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<br /> , ... ... .
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST Pd�°2
<br /> 04-04-1997 •
<br /> i �7� �(1�4�1 (�oret�nued) _ ___ --- ':-
<br /> — __ — _.��_.._—_ - ,r
<br /> ' � I.�nder. Ths word'Londer'mwna fIRST STATE DANK,Its auocessor6 and ossb�s. '�,�
<br /> top�fhK vatth tN nn�wiPo��nylon3�tmodlAoa�n��rMn�actnpe,�nd batltuHor:s la Ih�a Not�4 Tho matuA�d�tb ot thK�Deed o}Trust Is � '-
<br /> Aupusll,1997.
<br /> perwnd Pttlp�Ay. Tho waQ!'PKeontl Proparty'mean aB squlpmenL Rxtures.tnd olhtx artiCles of panontl propsrfy now a MrNlter
<br /> owrwd by Yru:tor,ond naw or h:rarr,r nt4cch�d ar ettk:cd to th�R�r.l Prpp^rt�,I;lopolhc�r K�lh efl�ccesslona, parls.and addiUons to,�II � _
<br /> repl�prtNnb of,md �N subsfltutton� la,any ol such propeity:or,d topother v�cilh e0 proceeds (InGudinq HYhoul Ilmltation nA Insurance I .
<br /> proLwda and reWnds o1 pr�mlums)hom any u�a other dtsposliton of the Property
<br /> Ptopltt�I. The wad'Propartyr m�ans colle�Cllvely the Re81 Properly tnd ihn Personal Property•
<br /> pN1 propMy. TMi waOs'T3NI Proporty'm�an tM prap«ry,InSana�►�ntl riqnb desalbed abov+�In lho"Cornoyana and Gnnf WcUon. =
<br /> pe6�2od D¢cumant�. Ths worAs Relded Dacumenb' mean and Include wilhoN urnit�tlon nY promtssory notes,credit apreements, lonn
<br /> ' �grosmen4s,envlronmental apreemenb,pul�rantlsa,aecurtry�presmenta,mortflepe�,deed�of trust,end aM other Instrumsnts,apreemenb tnd t
<br /> i �u��q��y��npy,r pr 1y��}��yht10.lX9CtA@O In conneCtlon M1lth Ihs Indeble(11flfuS. .
<br /> � pMty. TM word 4i�nb'mea�n aN pnsant and futuro r�nb,rsvenues,Inco�,tssuos,roy�ltles,profits,and other benetRS Eerived kom the �c
<br /> � �ty.
<br /> iTnql�, The word°Trustee•means FIRST STATE BANK and eny substltute w 5uccessor tristsas.
<br /> 1 YtuttOr, YM word'Tnntor'maaro any and aN p�sons and�ntititn exYCUlinfl Ihts Dead ot Tnat,Includinp without IlmitaUon eli Trwtors named _
<br /> 61'. .
<br /> i �bow. ,,,_�;
<br /> ' PROPER4Y,18 tilYEl1 TO S�CURE (1)PAYMENT OF T!ti Iti�e3SC�i"i�C.��9 AAD iil Fe-FiF�R1�lAY.iX:a'r Aq7 At'A Ail R"ilC!.YlQ!9S QF . t��'r- --
<br /> ' ON Tf�FOLL4W11l0 TEAMS: � . �'x � .
<br /> .. i�
<br /> PAYMEIiT AMQ Pk�ORt�AANt�. ExaPt u oth�wis�provld�d In thls D�d of Trust,Yn�s1a shM pay to Lsndw dl amounb secured by thb Oeed F. . '••�.,_,.,
<br /> � d Trust a tMy bicosn�dw,and tt►u ahkiy and In�tlmNy trNnn�r p�rlorrn d of Tn+sbr6 obwW�or�under tM NoM.tMS O�ed W Tnn4 and tM . . -
<br /> RM�Md Docut�»nQt. �'" •�.
