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<br />f'01384 <br /> <br />2f DISCUSS AND APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED <br />STATES OF AMERICA: This agreement addresses the United States' civil claim against <br />the County concerning the Title IV-D child support reimbursement funds. Hall County <br />was notified by child support enforcement of a possible claim of $96,000.00 plus <br />$5,000.00 to $10,000.00 per claim for damages. They entered into negotiations and <br />have offered to settle with Hall County for $40,000.00. These funds will be recovered <br />through future claims from Hall County. Eriksen made a motion and Jeffries seconded <br />to authorize the chair to sign the agreement. Janulewicz stated that the computer <br />system has been upgraded and the codes will be captured from the computer so this will <br />not happen again. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan <br />all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />4 DISCUSS FILLING VACANCY FOR THE OFFICE OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER: <br />County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz presented the board with a letter reviewing the options <br />the board has to fill the position of election commissioner. The salary for the office has <br />to be set 60 days prior to the expiration of the term. The Nebraska Constitution provided <br />that that compensation cannot be increased or diminished during a term of office. The <br />resolution setting the salary was approved by the county board and cannot be increased. <br />When a vacancy occurs in the office of county election commissioner the board can <br />appoint someone to fill the unexpired term. A vacancy in county offices provides that the <br />appointment is filled in 45 days. An alternative to appointing some one to fill the vacancy <br />could be to revert the duties of the election commissioner back to the county clerk. The <br />county board could establish the position of deputy county clerk for elections. That <br />person would be under the direction of the county clerk but the deputy shall be primarily <br />responsible for performing the duties. The board could eliminate the office and then <br />recreate the office with a new four-year term but Jerry stated that this action might not be <br />valid. Discussion was held and Jeffries made a motion and Eriksen seconded to refer <br />this back to the election committee for a recommendation at the next meeting. Arnold, <br />Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />5c COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON UPRR CROSSING PROJECTS: The Public <br />hearing was held June 26 on the railroad crossing projects and it was referred to the <br />public works committee. Jeffries stated that the committee met regarding the crossing. <br />The recommended to install gates and lights at all of the crossings and not to build the <br />roads as suggested by the proposal from the railroad. The cost of changing the roads <br />would be $40,000.00 and there is an irrigation well that would have to be moved. A <br />section of road on Schimmer and Wildwood will be closed. If the lights are installed, the <br />railroad is requesting that the county contribute $20,000.00 for the lights and gates. The <br />lights and gates will be maintained by the railroad. Jeffries made a motion and Eriksen <br />seconded to accept the public works committee recommendation and to set the public <br />hearings. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted <br />yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />6a DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON CLAIMS BOHAN AND DOLD: Jerry Janulewicz <br />provided a letter to the county board concern this claim. He stated that there was some <br />miscommunication between Mr. Bohan, Mr. Dold and the County Treasurer's office and <br />Mr. Bohan was given a redemption certificate instead of a tax sale certificate. Jerry <br />recommended that the transaction from April 4, 2000 be tabled until the county receives <br />a recommendation from the insurance carrier and he recommended that the board take <br />action on the request for a property tax refund from the May 1 2000 transaction. Jeffries <br />