_ , '.:r;'; ..�. +�crr;.- e ' . �-a.
<br /> .� 4'' ')1,��� ' ��l ��',t�' t-.
<br /> . , 6 —
<br /> . . .. . .. , , . ' `�2. � . . � .
<br /> r,�
<br /> � ; �7� �QD2��Ei . --
<br /> ' i D. All futuxe ndvances from Beneficiary w Trustor or olher future obligations of Trustor tu Bcneficinry under any _
<br /> ' �romissflry note, contract, guarnnty. or other cvidenc:e of debt existln� now or executed nfter this Beed of Trust ��
<br /> ; wiicdier or not thls Ueed of Trust is speclficelly refened to in the evidence of debt. _
<br /> C. All obllgationc Trustnr owes to Bensficituy, which now �xist cr mny Inter arise, to the e;ctent not �rohibited by
<br /> � luw, iacluding, but not Iimlted to, Uabilittes for overdrafta reluting to any ucposit nccc�unt ngreement betwc�n
<br /> � Tni�tor nnd Beneficlnry. _
<br /> U, All ndduioncd suti�v adviuice�l ay►d exususss incurre;d by I�eneficl�ry for insurin„ preservinQ or otl�envise prutectin� .
<br /> ' ' Uie Praperty �r�d ite value and any ather sums ndvnnacd nnd expcnses incurred by Heneftclary under the teems of „
<br /> tl�ln �1c�tc1 of Trust, plus intetest nt tlie hlghest rnte in effect, from dme to time, as provided in ihe �vtdence of
<br /> ' Dc:bt. .
<br /> � L. Tniutor's performnnce under the terms of nny instrument evidenctng n debt by Trustor to Beneficinry nnd nny Deecl -
<br /> I of Tn�sc sccurine, gu:vnntying, or othenvise relnting to the debt.
<br /> If more tlian one person slgps Wis Deed of Trust as Trustor, each'1'nistor agrees that this Dce�l of Trust will secure aU
<br />. litture advances and future obligations descrlbed above that ure given to or incuned by any one or mom Trusror, or any
<br /> n
<br /> one or more Trustor and others. 'Il►is Dced of Trust will not secure any other debt if Beaeflciary fails,with respect to such
<br /> odter debt,to make any requlred disclosure abaut this Dced of Tn�st or if Beneficiary fails to give any required nodce of •°�`�t��==�
<br /> • ""+�'.�:F:- .
<br /> ' tlic d�t of rescission. � �----
<br /> � �'.y_-_`- ...
<br /> g, �R,yIVd�P1'd'�.Trustar a�rees to make all payments on the Secured Debt when due and in accordance with thc terms of the -
<br /> � L�vidence of Debt or this Deed of Trust. �,' ��.-�
<br /> ���_�-
<br /> � G, F�yAIdL�A1N7f'Y UF TI'I'LE.Trustor covenants that Trustor is lawfully seized of th�estate conveyed by this Deecl of Trust t,'�.:�`-�F�
<br /> � and�as che d�ht to irrevocably grant. convey and seU to Trustee,in uust,with power of sale, the Froperty and v�arrants '' `r"'�`�.
<br /> � tliat tl�e PraFerty is usencumbered,except fur encumbrances of record. � �,
<br /> �. �
<br /> ,'�; -
<br /> ' 7. CbAIIE��AGAII�iSf TITLE.Trusror will pay all taxes,assessments,liens,encumbrances,lease payments,ground rent�,
<br /> �, i utilides, sud other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may require 7Yustor to provide to Beneficlary �
<br /> • ; copies of atl notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Tnastor's paymant. Trustor will defend,title to
<br /> � tlie Prol�erty ngainst any claims that would iu►pair the lien of this Deed of'nust.Trustor agrees to assign to Beneficiary,ns , r
<br /> — I r�c{uested by Heneficiary, any rights. claims or defenses which Truator may have against parties wuo supply labor or , #.
<br /> 1 materialo to lmpmve or mai�ttain the Property. ;,.,. , ��,
<br /> - - — - ;�, „
<br /> �. �JEtIOR aECYJRITY IN'PEFESTS• With regard to anY other raortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien ';.,.;.;,.:,�,
<br /> � documeut thnt created a prlor security interest or encumbrance on tbe Property and that may have priority�ver this Deed �. �;.t: ;
<br /> of TrusY,Trustor asrees: �'���, '''' -�
<br /> ' A. Ta�:make all paymenta when duP end to perform or comply with all covenants. ,�,. ��p},; ,�'�
<br /> i' B. 7'o promptly deliver to Seneficiary any notices that Trustor receives fro�the holdar. •?!� ;�
<br /> • '„ ,�� ,
<br /> „ C. N a t t o m a k e o r p em�it an y modificatioa or extension of, and not to reyuest or accept any future advances under eny , �
<br /> "' note or agmement secured by, the other mortgage,deed of trost or seciu'iry agreement unless Beneficiary consents
<br /> .. iu evtlting. �;
<br /> 9, �UE�1V SAL�OR ENCiJMBRANCE. Ben�ficiary may,at its option, declare tlie endre balance of the Secured Debt to ���_;
<br /> �`,-�
<br /> ' +� � be immei�aately due and payable upaA the creatlon of any lien, encurabrance, uansfer. or sale,or conuact for any of these ��---
<br /> � � on tlie �roperty. However, if the Praperty includes Trustor's residence,this seCtlon shall L�e subjeCt t4 the cesiriCtlOAS ,t;;r;...___'�-''��
<br /> � l�posed by federnllAw(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. For the pu:poses of this sectlon,the terni"Property"a16o includes ',';.;,�xr,,
<br /> • • , any inces�°st to al!or any part of the Property. 'I'his covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect unul thE �#r�w,,;__ _
<br /> �" Secumcl�ebt is paid in full and this Deed of Trust is released. ��-Y�-.-�W...
