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, . . <br /> �r�kt <br /> 'MMM!+� - '' <br /> � � ,. <br /> '.� . „ .. ,. , <br /> ..`4�.:' / - . - . . . _'•4�3'IW,^:.1'�.' . • . . _. . .�• _�,4�,`���. . ` <br /> . <br /> "' ' �AN� .;'v.�... . " ��.. ... . . .. .. . . .... . .. ' <br /> ... -...... ��'.'.. .. . . . .. �' <br /> / � _.� <br /> � r: <br /> . . ��-. <br /> . 97-. �,cr�4s2 <br /> o�rorcl�ed tiy Beneficlnry If oxorclaa la pr�l�hsPad by federel la�v ae ot Ihe date of thla Securlry Imtrument. II Beneflclary exerclsoe thls optlon, <br /> � t3snaflelery ehaU plve Tniatnr nottee ot eceelnrntlon. Tha notice ehall provlde a perlod o7 not losb thon 30 daye fran lhe dnto the nottce Is deliverod or <br /> mn�led within whlch lha Trunlar mud p�y oll rumn�ecurod by thl�Securiry InalmmenL If Truetor taue to pay theie sum�prlor tc the explulion ot thl� <br /> porf 2 De�V��T O�V��`^���TV Any ofl lhe follrriviny even'e�h�Iribe deemad�n el�ent of det�uft ha eundcfmarAOrs Truator. <br /> o. Tnist�r rhnll linvn fnfiod to meko f��yment o}uny Inst�timant of Interest,princlpal,or princlpal wnd Intere�t o}any other eum securod <br /> h�reby wii�n du�:or <br /> � b. There Iron oocurred n breacti ct or det�uit under �ny torrt�, covenont, ogreement, condillon, provlsion, rapresent�tion or wunnty <br /> ccntelnod In ony oitl►a l.onn Inntnimente, <br /> �„,,:.� � 13. ACCEL[RA9'ION; RffNGt91ES. t�oneftci�ry ehnll pive notico of deloult to 7rostor prior to accekraticn following Tnrstor'e bre�ch af sny <br /> ,,,M. . covenant or nproemnnt In thin Truet�aed. Tho notice e�all epacity(o)the detauit;(b)the actlon requlred to cure Ihe default;(c)a date,not les�lh�n <br /> �� 30 dnya ftcm tha dnta tho nollr.o la�Iven to Tn��nr,by whfch lhe default musl Ce cured;and(d)that faiture to wre tAe dehuit on or betoro tM date <br /> e{�aGtlad in ths notl�mny roault In oece!�rntlort of the eums Qecured bY thie 5ecudty Instrument end sab af Ihe Property.Tho natico ehvll Nrther <br /> intartn Trustor o1 tho rl�lit ta roinntnto eRor ncrt�kratlon and the ri9ht to brirq e couit ection to osseR the nonexislenGe oi a dotauN or ony other <br /> dafsnao of Trustor ta c�ccolorntlan ond ealo. If Ihr�defauk 19 nol cured on or betora tho�ato spedHad in the noqce,BeneRc!ary et Its optlon may reQuire <br /> ' Immedlote p�yment in hiil ai All numa eecurod Iry thl�Ser,urity Instrument without funkbr demand and may Invdce tho power ot e�b ond�ny oSher __ <br /> mmedla�permittocl by opnllceble I�nv. Truator alTall be enHtlad to colbct au expensea tncurred In purouing the remadieo provlded in thb piregaph 13, ���, <br /> �' Including,but no!Iimltnd io,ronnon�bla ettomoy'u fee�and costs ot C�.b evidence.It power of safe te invoked,Truslee shall record e notice a!•��he!!!n -- <br /> �. ench coanSy In whleh ony pnrt ot tho PropoAy Is�ucated end ahell mall coples ot such notioe In lhe manner presuihad by applicabie law to 7rustor end <br /> ��. t�the other poraons prnscribod by opplicoblo Io�a. After tho tlme rcqulmd by appticabb law,Trustee ahafl gNe pW1ic notica of sab to the persons and 1�: <br /> ' ;,,.�; In the manner prescribnd by nppllceble lew. Trustee,without demand on Truslor,shatl sell tho Property a1 publk auctbn to tha highest bidder ot the �- <br /> � �� tt:ne and place and undnr tho tmma deal�nnte�i in thm notice of sob In one or more parcels end tn any orderTrustee detertntnes. TruaSee may _ <br /> tt; �' postpona sala oi ell or any pnrc.