<br /> . POSSESSION AlID MIIINTEIiANCE QF TfE PftOF'EATY. Tnista apnes thaf Tnutara P�s��anA uu ot th�Properly ahall be oo»cmad by , �n, --
<br /> lhe folouAisp Provfslan. '
<br /> 4 PoMMM08�efCi IIY�. UMN tM oCCtar�nt�of an Ev�nt ol DMauN�Truator maY (a)r�m�ln in poes�sslon arxl t:ontrol aQ tM PrOpMy�,(b)�. , �
<br /> � opr�l�a rtraMp�tM Pr�p�tY.and (o)caM�ci any Fianb hom tM Propaty. w—
<br /> ppfy�p IR�t�1�En, Tnistor ehaB rtWntaln the PropertY In tenantabb conditlon tnd prompMy perlorm eb repaks,repkcements,and malnlenar►ce t
<br /> - - � �to pr�erl�e HS v�lue. -�- - -
<br /> - et�pw�e�biaavsi. Tiw iw���T�:.:�v�.:.:.«:,'T�-...c�'cs�,e��r!^�,"Aenmul''nrsasa,•end"lhreatensd reksss.'as usad in 1MS __
<br /> DNd m1 Tnist,sMtl Q►tv'�tM 6ame meanlnps as aet torth In ths ComproherWw EnvironmentW Rssponss,Compensatlon,and WbSlity I1Gt of «
<br /> l t960.as artie�dMd�42 U.3.C.Sectlon 8601.N ssq.('CERCLA'�the SuPertund /unendmenb and Raauthorlutlon Act W t9��Pub.l..No. ..
<br /> 99-�99 P�A9�ttaD�wovdous Mtterkb Tra�sP�tlon Act,4fl U.S.C.Sectbn 1p01.et seQ.�tM R�saurce ConservaUOn and Racowry Act� �� .
<br /> � 42 U.S.C.S�ctlon 6301��f e�4.,a a�th�r�PPlicabl�stats a Feder�tewa�Ma.or r��ckdom adaplsd Pusu�rd to�Ry of ftN/orpdnD. Ths ,
<br /> i krms'Tnardaus w�wsbe"and'?wardous aubstena'sh�1 tlso Indude.withoul Ymlulbn�PsSrolsum ar+d pehvleum by-Qrodu�cb or a�r h�cYon :,i
<br /> ttarr.dl and ast»�tea. Tnntor npros�nb and w�mnb to L�ndsr thsh ln1��^0�P«�of Trustora own�sNP W ths R'op�tY�tt►xs has
<br /> � t�eri aw w��pM�rwtic^,m�nulec!un�etor��keatmsrA�dlsPasa���slonh a CrwMned relws�W any h�irdous w�sM a eubstanca by any ,��. � �
<br /> pMSOn on�ur�r��bDtA or kom th�ProPMM Ib�Trusta has no krw►�'I�dpe d�or rlason t0 be�sw thtt thst�has bMn�uoCept as pt�vl0usly '� : �
<br /> ' di�claoed to snd�r�cnsMledped by Under In xrtltln8. 0)��Y�.Ge���manuhctun.sta�ps�fieatrnenb d�sPosal.rel�ess�a lhreatened �;... I�
<br /> • releass of my h�mrOc�et wtsN or substanos on�under.aboul or hom the PhropertyDY�Y P�ownKS ot ocCUpnr�ts of ths Properly or ry)�ny �:. .
<br /> • �etw1 or ttnat�d Hlmetlon or cWrro d any klnd bY any psrson roiatlnp lo sucn mette�s�and (C)F�u%�Pt as prevlously dtsctossd to and }:r.
<br /> • �dcra�Ndp�d by LwnClt►In wrftlnp. p)nMtMr Tn�stor nw any Mnant,cor+tnctar��OsM a Mlwr autharind us�of ths Pro{�ertY 6ha1 use. �A i .
