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<br /> ���,�r� the Property, sue �or or otharwise colleci: the rents, �;,-_;
<br />=+!�� issues and pro�iti� 4:li�reof, includtng thos� p�st due and =
<br /> r����-- -
<br /> unpaid, and apply 1:h� sam�, l.ess cost� �nd �xpenses of _
<br /> � . op�ration and collocxion, including attorn�y'� fees, if :
<br /> . permitted, on any �.nd�btedn�ss secured h�reby, all in :
<br /> � � such order as Bonoficiary may determine. TI�2 entering :-;
<br /> ' �y���•�' upon and talcinc� poss�s�ion of the Prop�erty, �he °~
<br />",*���� � collection of suc2t xents, issues and profits and the �F'`
<br />'3�y�,��;,.;, , applica�ion th�reo� sliall not cur� or wa ive any de fa u l t I,�`_�
<br />-- - - or notice of deE�ult h�r�under, or invalidate any act ��V
<br /> `�`Y�� .��� done: in responsc� r4 sucli d�fault notwith.�t�nding the �
<br /> c�
<br />�'''•,'�"�""" continuance in po�sess:on of the Property or the --
<br /> 5?,t�lts�o.� [t�
<br />.-"�"��' . collection, receip� and application of renta, issues or
<br />,g,,i,��� ��^ profits. Trustiee or IIen�ficiary shall b� �ntitled to ��
<br /> = exercise every rigtxt provided for in the Trust Deed or -
<br />� �`�'��=�-� Note, or by law oa� occurrenc� of any even� og default, _,
<br /> ��,:�:,,t,�,,; , ' __
<br /> �,�.:;�R,�- includi.nq tho right to ex�rcise the Power af Sale.
<br /> ';t�".. .
<br /> �°�`�'';:��• b. Commenc� an action to foreclos� this '�rust Deed
<br />--_'�"•�� as a mortgage, �o se�lt d�ficiency an the indebtedness
<br />:�r;'���;�� , after foreclosur�, to appoint a rec�iver, and to
<br />—_��'�'�+ �thPrwise specifically enforce any oi th� c�ovenants or -
<br />=�=�TT��,�1' provisions heseof.
<br /> ----;:;�::�� . .
<br /> ��-�--�-- '�� c. Delivcr to Trus�ee a written d�claration of
<br /> .,:�� ,
<br /> ---"=�.i default and demand for sale, and a writt�n notice of
<br /> ��;•�
<br /> _-- , default and el�c�ion to cause Trustors' inA�erest in t e
<br /> �j ;. Property to bQ sold under 2lze Powor of Sa�e contained
<br /> _ .__� hErein, which noCic� Trustee shall cause to 1�e duly filed
<br /> zr.�„ for record in �he appropriate off.icial r�c�ords, all to
<br /> —= the extent required by applicable law;
<br /> -_=;;'y
<br /> d. E���rcise all rig��ts and remedi�a •available to
<br /> `:�;, Heneficiary under th� Nobr-rzska Trust D��ds Ar.t.
<br /> Y ' . 15. Foreclosuze l�v 1?o�r of Sals: Should Beneficiary elect
<br /> -------, ;
<br /> to foreclose by exercise of trse Power of Sale herein containe ,
<br />-;;.,;��.� ' Benefi.ciary shal� notify Trus�ee and shall deL�osit with Trustee -
<br /> "::;::��`� ' �his Trust Deed and tlie Not� and such r�ceipts and evidence of
<br /> ��-.- exp�nditures made and secured hereby as Trust�� may require.
<br /> --- . a. on recei�� of such notice from Beneficiary,
<br /> =� Trustee shall cause to be recorded, publishea and
<br /> - ��� • delivered to Tru6L-ors such notice of d�fault and notice
<br /> - _--^-' of sale as then required by law and by t�ais Trus+� Deed.
<br /> _=---��� �� Trustee shall, without d�mand on Trustors, after such
<br /> ""'������ s tim� as may then be required by law s�ll the Property at
<br /> ���T�.�,,�;,-`� the time and plac� of sal` s�t f�rth by mrustee in such
<br /> ,�yr-����'� ` notice of sale, �ither as a v�hole or in s�paratie lots,
<br /> -�;;...... � r
<br />;_,ti�.: s ,
<br /> ..,,,�,;. �,, parcels or items as Trust�e shall d��m expEC�ient, and in
<br /> °•`'�;;:, , such order as Trus4:�e may det�rmine, at publ3c auctioaa to
<br /> ��^��'��£`'�� �� the highest bidder gQr cash in lawful money of the United _
<br />• _ ""� �..1�.:
<br /> �• —
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