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. - Jlcl;:-,r•i� "�i.`..'1.;:_Y•,{ .^t;._;��.. <br /> �� i _'!L;., ,. ';:;c.:.�-_ <br /> '""'w" ,,. , „ "��', :``'�.. <br /> ..,... . ,�.,,4,.. <br /> „ . ._.. _, ----- <br /> „ <br /> _. — - �...__.__---- -- - _ . . .. . . . ,. .��. <br /> •, , . �_ <br /> ` , `.'�tf'-i''s a;` <br /> •y. .;f.._ <br /> I � �ll�i6��j� - :tic; ,.�.- <br /> � Unless adECrwiee ugrccd in writing,nll insurr,ncc:procceds�li�ll bc upplied to the resto�tiOn or rcp�ir of clie Property or to , <br /> I thc Sccuecd Dcbt, whethcr or not thcn due, aa Bcneficl�uy'� optlon, Any application of proceeds to principal sh�ll not , <br /> - extcnd or poytponc tt�e duc dute of the scheduled pnyment nor chnnge the amount of any payment.Any excess will be paid <br /> � to tltc Granror. If the Pro erty ie ncquired b Denefici ,'�nistor's right to any insurance pollcies und proceeds resultin� . �^. <br /> from damoge to d��Properry before thc acquisitlon shal pass to Bencficiary to the extent of�d�e Secured Debt immediately . � .�. <br /> { beforc Qtc acqulsiuon <br /> ���.. <br /> ' ' ' 20. �L'R�4''J��tt'd'A7t��ANID 1N�L�.ittAItIC�. Unlcss othenvise provicicd in n separete agreement, Trustor w+ill not be � . _ ' <br /> i requlred to pny to Benetielary funds far t�sces nnd insurance ln escraw. , , .-�:; <br /> � 21. FINANCIAL REP'ORTS AND ADDITI�NAL DOCIJMENTS. Trustor viill provide to Beaeficiary upon request, any M'- ,- <br /> . � financial statement or infomiation Benefictauy may det:m reasonnbly necessary.Tcustor agrees to sign, dcliver,and file any . , - <br /> • Addltionnl documents or certificatioas dint�3eneflcisry ma�+ca�tsider necessary to pedect,conttnue,and preserve Grantor s " � '`b� •= <br /> obllgationa uaider this Securlty Instruineat an d B lene f ic iary s lien status on t he Proper ty. <br /> „-,,,V <br /> 2a. JOINT A1VD INDIVID�'i1AL LIABILITY• CQ�3IGN�A3; �UCCTSSORS AND�SSIGNS BOUND. All duties under . '....:.: _ <br /> �:.:.,� <br /> this Secuciry Instnuneat are joint and indiv�dual. If Trustor signa this Secudty Instnunent but does not sign an evidenca of � ;,-,,��;,::�-; <br /> d e b t, T r u s t o r d oes so onl y to mottga ge Trustor's interest in the Propeny to secure payment of the Secured Aebt and ����;;;�;��,. <br /> . Trustor does not ngr�e to be person ly liable on the Secured Debt. lf t is ecurit I n sttument secures a uatnn t b e tw e e n • "�=""— <br /> a l h S y � Y '������-- <br /> Beneficiary and Trustor,Trustor a�rees to wuive any ri&hts that may prevent Beneficiary from bringing any action or claim � <br /> ' ngainst 'x'rustor or any party in ebted under the obli�gatlon. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any .��,�.^•.T_�� <br /> antl-deficiency or ane•action laws. Trustor agrees that Ben_ficiary and any pazty ta thia Secudty Instn�ment may extend, ' : -- -- <br /> . � modify or make any chenge in the tem�s of thia Security Instrument or any evidence of debt w�thout Txustor's consent. �:,;�;;'-"'-— <br /> Such a change will not release Truator from the terms of this Security Insuument.The duties and benefits of this Security , ..�� <br /> � � Instmment shall bind and ben�fit the successors and assigns of Tnistor and Beneficial. � ' :,�ae�R.� <br /> o ;,'=_ <br /> 1 2�. APPLI�ABLE LAW; SEVERABII.ITY;INTERPRETAZ'ION. 'Ilils Securlty.Instrun�ent is govemed by.the laws of the .�.`,�:•;:= •�� <br /> jurlsdiction in which Beneficiary ia located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the junsdicslon where ':��;'�.`.,�"°-°� <br /> . � the Pro ert ia located. 'I'bis Securit Instniment Is complete and full mte ated. 'I9iis Secwit Insiniment ma not ha ,� s�^mF'�°� <br /> p Y � � �' Y ��.�,;:::�:. <br /> amended orinodlfied by ar�l ugreement.Any section in this Security Insuument attachments,or any agreement rel3ted to 't_'$�,+'':..C�,T: _ <br /> .�:.;., �- 1 t?te SecurEd Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not I�e effective,unless tbat law eapressly or impliedly pemvts the ;. � ,� {�,�:,.r.;:'s'� <br /> ��:�,rIations by wdtten a�reement. If any section of'this Securlty Instrument ctuu�ot be enforced accordutg to its term�,that t:;:<<��;;�,_���?;_ <br /> ::�:�; � � secdon wUl he severed and will nat affect ihe enforceability oithe remainder af this Security Insuument. �Vhenever used, :c.::�:�:� f� <br /> ;.