^,I of tho f�topc�y by public ennoimument at the Nme and place ai any pre�lousy se�edufed sate. Beneficlary or Its E_ <br /> i=� deslynee myy purchnr.o tt�o I�ropeAy et ony a�b. Upon roeelpt of payment of the pHcn bid,Trustee aholl detiver to the purchaser Truatee'e dead p�fr•j. <br /> � �f-�•ii� canYeytng the Property. Tim rcscitels In tlio TNaue's deed ahall bn prima fade evAence of the truth oi 1M statements made theroln. Trustee shall �!-��•^' <br /> eppry ths Q•toc�do ot lhm aale in lho tollowing order: (a)to ell expensos oi the saie, InGuding,but not IimitN to,Trustee's fees es permiHed by � -' <br /> • oppilcabk law end ronronabie ottomoy'o f�eos;(b)to all eums svcured by this Secunry Instrument;and(e)any ercess to the person or persons kgalty ���4 <br /> ' � antitfed M k. -- <br /> 7/, � 14. BENEFICIARY IN POSS�SSION. Upon accekratlon under paragraph 19 or obandonment of the Property,Be�eflciary(in person, by s3ent <br /> F;�� <br /> ,;` or by Judictalty appolnWd mcaiver)ahall lxi ontified to enter upon,tako poaseulon of nnd manage the Proparty ond to collect the ronts o}the Pruperty ____- <br /> , includirtg those past duo. Any ronta collected by Beneficiary or the receivar shall be apptied flrst to paymenl of the costa oi management of the a.;_- <br /> . �� property pnd collection ot ronis,Includtnp,but aAt limited ta,roCeivera fees,premiums on receivers bonds end ro�son�bb attomey's tees,ond fhen to �"- <br /> the eums aewred by thlo 8ucurity Inat�umt�nt. <br /> ;._. s 15. RENIEDIGB N07'EXCI.USIVG. Tni�ee and BenefiGary,end each of them,ahall ba entitled to enforoe payment ond performmee of any <br /> ;'�. IndeMednass or oblipntlann aacuted heroby ertd to exercise ell rights and poveers under thie Deed of Trust vr undar any Loan Inshument or other <br /> �` agmement or any lawn now or hernefter In forca,not withstnnding some or sil of the such ladebtedneu and oEfgaUons 6ecured heroby may now or <br /> � -- nmreaner oe oinerwiau oacuicu',;�t�ii'�ar i:y��.�:,�:g:;r..���tt'!g'.nwi�n,iinn.asslanment or othenrLe. Ne'Neer"ie ecceptance of this OeAd oi <br /> +� Trust nor(ts entorcement whother by court odlqn or pursuant to the power of eah or other powem herein contaYied,shall proJudfce or in ony manner _ <br /> attect Tn+�tee'e or Bonnficlary's�ight to roelixa opon or entorce eny other security now or hereaRer held by Truslee or Benaftciary,k being agreed th�t <br /> Trustee end Benefivinry,�nd oach of lhom,oha�l be entftted to entorce lhls�]eed oi Trust end eny other secu�is.y now or heroaRer hetd by Benefiduy or <br /> � Trustee In such ordor end monnor ns Ihey or e�ther of thom may in tholr absolute discrotion detertnine. P10 remedy therefn conferrod upan tK reserved <br /> to Tnistee or i3onoflcinry la Intondod to bo oxclia�slvo ot any other remedy herein or by law provided or permitted,but each shall ba cumulative smd sh1�11 <br /> be In addition to every Mt�nr mmndy piven her¢under or now or hereaRer existinD at law or in equity or by stetute.Every f�axer o�romedy pNon by any <br /> � " of lhe loan Inetrumonto to Ttuatoe or Oonrficlary or to wh�h eflher of ihem m�y be othervrise entilled,may bD wcercised, concurtenUy or <br /> - Indepenslentry,trom tlmo to tima and as oftan ws moy be deemed expedlent by Truste+�or Benefidary and eNher ot