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<br /> � Unless otherwise agreecl in writi�n�,all insuranee procceds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to =
<br /> the Securcd Debt, whether or not then dae, at Beneficiary's option. Any applicatl�n of proce�ds to pdncip�] ahall not
<br /> extead or postpone the due date of the scheduled paymens nor change Qie amount of any payment,Any excess will be paid _
<br /> to the Grnntar. If the Progerty is acquieecl by Henef�ciary,Trustor's right to any insurance licies and raceeds resuiting
<br /> n
<br /> from damage to the Propeny before t�iP acquisltion sl�all pass to Beneficiary to the extent o�he Secured�ebt immediately _
<br /> before We acquisition.
<br /> , � : 20. ESC�RO W�to Benlefic a�fuad�s fo� r�esCand insu�ran.�ce in es�roPvrovided in a separate agreement,Trustor will not Ue '
<br /> , ... .:F ecl P Y efi �' �
<br /> � '` �<f 21.FINANCIAL RGPORTS AND ADDI7('IIONAI.��TMENTS• Trustor will rovide to Beneflr.iury upon request, any �
<br /> ,.;,
<br /> financial atate�nt oz lnfornwtion Ben�ficiury ra�ay,deem reasonably necessary. rusror agrees to si�n,deliver,and file aa�+ .
<br /> additional¢�c�c�anents or certific��tians tksr.�anefieiary ma�consider necessary to perfect. c;ontinuo, and preserve Grnntor e ..
<br /> obNgations under this Security instru�ar.at And Beneficiary s lien status on the Property. . _:;�
<br /> •.iti•'...
<br /> this Security Insaument are}oint and indiv�duax.If Trustor signs this Security Instrument but docs not si n un evidence of �- � ;�� •"�z"Y"`"`-'-�
<br /> :�:_��-
<br /> debt, Trustor does so only to mortgage Trustor's inrerest in the Property to secure payment of the ecueed Debt nnd ��'i; -
<br /> Trustor does not Agree to be personally iiable on the Secured Dabt. If this becurity Instniment sec�r�s t+guc+ranly betwecn
<br /> Beneficiary nnd Trustor,Trustor a rees to wnive cury d te that muy prevent Ben�iiciary fPOm bringing nny uctian ar claim ::,�2�-
<br /> asainst Trufltor or any party in�ebted under the ob�atlon. Ttiese rig�ta may includc, but nrc not limitcd to, any ���=:_�
<br /> ant�•deficioncy or one-aceion lawa. Trusror ngrees thet�neficiary and ctny party ro thie Securlty Instrument may exteixd, -:
<br /> � � �mxllfy or make any cliange in tha tern�s of thie Sec,vrit�+Instrunient or eny evidenee of debt without Trustor's cansent. �;':.;�"
<br /> � Such a cliange will not release Trust�or from the tet�ms oY thie Securlty{astrument.Tiie dutiey and bencilts oi Q�Is Secur�4y ,- -
<br /> Inscrurnent shall bind and benefit tL+e successors andassi�ns of Trustor and I3eneflclal. . �
<br /> - � h::����
<br /> � . 23. APPLICABLE LAW SEV�RAmYY.I7'Y;INTEItPRETATION.'Ihie Secui�lty lustrument is governed by,tlt�Inwe of t�c � �._-
<br /> �„ urIaclictlon in which�eaei5ci is located,ea ¢ to the extent othecwise requlmd b� ythe luwe of tl�e jurir,�ir.tion where �
<br /> � � , �tha Pn,perty is locuted. 'Ibie S�uriry Insuun�entls c�rnplete and fully integrated. 'llils Securiry Insuument may nct be -,'���_���__ -
<br /> a�wnded or modified by oral a�reement.Aay sectIon in this Security Instrument attachments. or any,nsrcement related to i ,r,
<br /> � the Secured Debt that wnflicts with applicable law will not be effective,unle.ss t�at law e�cpressly or implieclly permits the _:.t���
<br /> variations by written ngreement. If axey secdon of thie Secudt Instrument cannot be enforced according to its terms, that ��•��--
<br /> �. sectlon will be severed and will not affect the enfor�eability o�tbe remninder of thls Securlty Instrument.Whenever used� < . .
