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<br /> 1. DA'TE �iND PAIt�'L�.�. The date of this Deed of Trust (Sect�rity Instnunent) Is �'� �;,•«�
<br /> anr�the parties,tttsir a�3dresses and r.cuc identifictvlon numbers.if required,are as follows: . �r
<br /> ,:;i:
<br /> �' � �.=�-
<br /> '� .' T[�USTOR: 57�,�Y(A FN�S, INC R_==
<br /> •�;;� 71� WFST I�,I+� STFt�T, S1E 202 �': _
<br /> �p IS�1��, NE 6�807.
<br /> ' � T�xpay�x S.D. #: �7-0760765 -_
<br /> �.. .,..-.,:,.
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<br /> "?� 0 If checkecl, rafer to the ntt:scLed AddeniJum incorporated herein, tor additional Trustors, t�eir signatures and ,r;,_-_..
<br /> acl�owlcd�mente. _=
<br /> , o,=..
<br /> . � " � TISUSTBB: A�JfC OF L�JD RTVFR
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<br /> {y(JUU K.L r.,it., iri'+ 0000�
<br /> Tax�yex' :C.D. #: 47-0098350
<br /> �� DLNEPICIARY: }3ANEC O� 4��7QD RIVEft
<br /> . . Oxgarri.�.ed aryd extating tiux�er tY�e laws o� the atate of Nebraska
<br /> �; � P.O. l3()X �487
<br /> •'::.-_ .i .•.{'.,� �9170D TL�VF.•i�, NE 68883
<br /> , . . 'i�xpayeY 'I.D. #: �7-0098350
<br /> � .aL.. ..}. .� "
<br />`" 2. COIWEY�9IYCI:. Por�ond wtid valuable consideration. the receipt a�d sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to
<br /> -'_` " secuc�e the Secu�d Debt(defwad below)and Tcvstor's perfom�ance under this Security Insttumenc. Tcustor irrevocablY
<br /> *•:1,�:�,,::;r:% ;. geants. conveys t�nd sclle to T�vstec, in trust for the benefit of Beneficlery, with power of sale, the following descrimed
<br /> _'-�:,..:..;,,,.�:, nm.iti� 1�C�:M�iI2�G5IDL A('.s2Tr5 S'Il9DMSTCN� LL7P 1� CIZ'�l OF GRP,I�ID ISZ�AI�ID� I�1LL OC7(NI'Y.
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<br /> , . ,�. (Addross)...................... (Ciry> fLIPCode) _
<br /> - : �• "li'og�.�er with all dghis, easements. apPurtenances. royalties, mineral rights. oil and gas rights, all water and riparlan �-.:
<br />- . `�' Y ttigiols.ditchcs. and�vatc.r stock and ali eaistin�and future imp±+avements,stnc�tures, futuies, and replacements that may E'":
<br /> ° . now,or at a�y t�.u:in the future,be part of tt�e real estate described abav�e(all referred to as'Praperty"). �._.
<br /> �:
<br /> 3. MAXIMUM OBLI�A,TION LIMrI'.'11te eotal principa]amount s�cured by this Security Inscn�ent at any one time sball
<br /> �. , ;: mnt escced S�.���r 4Z........IM.i..................... .'�is limitation of amount does not include interest and other foes
<br /> ! �.'tr � ����g�valldly m�:dc pursuant tfl this Security Instrument.Also,this limitation does not apply to advanas made under
<br /> ..�j.'.. . ti�e tern�s of this Secudcy iacm�ment to prat�.*.Benefcciary's security and to perform any of ihe c�venants contatned iu ttds
<br /> -- ' ---- - t
<br /> _ - _,.-
<br />- Security Instrw�t�t.
<br /> � 4. SECUIEED D�B'f i�ND E'UI'iJItE�►DVANCES.'ihe term"Securecl I3ebt"is defined as follows:
<br /> - p,Ikb?lnt��rmt under d►e termg of all promissory natets),contract(s),guaranty(s)ot nther evidence of debt described
<br /> � Uelow and all their exYCnsions, rene�vals, malifications or substitudons. (�Vlren referencing the debas below it f.s
<br /> sr�gge.tted rhru you include irems suel�as bo�rowers'names,note wnorrnts, i�iterest rates,mvtrrrity dates. etc.)
<br /> NC7L'� IN IliE AMCRS�TT OF $9,615.47 OF LS1FN AATE
<br /> - NEOfU1�K11-DEEO OF Tf1UST WOY FOR FNMA.FHLMC.FH4 011 VA UuEI �paBQ � a�4�
<br /> - �tD9a OeMe+a 6vsmme.�x.,S�.C�oud.MN t��600�37d�411 Form RE OT•NE 9�13�90 �• -+,---�
<br /> ' �a .� .
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