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<br /> 1 L. Notwithstanding;iny af the languagc contuincd in thls Deed of'Teust to the contrnry,the tcrms of this�ection s1iuU � ' �
<br /> sutvive nny foreclosure or eatisfactioa nf this Deod of Trust tegnrdless of any pussage of title to Beneficiury or any �.
<br /> disposition by Beneficinry of any or all of the Property. Any claims tutd defense9 to the contrary�re hcreby wnive,d. :
<br /> i 20. COND�MNATION. Trustor wlll give Beneficiury prompt notice of eny action. rcal or thresstene-�d, by privnte or pub8c _
<br /> . I entities to purchase or take nny ur all of tl►e Properiy, including any easements. thro�agh c�ndemnation, eminent domain,
<br /> or any oiher means.Ttustor further agrees to notify Beneficiary of t�ny proce�l��e instituted for the establishmeat of nny
<br /> sewer, water, conservation, dltch, drainage, ot other distrlct relatin� to or biading upon the Pcoperty or aay part of it.
<br /> •• Trustor authoriaea Beneficinry to intervene in T�ustor's name in any of the above descdbed nctions or claims a�id to collect
<br /> and receive all sums resuldng from the actlon or claim.7`rustor asslgns to Bea�iof�e Pr I�n�Such ioceeds shall be
<br /> ' for damuges connvcted with a condemnation or other taking of ell or any p Pe Y• P
<br /> " ' considered payments nnd will be upplied as provided in this Deed of Trust. 'Ihis assignment of proceeds is subjcct to t2ie ;, .
<br /> � terms of any prior securlty agreement. ��`'` .
<br /> ':)�j:,l-'•
<br /> .. , .t''�1 �...
<br /> 21. IIVSUR.ANCE.Trustor agrees to maintuin insurance as follo�uo: � �i�'�"�' " �
<br /> A. 'I"rustor shall keep the Property insured agaiast loss by fire,theft and other hazards und rIsks reasonably aESOCiated r.;, _����''•���-
<br /> � i with the Property due to its rype and location.Other hs�.ards and ruska may include,for ex�mple,wvernge against ;,•.. _ '�..--~y�
<br /> loss due to tloods or flooding. Tliis lasurance shall be maintained in t�e amounts and for the periods tbnt T�,.,,;_R;��ia�.�.`a-
<br /> i I Beneficiary requites. 'Ihe lnsurance catrier providin� the insuranee shall be chosen by Trustor sub�c:ct to , �--
<br /> Beaeficiary's npproval, which shall not ix unreasnnabl withheld. If Trustor f�lls to mxintain the cav,rage ' '��`+
<br /> Y `� '�?"'
<br /> ,. ` described �bove. Beneficiary magr, at Beneficiary's opdun, obtain coverage ta protect Beneficiary's rignc� in the � .�.•.�:__�=_
<br /> , Property according to the terrns of this Daesi of Trust. .�-=- -
<br /> 7F',z-•
<br /> All insurance policies and r�newals shall be acceptable to D�eneficiary and shall Include a standard "mortgage r� �1;;°•
<br /> � clause" and, where applicable, "beneficiary loss pnyee clause." Trustor shall immediately notify Bene�iciary of • ��, :,�3ti,,.
<br /> cancellation or tem�ination of the insurance.Bene&ciary shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If � ���y�r;..� � -
<br /> � ' Eeneficiary tequires, Trustor shall immedietely give to Beneficiary all receipts of paid p�miums and rY.newal
<br /> � ! n o t i c e s. U p o n l o s s, T r u s t o r s h a l l g i v e i m m e diate notice to We insurance cerrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may , �
<br /> �.•; make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor. � , ``�, •,
<br /> i ..
<br /> ' � Unless Beneficiary and 'I'ntstor otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or
<br /> '� � . repaiz of the Pmperty dRmagod if the restoradon or repair is economicaUy feasible and Beneficiary's security is not ��� ° ;:,�(y.;
<br /> - - - iessened. lI IiIC ICSLOI2tiluU��r tiyau io uvi in.vuv'a"T'•iCd+f f��h�:aZ E°-nnfiriarv's f.ecuilty woUld bC Ie55eIIed, I�1C •,.t. .iit`,�,��
<br /> � ' yr ` ,.•__
<br /> insurance proceeds shall be applied to the Secured Debt,whether eT not then due. with nny eacess paid to'IYustor. ;
<br /> , ;.,, , If Trustar abandons the Prnperty, or does not answer within 3�clays a uottce from Beneflciary that the insurance �;. �,i;',
<br /> •� :,�,;, carrier has offered to setde a claim, thea Beneficiary may collect the insurance proceeds. Beneficiary mny use the %SF•�r; _
<br /> proceeds to repair or restorc the Property or to pay thc Secured Debt whether or not then due.T'he 30-day;,oeriod • ,t ,�:.
<br /> �'t�' will begin when the notice is given. � ��:�
<br /> , �
<br /> ,*, Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otherwise agree in writing.any application of pmceeds to principal shall not exteud � Y
<br /> � or postpone the due date of scheduled pflyments or change the amount of the payments•If the Property is acquiral ��`--
<br /> � by Beneficiary,Tcustor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resultluS faom damage to We Ptoperty before .