<br /> O�a�s,rrsm�.'.tav.a':o��treat�disPos�of�or roNas�any twnrdous wssb or subst�nCS on�unMr.�bout or Irom tM Ptoparty and (�uty
<br /> � j such acY�ily dh�N bs ccx��ucbd In compNana wlth�II�ppNCabMS tede��i�steM�and locel l�wa.r�DWtlom and ordn�na�.lndudlrp wlMwut
<br /> � Amitatlon those kwa,r�pquYtlons�and ordinanca deeaWsd abov�. Trustor luthalnss Ler�and Ms p�nb to enMr upon t�s Pru�perty ta ��
<br /> m�ic.wcn�rnp�cY�a una Msb,at rn,stors�ra�,a L.nasr m.y dssm•vwov*be.�o d.eyrm+n.compiana a ln.Prap«ty writ►this .. �'< `�-- °
<br /> • � ' e«.iion d ttr O�crt 4nest. MY k�p�e�or�s a Mb m�d�by L�ndsr aM�D�tor I.w�d�ts purpoNS ony and at�r1 nat b�cantrwd!o ena0� . '_
<br /> ' ' u+Y nsporoib�y av 1bc+�fH on tho part of lar�W 7tu�far or W u�y oth�r D�aon, The�sp�s��tttio�ar►d w�mrril�conWnW Mnin�n � _
<br /> i baed on Truata'e due diAfNno�In�nvesriptYnp ttN Prop�rty tor henrdoos w�sts uid h�rardous aWs4nas. Tnnta M�bY (�)nlwW�nd
<br /> wNvas arry Mur daNns�p�lrst t�nda tar fnd�mnlly a coMrlbutlon In ths w�nt Truata b�comas�bN 1w dMr�up or otA�r cab ursder any • ��,�
<br /> � sucti kws.�nd (b)��rne to IrM�snNfY and hoid Iwrt�Mts Lrnder Wtlnsl any ond O ciYm�,las�.Y�b01Ms.dert�s.Pen�1tl��and i�i::z
<br /> aparis�s wt�tch L+ndar rtwy dk�w'11Y a Inti�ctly susWn or suifer rosulynp irom w brs�Ch o(thts e«.1ion d tM Dwd of Trust or ts a ------
<br /> ' I caneqw+�c�o�u�!�sss.pm�atlae�r►anuf�cttxe.stampe,dbpos�l,rek��or mwtawd rMw�ooc�r�n0 PAo�tc Trusta^a owr�tsHp or � ''
<br /> . ; ; Inlet�at in tlr Profah:Y�whetlfM a nd Itw sartN was a sho�Ad hav�De�n known to Trtntar.The pravhtor�s ot ttib�ectk+n of trie Dad of Trtnt. " �r , �
<br /> � tncludirg ttw oh#pagon to Ind�mn!h.sh�1 sunAve tAe paY�+t at the Indobtedness end tt»satlsl�cllon�n�d roconvsyano�of the 1t�n d tHs '...�-?r.
<br /> Deefl u1 Tnat aM ahel nd be atfected by L.sndePs acquisiHOn af any Intxest In tho Propaty.whsther by toredssurs or oth�wlse. , _ -�
<br /> : � biiatsamss,W�at�. Trusta ehaN no9 cn�.conduct w peemit any nuisance na eommi9,permlt,a sutNr ar►y atrippinp ot or wasU on or to tho �'�����;;
<br />� � PtoFSrty�r�ny pO�Slcn Of th�Propelly. Without NmHing the per�eietity ot Ihe(or�ydnp.Truslor w+71 not nmow,at prartt to u►y othM�rly the :� -.
<br /> r{ph!te rsmove.�n�UmDer,minKaFS(Indudinp oN�nd pas),soii.pnvel a rodc products wittwut ths prior writlM eonssnt of LendK. ypy�.
<br /> pemAVat of Impro��nfE�nt�. Trustor sra11 not demoHsh or remove any Improvemenls hom the Fteal Propoity wiihout the P�a written consent
<br /> � uf Lendt,r. As�conEitlon b the removal of any Improvements,Lender may req�re Tnesia to mUce arranpsrtbng sabsfaclorY to Lender to
<br /> ; rnpieca such Improvemenb wtth Improvertxanb ot at teast eqa�sll vatuo.
<br /> LQA�l�tt1'J Rlf�l�b EI1�K. LM{dK tfM Mi rQNI�a�1d f�pf�7�fILll1�l4 rtl��/M�K WDt1 H!�RNI PfOQ�fty LI�N fMiOfl�bl�tlfi1N 1D ltNfld 10
<br /> LAr,@K'!Int�nsb and to Insp�C!th�ROpKty 1or pt�rpos�s of TnlLtor�s compMenos rrY.T�fhs iKe►s��d�onditlor�s a this D�d W Trtat.
