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<br />~J1323 <br /> <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY - 2a DISCUSS AND APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL <br />ENGINEERING AGREEMENT #1 FOR SOUTH LOCUST PROJECT: County Attorney <br />Jerry Janulewicz stated that this agreement will allocate the responsibility between city <br />and county on the environmental monitoring of the wetlands that will need to be <br />constructed for the project. Some of the wetlands will be on the city well filed and some <br />will be built in the ditches of the roadways. The parties will need to do an annual <br />environmental assessment of the wetlands. This agreement provides for payment of the <br />expenses. The city portion will be $9,900.00 and the county portion will be $11,900.00. <br />The requirement for the assessment will not start until 2003 when the construction is <br />completed. The board questioned why the county portion was higher, but Jerry <br />Janulewicz explained that the county wetlands are spread out along the roadway and <br />would take more time. Jeffries asked if the consultant would be Olssen and Associates. <br />Highway Superintendent Marsha Medbery stated that Charlie Cuypers had a quote from <br />AZ & Associates and he was to contact Jerry Janulewicz with this information. <br />Janulewicz stated that he had not received any information on this quote. Arnold made a <br />motion and Lancaster seconded to table this matter for more information from Charlie <br />Cuypers. Arnold, Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted <br />yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />b APPROVE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DEED FOR PROPERTY- County Attorney <br />Jerry Janulewicz stated that this resolution will accept the deed on the closing of the <br />Beltzer Building that the county now owns. During a survey of the property it was <br />disclosed that the property line did not go to the northern edge of the property. This <br />resolution will approve the amended agreement and authorize the Chair to sign. Arnold <br />made a motion and Humiston seconded to approve Resolution #01-0034 Resolution <br />Accepting A Deed. Arnold, Hartman, Humiston, Eriksen, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan <br />all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br />