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<br /> I1. Succesaon+ And AAelRne 8oand;Joine Rnd 5everxl l.f�fbilityt �:arf�nerx. Tl�»c�vvnnntfi and il�[CCi11C1115
<br /> I�crcin contnlrtcd shnll bind, nnd thc riglue hcrcundcr shalt 1nurG to, thc respectivc succcssqr:s nnQ n�Yignn of Lcndcr�md
<br /> • Honowcr, subjcst to thc provisions of p��m�mpli 1G licrcof All covcm�nts�ind ng�ccn�ente of Hoi�r�u•cr shall bc�ofnt nnd
<br /> scvcral. Any Borrowcr wtio co-signs this Dccd of Trust,but doas iiot exccutc tlic Notm,(n)is c�•si�t�ln�diir�Uced of Trust
<br /> only to grant nnd convcy tbat Honower's interest in tlie Properiy to Tn�stce under the ternis of tb.ie I:1ecQ ut Tn�st,N)is not
<br /> - �;.esonally liablc on thc Notc or undcr this Decd of Tn�st,nnd(c)agrccs ttmt[.cndcr and nny at3wr�3orrou�cr hurcunder may „
<br /> _ a�ree to extend.modify, forbear, or malco nny otiier nccommodntions�vith regard to the termR o4 t{r.in Deed of Trust or the
<br /> Notc, w[thout that Horrotti•crs conscnt and �vithout rcicnsing th�t �orrowcr or uiodil�ing thin Decd of Tntrt as ro that
<br /> -� � Sorr�wcrs intcrest in Ilce Property.
<br /> � ^' 12. Notfce. Except for any�otice roquired under npplicnble la�v to be given in anotJwr mnnn�sr,(a)any noUce to
<br /> borro�vcr provided for in this Deal of Trust shall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by mailinII ��r,h noti�o by ccrtified mail .
<br /> " addressed to Bortawcr at the Property Addness or ut such other address as Borro�vcr mny dcsifinntc by notfcc to I.cnder as . .���T,.`
<br /> proulded her�i�n,and @) any notice to l.ender shall be�iven by certified mail to Lender's udQ�ss stnted hamin or to such � �7; .�
<br /> other address as Lender may ciesignate by notice to Borrov�er as provided herein. Any notic�p�ovldr.d in tl►ia Deed of Ttust . �
<br /> � shall he deemed to have been given to Borro�vcr or Lender when yaiven in tho manner desi��tet1 hor�in. 4�'"=
<br /> .; ��:: =
<br /> d ,°_�,-
<br /> � 13. Go�erning Law;Severability. The state and local laws applicable to this Dcod of Tru.��l shall be the Inws of ,,;<<•
<br /> thE jurisdiction in which the Propecty is located. Ti��Pu�egoii►b scntence shall not limit th�applicnbilit�f of Federal latv to •'y'r'"-`
<br /> -� this Deed of Trust. Ia the eveut tt�at any provision or clause of this Deed of Tn�st or the Nota c.onfli:ets wit�npplicable law, ��'�
<br /> � ' � such oonflict shall not afl'ect other rovisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which c�1n bn givon effect wit�hout the ���=�
<br /> oonflicting paovision,and to tbis end the provisions of this Dced N'Tr+i�t and We Note are declared t�tw severable. As ased °�v,,-�,'��:
<br /> herein, "oosts", "expenses"atnd"attorneys'fees"include all sums to the extent not prohibited tay applicablv law or limitc�d - -_ _
<br /> . ~4.�,� :
<br />. " �� herein. �'-1�"-
<br /> ����� '� 14. Borrower's Copy. Bono�n•er shall be furnished a conformed oopy of tho Noto and of tliia Dced of Tn�st ai the �"'-°`'°'"``
<br /> � !�',:, time of execaaipn or after recordadon hereof. �'�
<br /> �.�.
<br /> � 15. Rehabilitation I.oan Agneemen� Borrowcr shall fulfill all of Borrowex's obligariona uadcr any home _
<br /> _ _Y. rshabiLtauon,improvement,repair�or oihcr Ioau a�ai�eai�';zi�t;°ts,:.,�:,r enicrs isic�iit::.,,'e$er. L:n�r,a:T,.:n�*'s
<br /> '� option,may r�eguice Horrower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a form acoeptable to Lender,r.+n assignmen¢of�.ny rights,
<br /> �'%� claims or de�'�aases which Borrower may have against pariies who s�u�p�ly labor, materials or r�ro�iccs in connection with
<br /> •+ �{�, ,
<br /> ,.;:'•.' improvements anad�to the Property. —
<br /> _�,;:,,,.•^ ..
<br /> ��`;� 16. Trms.#'er off th�Property or A Beneficnal Interest iu Bormwer. It�ail or any part of tlio P�.�perty or siny
<br /> ,'1�����'' inte�sK in it is sold or tca�s'Fcned(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or�•nnsferred and 9onocver is n�t a natural
<br /> � ` person)without Lender's prlor�vritten oonsent,Lender may,at its option,require immedlate �ayinont in fuU og all sums
<br /> • secured by this Deed of Tnut. However,this option shall not be exentised by Lender if exercis V is proldbited by federal law
<br /> " _ as of the date of this Deesi of Tmst
<br /> �� If Lenrler exercises thIs option, Lender sfial9 give Bonower notice of aooeleration. The notice s1��1�1 �rovide a
<br /> ,. ` period of not less than 30 day�from the date the notice is delivcred or mailed within which Horrower must pay aU sums ----
<br /> secum.�l by iliis Deed of Tmst. If BorrowES fails to pay these sums prIor to ihe expiration of thic period,Lender may invok�e
<br />_- , +�.+� any remedies�mutted by this Dced of�rust without funher notice ur demand�n Borrower.
