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<br /> ��'�"'�'��:°� DEED OF YRUST '"
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<br /> ���,':.� � ;?':�r`} ,amonp the OrcnEO►,. F�.)tp_i.p J Y.I22LiIHUNQ
<br /> `�- � `f'�� pART1ES:Thls Oeed of Trust la made on _ HA�t FC i 21 �Q97 __..._._—�-- „
<br /> ' ,.,'� ��^:�:•' _ 1'Eionowor'1�i ,
<br /> '` ��-.'•'�' �_�NDAA r. L'TT^.RSM�?IS��HIISHLta�"i- ��-� MiPR_ --.—." —'—"� " ' . �.
<br /> I'�,?:.: ;;"�:';� _ ARF�_R AAACR�, ATTORAfFY --- - - . .. -:.�
<br /> �� ;`��::;,� County, NobresMa 1"Pn�ztoo'L ond thn Deneticl�ry, \� . „ . _1�.:;
<br /> ,ai• '•.;;• whose reaidenco pddrese la �-�-- -� ,��co►poretfon utp�nlROd ';;-�_ -
<br /> .`�..,�.:�14; �� FFDFR�r cn��Tld(34 k T�I�N �1AA0 TATInwt --------�- _
<br /> ';:'��,:`F� and existlnp undor the lawa ot tt�3B2is�b whose�ddrr.ss Is___Z�L9flIITii-I+QC[I:1T. :];i'elF.F��,.- - - • , ___
<br /> �..;;.`'`tiy,:� •� 6pnn idc�n ----- -- --._. -----..1"Lender'1, , • '___—.
<br /> :'� (�RA�7D T.4`T.ATTD, NSS 3---- • _, •
<br /> %;:;tt,
<br /> " •:,;�,;;;� CONVEYANCE:For value received,Borrawer tr�evocably pr�nta end conwys to Trustno.In trutt,wlth pow¢r o!ae4D,thf�red pop�rty,o}w c� �:,_.-�
<br /> " � Bo�rower is larrfuly eeixed, described betow BM ell buildinys,fixtures, sM exlstfnp and Uitun Improver:2nto tt�vronn end df Nphts•ohweY. �;,c`-
<br /> •�`��`% easements, rents, Issuen, profita, Incame, ten�ment�, herediUm�nt�. M+y,�R'J�p end �ny sppurfe��rnce� t�+�ar[inta t�4lort�ina 1��� �a�%�� 111e �i
<br /> „ �''ar':!`d'' •property'1. ___-__-- �keGrt�eko 6RA�,?_.____. �i=ni
<br /> .,., .,, .__
<br /> u'.�r:,. PAOPERYY ADDRESS: �a�� N KRII�R -- � Q u�o coa� ,� 'z"
<br /> •. ;�.. � 16rre�u tcllvl
<br /> ` '' LEOAL D�SCRIPTtOH:
<br /> '�'"`•s` T,OT ELEVEN (111 BLOCK SIX (61 IN THE COLL�C�� ADDITION TO • .
<br /> ��
<br /> �: -
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<br /> _ ��`ry ---
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<br /> ;�
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<br /> � •
<br /> •� lacated in NAi r. _ County,Nsbratko.
<br /> TITLE:Borrowor covenants and werrents title tothe propeny, exce6�t far -
<br /> SECUAED DEBT:This deed of trust secures �o Lender repeymmt ot th�eecured dsbt�nd tM psrtorm�nce o1 thn cownrett and �pr��m�nt�
<br /> Boncwerow Bi to Lender under this deed ofew t omunder en��r,rtti�mx tf securod bythbo�deed of truut�Rnr9 i�1 madutitcatbnca extansbni erid
<br /> � � renewe�s thereof.
<br /> �� The secur�ed debt is evidenced my IList eil Instrument4 and e8reem�rMa�ecurad by this dwd ot trunt and t�M d�tos tiNr4of.1: �
<br /> A 'PRAMTSCORV NOTA NO CRCL7RT'i`'4 A'RF�'���"�' nrTEn_-MaTlC!H 2?�_1��._....—
<br /> �' .� ' �j Fumre Advmc�a:The above amount le aecured�ven thou�h ell or pert of It m�y not y¢t C��.fiv�rtced. Futuve sdwncnf are
<br /> - � contempiated end wiil be secured to the sem�excont as it msde on the d�te thla daed of t►ua21s taocuted.