<br /> the singular shall include the plurul and the plural the singular. The captianc nnd headings of the secttons of this Securlry ` ••r r
<br /> � Insuum..nt are for convenicnce only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms af thie Security Instrument. . � __
<br /> Time is of the essence in clnis Secutlty Instnunent. ' �"
<br /> �. _��
<br /> a:..:'_n.. .. 1 t �PSr�nVP 1CfPP A ( `
<br /> ; Z4. 5iU(:Cl:�llH'l�HIJA'iC,l�''.. �encilP.e�ary, xi BcLeua;im n�pii:,II, .,..y frc:ii S.sz:'.0 SLT.` ...�..._ TP.__ �Il i annnint n ,
<br /> �• successor tnistee without any other formality than the�esignation im wrltln�. 'Ihe successor trdiatee without convey`ance of �
<br /> ' :� the Property, shall succeec�to ali the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee by th�ie S�ecurity Instnuuent and c;,,.,,,.'
<br /> licable law. �.�.`,.
<br /> � , aPP °;k�':;;,-
<br /> 25. NO'PICE.Unless othenvise requdred by law,anny notice shall be given by deliverin�it or by malling ls by first cluss mail
<br /> �,s ;;:,.-
<br /> � to the apprnpriate pArty's address oa page 1 of this Security Insmiment,or to any other address designated Ut writing.
<br />_ " ?� Ivotioe to one uvctor will be deeiued¢o be notice to all trustors. ;•;,
<br /> d
<br /> i 26. WAIVERS. Except to thxe extent prohibited by 1aw, Trustor waives all appriisement and homestetid exemption righte -� �
<br /> rclatlug to thc Property. : '
<br /> ';�r�,,.�.
<br /> 27. Ori'HCR'I'ERMS.If checked,the fo�lowing are applicable to this Securlty Instn�ment:
<br /> �Line of CredfE.The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the S�cured Debt may be --"''�,
<br />_ � ' �t' roduced to a zero balonee,this Security Instrumeat will remain in effect until released. _- - - -
<br /> -- :s. �
<br /> ,;. , ° ,_ $�Construction I.ua�.Thi�Security Instrument secures an obllgation incurred for the consuuetion of an unprovemeat �___ ___
<br />- " , � ",.�; on thc Property.
<br />; �' '` � Flxture Filing.Truator grants to Beneficiary a securIry interest in all goods that Grantor owne aow or in the future
<br /> ; ti l;�_ and that are or will bcxome �iatures related to the Property. 'Ihis Securlty Iastrument aufficr.s as A financ�ng �=����-•
<br /> • statemnt and any carbon.photographtc or other mproduction may be filed of record for purposes of Article 4 of the �.���„?—=T��
<br /> . Uniform Comme�ial Cade. ""°'-�•--
<br />= ' � Rtdere.The covenante and agreements of e�ch of the rlders checked below ue incorporated into and supplement aad ,_'�:��`=�
<br /> ...
<br /> -y� ° � .`}4;�:' am�nd the terms of tUia Security Insuument. I�heck all agplicable boxes] ��.�.�--------�•_ -�-
<br /> _ . =_=—_ ,
<br /> . ,:..
<br /> jf::, ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ ]PlAnned Unit Development Rider ❑Other..................,............................... .;�ts�::" ',
<br /> „ �<;� 0 Addltion►il Term�. .� ">:�---
<br /> ;. :i,^---
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<br /> - SIGNA'A'IJR�S:13y signinB below, Trustor agrces to the termv and covenants contnined in this Security instnunent and in any , , _",;
<br /> atta�:hYnents.Trusmr alao acknowleclges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date statal on puge 1. : .-, �
<br />- S'I7IROSI� FK�1F'�, I.fTC. ' : .'
<br /> • :> r�'���ili7t/, .. .
<br /> �Y:................................ .... D..... ...�........................................................... .........
<br /> rSiQn�n,rc�Tv1VTi'f T.. S`i7.1RdSIZQ�. PRF5L7FI�Tr ( ate - (Sf ature) (Dace)
<br /> - . ACKNOdVI.EDG1bIENT: I�LL, .
<br /> STATE OF .....I�.ER_ itAs.�Q. . COUNTY OP ...... .. .... . ................ .} ss. ,..
<br />- c���m„�� Thie instrument�was cl�owledged before me this.,...�.!.'.-�........day of..rN���.C.`i.......f.9.`►':�...................
<br /> — ,� by ..�..4�a:v.:. ..�:..�?-4cr4s�L�'�I.....��................ ......�...�......... .�.. ......... ............. .
<br /> ,_ • My commission e .��....� .`?!. '
<br /> : ,;:.
<br /> � (seaq
<br /> ::'.:;� �� GE�3FR,1t f16tARY•Shtr ctMeDrasr� ....... • .. (Notary Publk) .. .. •.•••••• ..........
<br /> - ,: .�,. , ,
<br /> �_ �'• J0.SEPM R.008ROYOt NY � •
<br /> Bt894 Ben►ore Sveteme,mc..St.Ci iEs't����� �o —f�o 4 0/41 �
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