them may puraue Inaon�istent <br /> . � • � � rort�edi�s. Nothing horaln aholl Uo constniod rta prohlbiting Boneficiary from seeking e deflciency Judgment egainsttha Trustor to the extent 6uch�etion <br /> Is partrti�ed by 18w. <br /> � �'; 1B. GOVERNINO Ll+W. Thin Deod oi Trrst shall bo govenied by tha laws oi the Stete of Nebraska. In tM event that eny provisbn or cl�use of <br /> • ��i� any of tha Loan Instnimonto con111cts wilh eppilcabb laws,such contlicts shail not affect othar provisions of such loan InsUuments whkh can he given <br />-� �,' effeCt wHhout the contlk1lnD provlefon,end b ti�ls end the provlslons of the Laan insin,menta aro deGared to be severebl8. This instrument cannart be <br /> �'"��°� ' ' walved,changed,discherped or lertnlnatnd orFity,but onry by en instrument In wriling signed by the partyr agalnst whom enforoement ot any waiver, <br /> i.., :-,i _.;�X'. <br /> _ � CF180�D,cllscharflo or tormtnntlon In s►ouflht. <br />-�'� � � �''+ 17. t�ECONVGYANCE. Upon paymnnt oi all sums secured by tT�is Securily Instrument, [ieneficlary nh�il mguest Trustee to recorney the <br /> -` �*:��%`� ; Property 9nd shall uurrondnr lhfs Security Ina,rument end all notes evidenGng debt aacured by thb S'ecurity Instrument to Trustee. Trustee ahall <br />�;,���� ";��� reconvey the Proparly without wercanty ond writhout c,harge to tho person or persons legelly entitled to it. Suci� person or pArsons shall pay any <br /> .b' ; '�;.� recardaUan costs. <br /> _,��__, •; . �'�1• ' 18. REQUE6T ROR NOTICES. Truator requests that�copies of the notkes of de7aui:and aale be sent to TNStor's addrou which is the Property <br /> -_ ;�:f.;-` AddrcS�. Tmstor furthor►oquests thet coplos ot the noUCea ot defauR and sale be sent to aach person who is e padyr heroto et the eddross of suCh _ <br />�;;���;<:;;;�. pemor+sst torth heroin. <br />—_;tis:z.�'� � 1�J. NOTIC[S. Any norico to Trustor pro�ldod for in thl�Securi�r�nsWment shail be pfyen by de4vering R or by mailing It by first C�ss mifl <br />;.-�;�:;.�;,;.,;�� unkas o�plicHbSe law roqulros uso ot anothor method. Tha noUca shall be dtro�ted ro the Property Address or any other addro�s Trustor designales by _ <br /> -� �+:?:� � notice to BenetiGary. hny notfco to Boneticiary shail be given by firot Gass mail to Benefciary's eddress steted herein or any other addros�Benefielary <br /> -:y:..'+�' deelpnates by notico to Yniator. Any notico provlded for in this Security InstNment shall be deemed to hatin been Qiven to Trustor or Boneficiary whon = <br />��;,�t;�r piven os proulded in thla pnreproph. _ <br /> 20. ACC[PTANCff QY YRU6TE�. Tn�stae accepte thls Trust when Ihls De�sd o}Trust,duty exocuted end acknowtedged, is made t pu5lic <br /> .:. <br /> . recoM as provided by la►v. <br /> � IN WfTNESB WIiF.RG01�,Tmator Itas tlxecuted th(s Deed of Tmst as ot lhe day end year firs ve ltan. a_ <br /> .�'? MARTY ,�� _T�� � 4__- <br /> `;� ;, JAMI� �r� <br /> � <br /> �;';;:' . <br /> � S7ATE OF NEBltASI(A ) <br /> . � 1 SS. <br /> COUNTY OF 1 <br /> ,,�.,,; �.. The toregolnp Daod ot Truat�vns aGu�owiedped ba�tore mo on NLzrch 1l� _.19 91, by Mar�v Brown <br /> _'•--'-- - - - <br /> --- _ — -- <br /> and T mi _ }3 nt __ ' <br /> - I. G�NERQ NQTARY•Si�kof lkEnst� <br /> 1ERESA M.COPL�N <br /> _ IAy Cammiuloa expfres: � � !�� �7`� / <br /> : � J , <br /> ,� <br /> . ka.troi -- <br /> _ 3:'IdiS <br />