<br /> . `� ❑ Revolving Iino of c�edk agreemertdated �,with Initlel anrxa�l!«tao�t r�t�af ��
<br /> � All amounte owed under thle egreement ere aecuand ev�:n thouph sll emounts mey not yet bo r�anced.�uture advance�undsr
<br /> . ' the agreemont are contemplated end wul be aecurc�l to thm aeme extent ee If inede on tMe d�te thl�1 deed o}tru�t Is exacuted.
<br /> �� :� The above obUeatlon Is due end pnyabie on MARCA 21., ?nn2 _ ,___1f not pNd eetler. --
<br /> � � The totel unpald balence secured by thia deed of trust at r.ny on�tima shnll not oxcead e moxlmurn prl��:dpal�mount of__
<br /> � - , ., �...... _............, r.,�.,���ne Dotl�n(1 ,�.nnn�_.. ►�Plu�int�re�t.
<br /> • � plus eny amounte�iiebursed undor tha termo of this deocl of tnut to p�oiocY tNe eecurity cf tMu d¢t�J ot truat ar to perform my of the =_ -
<br /> cavananta contalned In thie doed of truat,with Intereat o�such dlebureement4. �`���°�_
<br /> �, ❑V�Aahie Hat�:Tho intorost rate on tM obligation securad by thio doed of trunt mey vary accorGir�to tha torm�01 thet oblipatlon. �-`,�,_ _
<br /> " ' ❑ A copy of tho toan aprooment containing the te�ms uno:er which tho Interoat rote mny vary�•t ottnehad to thle deed ot trust end y„��=;__,
<br /> mado a purt heroof, �-����
<br /> : :1.::��'__�__.
<br /> '� � R�dERS: ❑ Commerclal r�.A,a�TA�"s�'�'� n R 'Ta ❑ — _ :;"'�,1•�;
<br /> -- DESICINA'i'IQN OF HOME9YEAD •�F .'.
<br /> - � Pursuunt to tho Farm Homeatead ProxeMio�Act,desi�t:3timn oi homeatoad ❑ In attachrtd to tlda doed oi truat and m�de a pert hereot . '
<br /> � � ❑ hne been dieolaimod:tho diaclelmar le ni2achcd to thla dead of Vust and mado e Rart haroof. �
<br /> F
<br /> : SI�NATUHES:By siQdny b�low,8orrow�r a��e to tM t�rrrn�evJ cov�n�nt�contdnsd In tht�dasd e+1 W st,Ir►chtAln�ttw��on p�2.�nd In
<br /> �ny dd�r�d�scd6�d�bow tlprted by 8arown. �
<br /> ..�-" � .
<br /> . . ,
<br /> �l1t. ��-.t,�
<br /> ,�.¢� �.a-i— .-� ._.
<br /> -- _-- _ __.._�����se��►unve 3ANDRA L H'11'29LMONB
<br /> . __."`- _.. ------ �T itV1vHL+L u r J.a�.v...•.v.... _ — .:..--°
<br /> IlCKNOWLEQt3MENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, uAr,i. __ ____ _ _County se: '
<br /> ' Tho toroaoing inatrument wae ecknowledpad b3foro me on thia �ic7 �dey of M11RCH,_1497 - _
<br /> .. �� ' bti/ AANAT.i1 .7 FIT7.SIF�17C Tt�*�? S 11f1f�A T. EIT2A7�RONC_ HIfRAANp]�]_jQ,�'$_—.._ -- .— . . .. - ---"---
<br /> .. '--- ITltltlill ..
<br /> . - Lo�oornea �t i ----��— --_—____ --- -_Wrmo�Corpv�t�onaVerm«►n�pl
<br /> Vannann�D '
<br /> _ �ctnov,n�apmm� e ___ _____._.on boholi oi tho corparedon or pertn�rshlp.
<br /> , yc mrseor� (�'KKLEINT �,�r��.-
<br /> s�Comm.fap.Mc. 19,1949 _ _ ��`�����n.�"�
<br /> , Thls lnetrumont was ---�— - ' '�-""^"u-"' "n/� y
<br /> p10SBl�MKEt13BY8TEMS,INC..ST.CLOUD.MN6030tit•804397•43atIfONMOCP•MT6N¢8119/B7 AppY�� 00039316 �p�Q��OI�) �'v��n/151�A .
<br /> __ CCT�Ck 0100463630
<br />