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<br />~01325 <br /> <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Hartman called for public participation and no <br />one responded. <br /> <br />5 b COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON PURCHASE OF MOTOR GRADER: <br />Jeffries stated that the public works committee met and after lengthy discussion <br />recommends to purchase the Cat 12H Motor Grader from Nebraska Machinery <br />Company in the Amount of $107,886.00. Jeffries made a motion and Logan seconded <br />to accept the bid from Nebraska Machinery. Eriksen questioned why they did not <br />consider the low bid or even the second lowest bid, and Jeffries stated that there was a <br />problem getting the parts for the Komatsu graders and they checked the resale value on <br />the units that were the low bids. They also contacted a county that had the New Holland <br />brand grader and they expressed some concerns on the New Holland brand machines. <br /> <br />The representative from New Holland requested to talk to the board concerning the <br />information they received from the other county. He expressed his concern that his unit <br />was $25,000.00 lower and was not even considered. The other county expressed <br />concerns on obtaining parts for the machine. He stated that information that the Hall <br />County Board received was not accurate. Discussion was held and additional <br />comments were heard from the New Holland representative. Eriksen stated that he felt <br />the board needs to set a criteria on the bids and expressed his concern on not accepting <br />the low bid and requested that the matter be sent back to the committee for further <br />review. Logan stated that the committee would be willing to review the matter again. <br />Arnold made a motion and Humiston seconded to table the matter for further study by <br />the public works committee. Jeffries called for the question. The vote on the motion to <br />table the matter was taken. Arnold, Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen and Logan all voted <br />yes to table the matter and Jeffries and Lancaster voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />7 MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING BUDGET REQUEST - Lancaster stated that <br />the Midland Area Agency on Aging submitted a budget request and they are asking for <br />the same dollars as last year. The total request is $23,178.00. This request includes <br />the membership fee from Hall County in the amount of $5,928.00, that will assist with <br />administration costs and a continuation of the $17,250.00 for the senior services in Hall <br />County sponsored by Midland Area Agency on Aging. Lancaster made a motion and <br />Eriksen seconded to approve the request. Arnold, Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen and <br />Lancaster all voted yes and none voted no with Logan and Jeffries absent for the vote. <br />Lancaster stated that a new director, Carla Koecher was selected and she will start on <br />July 5th. <br /> <br />11 APPROVE EARLY CLAIMS - A claim from the Clerk of the District Court was not <br />submitted for processing for the month of May and it is necessary to process the claim <br />for the checking account reimbursement. Eriksen made a motion and Lancaster <br />seconded to approve the claim for $1,283.00 for the Clerk of the District court. Arnold, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz stated that there was one more early claim for the <br />purchase of the right of way for Steve and Lola Clark. He has completed the <br />negotiations for the right of way and the total amount due is $4,275.00. Jeffries made a <br />motion and Humiston seconded to approve the claim in the amount of $4,275.00. Arnold, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br />