•:�' the sin�ular shall include the plural and the plurnl the sing�lar.The captions and headings of the sections af this Security <<+'�:�'.���' <br /> .. �•J Tnstnunent are for couveaience ovly aud are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Seciuiry Instrument. ��'�:�° <br /> '.. ' Time ie of the essence in this Sectulty lns�rument. � `' t�� �,� <br /> ��� '�t� 24. SUCC��SOIt TRUSd'�E. Beaeficiary, at Beneficj�T}�'s option, may,from time to time remove Trustee and appolnt a '"r; - <br /> '; : ' --� tlUL'cpbvr iiu8icc wiiuuilt uu'�i�ICI iGIIIS��ij'.:�T 2,�:�G:.o�^^:::0:�:`�'li:�2:b.��:£�UZ�?..a�nr rnycrw��withm�t cnttVevallCC Of ___ - _. _ <br /> '� �,'�;.`� the Froperty. shall suc c e e d�to all the tide, po�ver and �uties conferred upon Trustee by t h'is Sec u r ity Ina t r u men t an d � <br /> �:.; <br /> ,�-;.; •. - <br />=; .:,,;�,.� ,� aPPHcn61�:l�w. °� -• <br /> :,'.",,;�. .9; . ' � � <br /> 25. NOTJIGE.Unl�as otherwise required by law,any notice shell be given by delivering!t or by mailing it by tirst class nnaU �` �� <br /> ,�', �''� to We approprlate parcy's addmss an page 1 of thia Security lnsuument, or to any other address designated in writing. �' •f <br /> ' Notice to oae m�stor w�ll be dc�emed to be notice to nll tnisrors. �� <br /> 26. WAI'VEIt6. Eacept to the extent prohibiterl by law, Trustar waives all appraisement and homestead exempti�n rights �,'; <br /> ` relating to th�Property. x�' <br /> 27. OT�R TEYtMS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Security Instrument: - <br /> T 8$Lina of Cr�edtt.The Secured Debt includrs a revolvina,,line of credlt provision.Although t�e Secured Debt may be <br />- ' reduced to a zem balance,thi&Security Insuvment wllf mmain in effect untll released. ��'°� <br /> ' $$ConstruMton Loan.This Security Instnunent secures an obligntion incwred for the wnstruction of an impmvement <br />_`,. T„ °.�,- � on�e Property. <br /> ❑FSixturc filing,Trustor gcants to Beneficiary a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns aow or in the futunc <br />- , nnd tf,at arc or wUl became fixtums related to the Pcoperry. Thie Security Instmment sufficKS as a financing _ <br /> ' statetnent and any carbon,phowgraphic or other reproducdon may be fde�of record for putposes of Ar¢icle 9 of the _ <br /> - �,'��•. Uniform Commerctal Cade. _ <br /> .� '� ' ❑ Iiidees.'[he covenants and agreements of each of the rider�checked below sre incorporated into and supplemeat and — <br /> �: �mead the terros of thie Security Insmunent. [Check all applicable boxes] <br /> r. .... ; �,n <br /> -� `��"'� � ❑Condominium Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider ❑ Other - <br /> �";;u- ..,. : ❑Add[Nonal Terms� .................................................. �.a��:�i-. <br /> � <br />�' :t" " � f��°�'---"' -�.:'_ <br /> � �����w"�'�:' <br /> — sr�.�;.�.,�t��� <br />— j:'�'��„�''�+'��_ <br /> .�...�.�•_-��. <br /> ��''` . '' . �,y�l�:,�. ���+y��.. <br /> • � �� i.�:.�::f��• - <br /> i� i:: ��L: ..r. <br /> SIGNATUttFS: By sy�nin�below,Tn�stor ag�es to the terms and covenants contained in this Securiry Instmment and in any � :" ; <br /> _ `i attpchmenta. Trustor also acknowledges r,eceipt of a copy of this Seeurlty Instrument on the dat�stated on page 1. -�•:��-������;;.� <br /> S. ST.�ROb'I'fCA Fi4I�5. IlvC ��'° <br /> �i. .+�r����• ....... .... .............................................................. ..... . . ' <br /> ; ..... . . . ............ ..... .. . <br /> (Signaturc)LIAVID STi�ROSIZQ�a, 17RESIDII�Tr (Datc) (Signature) (Datc) <br /> s � <br /> __ _.---- ACKNOWILEI3CMCPIT: - <br /> — srn•rfi o�....�?��!?,a:�;;K!�.................. . rour��r oF.......�,,�A .. .. . ............. .} ss. G <br /> ���d�, � o r � �q 4''::`.: — <br /> � ' 'II►�S-�1�strument was�cknowledged befor�c me this....�� of...(►!....C�1�...19....7...................... , .. <br />__ by ...1�A�.ui,�?...;?..Gro��t:!4........................... .^.................. .�... ........ ................ . �'!l" <br /> My commission cxplres: ,Q, �j�...� .... : .. <br /> '' GEHERAI MOTAHr•51�1e ot Ne6rasha •-..�-. 1 i�� .. �.1: . .. ... . . ... . .......... ��,"' ',J(' �.� <br /> Ir 10SEPH R.OOBROVOLNV � (Notary Pubnc) �:;:,�• , <br /> ,;,��. <br /> sn�ssaos�kensvc,a . •a�N�GiRM�a61��4D�����n EOi�NE 9n3i90 page4ol41 • <br /> .. � �� o n .�cS ' !i'',{1. <br /> . .• . ., .�t.�`i. .� <br /> � � . . . .... . _ . . ...-"- .-_-__.'---..___ .. ....... ... .. �� �' <br /> `7 _ _ _ _- _ _ <br />