<br /> . � t:;-��- -
<br /> � 10.'TL�#N�ER UF AN IN1'ERES7'IN Tl�; GRANTUR. If Tnistor is an endty other than a natural persoa(such as a '?_�r__._
<br /> , ,�, � cornorau�on or other organiza►ion), BeneSciary may demand immedlate paytnent if(1)a beneficial interest in Trustor is �Y�y��
<br /> ' sold or unnaferred; (2) there is a change in either the identity or numbsr of inembers of a partnersbip; ar(3) there is a ;+��
<br /> � chanbc i+n ownership of more than 25 percent of the voting stock of a corporntion. However, Beneficiary may not demand .��""_
<br /> " f +.� payment in the above sltuations if it is prohibited by law as of the date of this I?eed of Trust. �----�------
<br /> t i '��, . :a
<br /> 11.ENTIl�Y'WAYtRAN'i'IFS A1�ID 1tEPRESENTATIONS. If Trustor is an endty other than a naturnl person (such as a ;:h;�,�; ,� '''
<br /> ' ( corpoi-�t��on or other organization),Trustor makes to Beneficiary the following wananties and representations which shall `;;;,_;`��';;ri;����
<br /> ;� Ue wnri�uing as long as t hc S e c u r e s t De bt re m a i ns ou t s t a n d i n g: ' `���',"'"�'';
<br /> '' A. �rustor is an entity which is duly organized and validly existing in che Trustor's state of inco:paration (or
<br /> , crganizution).Trustor is in gcwd standing in all states in which Tcusto:transacts business. Trastor has the power . .
<br /> � � '.j �nd authority to own the Property and to carry on its business as now being conducted and, as applicable, is �.
<br /> ����:. �,� Gualified to do so in each state in which Trustor operates.
<br /> �, , j Ii. ''ftte execution, delivery end perFormance of this Dc�ed of Tn�st by Tcustor and the obli�ation evidenced by the
<br /> � �vidence of DeUt are w[thin the power of Trustor, have been duly authorized, have received all necessary
<br /> ; � govemmeatal appmval,and will not violate any provision of law,or order of court or govemmental agency. „
<br /> ,,:. C. Other then d�sclosed in wdting Tniszor has not changed its name within the last ten years and has not used�ny
<br /> other trnde or fictitious name.Without Beneficiary's prior written consent,Trustor does not and will not nse any
<br /> % i other name and will pr�serve its eaisting name,trade names and franchises until the Secured Debt is satisfiad. • .
<br /> . • �- . '—'__ "' __'_��'.. .�.�. �........a.....z��.i �_�__ .1f b�.. •1.� D.....e.�.. :.. .......1 .v.wlltinn
<br /> ---- .. —-1 12.PR�P�RTY CONDITI(JN� AL'1'L'IN!IVPI�AtrL r.c�orc�.a av,.. ,�uow� �:.. ....r ••_•. ••••r�••� ••• e�^^� -��-.»-- - ' _
<br /> , � and make all repairs that are reasonably necess;ny. Trustor will give Beneficinry pmmpt notfce of any loss or damage to
<br /> thc Property.Trustor will keep thc Property frec of noxious weeds and�rasses.Trustor will not initiutc,join in or consent
<br /> i to Eny change in any private resuictive covenant, zonin� ordlnance or other public oe private restriction limiting or
<br /> i defining the uses �vl►ich may be made of the Property or nny part of the Propeny, without Reneficiary's prior written
<br /> wnsent. Trustor will n�tify Beneficiary of all demands, pro�cedings, clainu, and actlons against Trustar or any other
<br />- ! o�vner mnde under law or regulation reg�u�ding use,ownership and occupancy of the Property.Tcustor will comply�vith all
<br /> Ie�sal requircments and restrictioas, whether puUlic or private,with respect to che use of thc Property. Trustor also agrces
<br /> � dtat the nature of die occupancy and use will not change without Beneficiary's pdor written coitsent.
<br /> - i
<br /> _ R!o portion of the Property will be removed, demolished or materially altered wit�out Beneficiary's prior written consent
<br /> , i:xcept that Trustor i�us the ri�ht to remove items of personal property comprising a part of the Property that become wom
<br /> pago 1 of 6
<br /> � - . ♦ ;p t993 Oankcrt Svstcm�,�nt.St Clpq.A1N 11�BOO�J91 234t1 Form AG�CO�DT NE 9/13N0
<br />