<br /> uea wHh(3orNnm�nt�i REqWrements. Trustor enM PrortiPCY compy wAh tA lawa.ordtnances,and roOul�Uwu,now a here�lNr In
<br />- elkc W eN yowmmentel autftiattles aPPMcebb to lhs use or oocWancy of tTx P�'ePatY,Irx�udinD wfthout Nmlt��on.tM IUfieACarts WiM
<br /> pfse�fYtlds Act. Trvsta mey cor�test In pood hfth eny sucN law,orClnenca,or re0�ti�aruf w14f�hold compusnco durinp airy proceeQlnp,
<br /> Ir�cl�sNnp�pPropiiafe�ppeeb,so Iang as Trusta has notlAed 6ertdor ln writlnp p�for to Qainp so nnd ao bnp as,in Le+id�'a sob op►nlon.
<br /> l.An�uPa IM�sb in tho Ptop�rty mre not�soperQimd. Londor mnY��Tntstor to Poat�doqt�r s.cur+►y a a sunti cone.roasarbN
<br /> sa9staxtay to Lender,to p�otect Lender's IMerest.
<br /> Duty to Protetl.Tr�slo�aprees neliher to abendon na tasve u�ettendod tho Prcpxl�j. Trusta ahnN do aM other scts,In nddlUOn to those acts
<br /> � sot torth abovs In 4�b sectian,whfch Bom the cherectw and use ol the Propfxly nn romsorsably noCOSSary to protxt and preserve the Property.
<br /> __'_ . �a u�Ya�.... _ ____�....w..H�Wu ili�n�rvl rwvah{e nH tl�fne CYPL►fl[1 hU�hFS DSBd O}TRISt .
<br /> - ' ' UIIC YI�a/KC�\IV��K��1 Bi�ir.tfVGJ�. L01tVP tiu a�.u.�(�v.n.�wvq........ . . _.__ ___.'.-. '" .
<br /> upon tho sale or transter,without fhe Lenders prior wr�l8en consent,ol ap a eny�crt of ti�e Real Piopertyr,or nnp Intarest in tlie Ren!Property. A '
<br /> ''sale or transigr'means the conveyanCe ot Reat Property or any ripht,tltle or Intarost therNn;whotPier feQel,beneddal or equitable;whether vduntary ,
<br /> I or InvdunWy;whethar by outripht SW,de�d,tnstellment sale contreC4land Co�tracf.ContraCt tor deed.te�sehdd Inbrost wfth�tam proater Ihan
<br /> thrao(3)yesrs,leese-optlon contraCt,ot by sab,asslpnment,a trartster of any bene�cia7 Interost In or to any lend trust haldinp dtls 4o the Re�t
<br /> I Properly,a by any other methal M conwyinc�of Red Ptoperty interest. If any Tnistor b�capantlon.Rutr�shlP a Nmiterl UabiYty comPa°y� �
<br /> � trat�sfK also Includas any clxnps in own�atYp af mors than Mhnfy-A�re percent(2fix)ai tha votlnp stodc,putnastdp inlerosts or Nm�kd NaGNity
<br /> - � company Interesb,a9 lhs case msY be,of Trustor. Mowsver,ihis optbn sMN nol be lxwt'ISSd by Undir If 6uCh ox9rClse I!prohibftsd by fedanl i
<br /> ' ; law or bY Nebreska ww.
<br /> ' TI1XL9 AND LIQI�.Trie IoNOwlny provtslons rektlnp to IM 4xa and Aena on ft+e PropKty u�a put d lhb Desd of Tnnk
<br /> � PayrtNnt. Tnulor ahstl poY wt�en due(and In aN evenls P�a to dellnquoncy)tU Wcsi.spednl t�xes.�ss�sarrNnb.Charpas(Includir�q water
<br /> � snd sewer), fines and Impositlom IeNed epalnst or on iccount ot lhe PropoAy,trtd shall pay wMn dus aN dalms fa wak dorw on a fa
<br /> _ I serWCes rendered or materlal hxntsheA lo the Property. Tnntor sh�ll rtufnWn tlw Property(ree of a�'1 Nerts heNnp prtarity over a�quel to tho
<br /> � Interest of Lender under tMS Daed of Trusf.except for the Nen of faxes�nd assesEments not Que end axcepl as oti�awlse provfded!n tAts Deed
<br /> of Tnnt.
<br /> .ZOFl�
<br /> :,
<br /> - —
<br /> r ----��-----. _ _._ _ _
<br />