<br /> � � -
<br /> .�', NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and Lendcr furthex covenaut and agce as follows:
<br /> 17. Acceleratioa;Re�edies. E:cept s�a prnvasled in paragraph IG h�rrs�af,upoa Borrower'y toa+caeh ot any —
<br /> . ;� covenant ar A�eement ot BQrroNer iu this Deed uf Ttvst,including Borrower's fsttlunc to�sy,by t6c ead o!tut(10) --
<br /> ., � calendar d�ya xfter the drte they are due,any sums aecured by 36ia Deed of Trust,I.ender prior to xcceteration ehaU __
<br />___ give aodce to Borr�wer ae provided In pArAgraph 12 hertof spetifj*Ing:(1)the breach;(2)the sution reyufred to cure `-__---
<br /> ._. such breach;(3)a date,not �ess than 30 daye from the datc the noticc ia n�ai:Gz�l to Borrower, by wbi;��anncL breacb ��r�;-•—_
<br /> - ; must be wrEd;and(4)thai failure to cure such b��each on or before the�^�8s epecified in the notice uaay result in ��""�
<br /> r._.
<br /> � � Y.' xcceteration Qs!'the euana eccured by t6ia Dced of Trust and sa�E-of the Property. The noflce sdall turther inform -"-----
<br /> ��t', Bornower o7'¢1�e rigdt to reiuetate after acccleration swd the righY 4o bring a court xMiou s�as�ert the nan��istence '���'-�`=___
<br /> �'�z'•�- of a detault or nny other defense of Borrower to acceleration und eale. V the breach is nat cured on or betore 4he +�� _��-;,
<br /> . • r,rY----
<br /> , '" date apeci�ed in t6e eotiat,Lender,at Lender's optioo,may dcclAre sll of t[ec�li�s eecared by 4his Deed ot Tnist 40 �''::`°`;T�;'��=
<br /> } •,:ti.;,;��r::,-
<br /> " be immediatcly due and payablc�vithout furth�r a��mwnd aud may invokc the�rawer of salc and Any m4fher rcmedics ;t,�;�;rj�
<br /> permitted by applica6ie IAw. Lende� �hall bc entitled to colloct Yll coats and eapenxs uncarred in pursuing the `:1L-:_.
<br /> remediee pn�vided in thi�parwgr�ph 17 to the e�eat permitted by applIcable Iaw. .�.;�-`�
<br /> „ p If L+��nder invokes the power of eule,Lender oc Truatec shnll m�il cop�es of a natice of r►aale in the manmer :.�,
<br /> � rcacrlbed b� applia�4P iaw to Borrower aed to�z othcr persoaa prescribed by applicable law. Trussce ah�ll give .
<br /> • . n o t i c e o f s a l e b y p u b l i c u f l v e rt i a c m e n t f o r t h e t i m e s►n t l i n t h e m a u n e r p r c a c r i b e d b y a p p l i c a b l e I x w. 'II'r a i s t e e,�v i t h o u t �+'��,
<br /> � . •' demand on Borrower,shall sell the Prop¢rty at publfc auction to the highest bidder far casta at tbe tirue nud p1aGC ,
<br /> 4 a�d nnder xhe terma desigoated in the notice of aale in oac or morc parcel� and in such ordcr ae Truatcc may
<br /> ___._. _ __ _ _ . � .� . . • .�.t_ w._._ .� �_ _ ._ •_�__ �1___ _.� �L� __�� J��� L�. ._.._
<br /> - � ACtermme. 't'ruatee may po�tpane swe oi ��or any parec� o� �nc rrvpcny tv any �atcr umc un aac aawc uaac v�
<br /> � public announcement at thc timc and placc of any prcriously scheduled sale. L.endcr or I.ender's designec may
<br /> purc6asc the Property at any eale.
<br /> . + Tni�tee ehsll deRver to the pvrehaaer Trusree's deed conveying the Property ao aold withouY any covenant or
<br /> , � warranty,e�preased or impiled. The recital�in the Truetee's deecl shall be prima tac[e evidence of the truth of the
<br /> - . statemenxe madc tdercin. Tn�atee shalf apply the procceds of thc �glc in thc followin� ordcr: (a) to all coate and
<br /> eapens�e:erci�ing t6c power of eale and of the eale,including TrusEce's fce�not c:cecding S°!o of tht outstandin�
<br /> princfpal balaace and attorney�'fce�and coste of title evidencc;(6)to al!aum�secured by 4hts Deed of Trust;rtnd(c)
<br /> to thc payment of junior Tmst deeds,mortgagca or othcr licnhofdcro,and (d) thc excc.ts,if any.,to ths person or
<br /> peraona legally cntiticd thereto.
<br /> Form#739 NE (1 U/9�) P�gc 3 of 5 � J - , �
<br />