<br /> •� the a uisidon shall ass w Benefici to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately before ttie acquieition. h,��
<br /> B. TYust�or ngees to m ntain coinprehen ive geaeralliabillty Insurance netning lieneficiary as an additional Insured in �,-,
<br /> � � an amo�at acceptable to Beneficiary, iasuring agninat claims arisi�g from any uccident or occurrence in or on the ;�•r
<br /> �s..
<br /> �ii, . C. PTrusto�grees to maintain rental lass or business interruption insurance, es rectuired bY Beusficiary, in an tunount �
<br /> ��•:� equ�1 to at least coverage of one year's debt service,and mquired escrow account deposits(if agreed ta separ.itely
<br /> .. � Y-��`i'tiR . _..W_.
<br /> � ,.,i . in writing),under a form of policy acceptable to Eenzficiary.
<br /> 22.NO ES�ROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separnte agreer.nent, Tcustor will aot
<br /> "" • , be required to pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escra�v. ___
<br /> "� ' �} 23.FIINANCIAL REPOATS AND ADDTI'IONAI. DOCIJ�NTS. Tniscor will provide to Reaeficlary upon request. a�iy
<br />_;,.,.... � '.;..;. _�___-..
<br /> . ,.: ,:::�. finuncial statement or information Beneficiary rnay deeaa necessary. Trustor wartants that all financial sttiumentt� and
<br />�.� � c•'���.��`•� in�ormation Tntstor provIdes to Beneficiary are,or will be, accurate, cotrect, and complete. Trustor a�rees to sign, '°-���.�:.
<br /> � '�{%1'.���'. � deliver, and fll$ as Beneficiary may reasonably request any additional documents or certlfications that Beneficifuy may ��;,,�,
<br /> ''. consider necessary to perfe�t,continue, and preserve Trustor's obligations under this Dced of T�ust and Beneficinry's lien ��� '^•�� �,- .,
<br /> '!''t� ` status on the Property. If Trustor fails to do so. Heneficlary may si�,deliver. and flle such documents or certificates in ��''`�`����
<br /> ,��Y".7':. : 'r."3`:,irn$•`vf/.'..:
<br /> ti. ,.,#, • Tnistor's nacne and Tivstoz hereby inevocably appoints Heneficiary or BeaeSclary's ageat as attomey in fact to do the ,, .,.,,,r-:�•• ,.
<br /> thangs necessary to comply with t6is section. � .:��.� ..
<br /> , 3A.JOINT AIVD 1[I�MNIDUAL LIABII.ITY; CO-SIGNERS; SUCCE�S�liS AND ASSIGNS B��JND. All duties under '. ''��r. ��
<br /> ' -� this Deed of Trust are joint and individual. If Tn►stor signs this Decd of Trust but doas not sigr►the Evidence of Debt, •
<br /> Trustor does so only to mortgage Tnistor's intenst in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor
<br /> , • ; does not agree to be personally liable on the Seeured Debt.Trustor agroes that BenPficiary and any party to this 1'�esd of .,;�.�,�,
<br /> •'� ��� Tsust may eatend, modify or make any change in the terms of this Dced of T'nut or the Evidence of Debt without
<br /> Trustor's consent. Such a change will not release Tn�stor from the tern�s af this Bced of Trust. The duties and benefits of t, ��� 1�
<br /> � ' this Deed of Tn�st shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Tivstor and 8eaeficiary. � ..
<br /> � If ttuc Dc�ed of Trust secures a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor and does not directly secure the obli�ation which '
<br /> - _—__
<br /> _�
<br /> :-:_ - '- ---� �
<br /> IS gll�l2Ilt1�,Trustor a�rees to waive any rights that may preveat Benenciary irom briugu,�auy aµ�v;��;��miu a�ra+iw. -
<br /> � Trustor or any party indebtal under the obligation including,but not lunited to,anti-deficiency or one-action lA�vs.
<br />= ZS.APPLICABY.E LAW; SEVGRABILITY; IN'II'ERERETATION. This IJeed of Trust is govemEd by tlie laws of the ;
<br /> - jurisdiction in wUich Beneficiary is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction�vhem �
<br /> the Property is located. T'his Decd of Trust is cam�slete nnd fully integrated. 'fhis Doed of Trust may not be amcndeil ar .
<br />- modifiai by oral agreement. Any section or clause in this Deed of Trust,attachments, or any agreement related to the
<br /> � Securod Debt that wnflicts with upplicable law �vill not be effective, uc►Iess that Law eapressly or impliedly permits the
<br />- variations by written agreement. If any section or clause of this Deai of Trust cannot be enforced according to its terms, �
<br />- that section or clause will be sevemd and will not affect the enforceability of the mmainder of this Deed of 'I'ntst.
<br /> Wh�never usod,the singular sliull include the plural and the plural the singular.'[he captions and h�din s of the sections
<br /> of this Deed of Trust nm for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define thc term�of tA�¢eeQ�f Trust. ,
<br />_ , � Time is of the essence in this Deed of Trust." pogo 6 oI 6
<br />� �O 1993 BmwCro Svttemf.�nc.SI C�ouA.MN It 800 337 23611 Fam AOICO DT�NE 9/73/90 � r l
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