, an Incompetent, �iarie Vcgel, Jerry <br /> John r'iemoth, a.nd Carl ?'?iemoth, father and next of friend of Jerr�r John Niemoth� a <br /> �inor, were defendants, be�ng Case �10. 13831, for the partiticn of tne premises here- <br /> inafter described, lhe vndersigned Referee, annointed bv �aid C��rt. to !^ake parti- <br /> tion of said real estate, made report in writing, d�,ly si�ned, setti*:� forth that <br /> partition of said lands co��ld not be made witho»t great pr�judice to the own�rs there- <br /> of� which report was dvly examired by said �o»rt, and said �onrt be�n� satisfied <br /> ther?with confirmsd t,he sam°, and there»non made an order and ca»sed the sarne to be <br /> entered, directinF: me as said R�feree to sell. said premises on the folloc�:i�p terms <br /> at n,�blic sale as npon execntion at the r?orth Fror.t Door of the Co�•nt�; Cn��rt �?o»�e <br /> in the Citp of Grand Island, Hall C�,nty, �Tebr�ska, th2 terms of salP � ei*:� 20d <br /> cash and the balance t�pon confirmation. <br /> "»sst�ant to said order, I ca��sed a no;ice to re onolished in The Grand Is).and <br /> }ai7_y Tnderen�ent, a legal newspaper printed and in general circnl_ati_on in 'r'all <br /> Colmtz%, Nebraska9 that I world so offer said land for sa.le at ?_:C?0 o'clock p.m. on <br /> Mav l�, 1959, and after such notice had bsen pttblishrd for r�ore than 30 da,yss T <br /> offered said lands, to-wit: <br /> A certa?n part ef the i'�orth Ten (10) acres nf the ���:st ��alf of the _"�orth- <br /> west Quarter (UTZNG�rl) of ti•ection Ten (10), `t'ozanship ��even (11) 1��orth, <br /> Ran�e Nine (9), '�Test of the 6th °.rT., in �all �ount.y� I�ebraska� more <br /> particnlarly described as folloi�s: Be�innir.g at a point on the ??orth line <br /> of "TOrth 10 acres o£ the �rlest �alf �F the ?'orth�aest �larter (G�l`�rT-`) of <br /> s��.d Section 10� tahich Doirt is 26l;.0 f�et '�'est of the �TOrt,heast corner <br /> of the North 10 acres of the �f�est Ha.lf of th� ?vorthwest Gi?a~ter (Yi�:J4) <br /> of said �ection 10; ri�rLnir_F thence �o��th and �arallel to the ��st li_ne <br /> of tke �?or-th 10 acres ef the i:�st half of the i�orthw�st ���arter (4??tiW') <br /> of s�id cection 10, 331.0 feet; rvnn�r.g th�nce :•:est ard parallel to the <br /> I�ortY; l��e of the iJorth 10 acres of thE i�est Half of the NorthFrest �+�arter <br /> (?^T1rT;�:�), of said Gection 10� 132.0 feet� r��nning +hence Vorth and parallel <br /> to the Fast line of the North 10 acres of the ��'est Fialf of the Northt•r�st <br /> �varter (?�:�1Dn�J��} of Secticn 10� 331.0 fpPt,to a roint on the P1�rth <br /> line of the i�orth 10 acres of ?�iest Ea1f o� th� �iorthwest`�i�ar.ter (?•T�?�'';`-) <br /> of said Section 10; rnnnin� thaice Nast alorg and »non the ^?orth line of <br /> the North 10 acres of the ��'�st '�alf' of the Nortin:Pst R»arter (?�:���:�4) of <br /> said Section 1(ls 132.0 f��t, to the poir.t of be�inn�ng� Gubject to one- <br /> half of the �ount.y ��oad to the i�iorth of sa�.d prems�es, witl, t,he 1.95�3 and <br /> all prior real estate taxes naid: <br /> for sal� at n�•blic ai�ction, which sale was had on Piatr 1[, 19;9, as so ordered and ad- <br /> vert�_Ged and at which time said sale tiras conclixied� ard 1 sold t.h� a'�ove described <br /> nrenises to Gler_n �. °hrir_er and Nelen Shriner, a� „oint tenznts �nd not as tenant: <br /> in common, the,y be�_ng the '��i�:�est bidGers tnerefor. On the ;ZZ'= day of 'tay, 1959; <br /> said Covrt aoproved and cor_firmed sa�d sale and h�r order enter�irected ^�e as �aid <br /> Referee to exect�te and deliver to said rrrchasers a !T.eferee's r�eed corve•;:in� said <br /> premises to them as Joint Tenants and in f�e simple ab.selnte. <br /> ?�?o��,�fore� I� Joseph l). �lartin� ��feree, in consideratior of tn� premises <br /> a.nd the s»m of r3,3oo.00 so bid and paid by the said Glenn -?•. Ghriner anc? u?len <br /> Shriner, as Joint T�n�nts a.r.d not as Tenants ?n Common, and b-- virt,�e of t�!e powers <br /> vested i.n me b,y, and the order of the Di�trict �o»rt of Nall Covnt,y, Nebraska <br /> in said partition s»it proceedin�s, do by these presents grarrt5 sell and convey <br /> nnto th� said Glenn �. �hriner and Nelen Shriner, as Joint Tenants and not as <br /> ��'ena.nts in Commons and to their assigns, and t.o the heixs and assi�ns of the s»r- <br /> vivor as between said Frantees, the real estate described as follows: <br /> A certain part of the North Ten (10) acres of the '.•iest Half of the ?�TOrth- <br /> west Qvarter (Tr11DPfT�;) of Section Ten (10), Township ��leven (11) �dorth, <br /> Ran�e �Tine �9)� '.•I'st of the 6th F.�s.� in Hall Connt,y� ATebraska� more <br /> partic�•larly described as follows: - �eginning at a point on the r?orth <br /> line of TTorth 10 acres of the :ti'est Nalf of the '�'orthwest dvarter (`�Jl�l?�T�) <br /> of said Section 10� w��ich point is 2b1�.0 feet :+est of the ?'�ortheast corner <br /> of th� TTOrth ZO acres of the 'riest Half o�' the 'Vorthwest ��arter (W-1.,N�.�) <br /> of said Section 10; rvnnin� th�nce �onth and parallel to the ?ast l;.ne <br /> of the r�orth 10 acres of the ��st Half cf the '�ortYrwest �iarter (�:r��,",.°'.) <br />