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<br />(01081 <br /> <br />2a COUNTY ATTORNEY - DISCUSSION REGARDING RECLASSIFICATION AND <br />WORK ON MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ROAD AT INTERSECTION OF 110TH ROAD <br />AND LOUP RIVER ROAD: County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz supplied the board <br />members with a letter addressing whether the county is required to upgrade a rural <br />minimum maintenance road to a higher classification whenever an existing or newly <br />constructed dwelling becomes occupied. He stated in the letter that a minimum <br />maintenance road cannot be the only access for an occupied dwelling. If an existing or <br />newly constructed dwelling becomes occupied, the county must take the necessary <br />action to reclassify the minimum maintenance road to a higher classification. The <br />reclassification does not require that the county reconstruct the road up to standards it <br />must be reasonably safe. What liability would the county have if an accident were <br />caused by the conditions? The need to be kept reasonably safe for travel would require <br />the board to talk to the public works director and if it is reasonably safe they may not <br />have to do anything. The board would have to consider whether if by maintenance <br />alone this road could be kept in a safe and suitable condition or whether reconstruction <br />of the road would be required. Lancaster questioned if anyone is living there at the <br />current time and there is no record of anyone living there at the current time. Jeffries, <br />Hartman and Darrel Johnson met on the road and drove it. It needs to be improved to <br />make it safe. The roadbed is sandy and it would need some type of surface on it. The <br />Public Works director would need to discuss with the Department of Roads and <br />Classification the type of reconstruction that would be needed to bring it up to current <br />standards. It is % of a mile long and the estimated cost would be $40,000.00. Don <br />Shuda is building a home on the property. There will be permanent buildings and there <br />will be two residents on the road. Hartman stated the fences would have to be moved. <br />Steve Clark was present and he expressed concern on keeping a fence on the property <br />because of the sandy soil. He also questioned where the road should be and where the <br />right-of-way it located. Eriksen questioned if the County has right-of-way for this road. <br />Arnold stated that if this project was in the One & Six plan for this year and if not where <br />would the funds come from. Jeffries stated that it was not included and it could come <br />from the inheritance fund as an emergency. Arnold questioned when the property was <br />purchased if the owners knew that there wasn't a road and he doesn't feel this was an <br />emergency. Shuda stated he has discussed this with Dan Hostler in the past. Jeffries <br />made a motion and Logan seconded to build the road for $40,000.00 and to take the <br />cost from the Inheritance Fund. Hartman added that the fences would be moved by the <br />county. Arnold questioned if the County has right-of-way and there needs to be a plan <br />before a decision can be made. Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries and Logan all <br />voted yes and Arnold and Lancaster voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2d CONSIDER AND APPROVE LABOR AGREEMENT WITH CWA (PUBLIC WORKS <br />DEPARTMENT) County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz that they have been negotiation on <br />this contract for a long time accept and reached an agreement. The proposal that was <br />submitted is for two years. It will eliminate step one, so it will be a nine-step pay plan. It <br />will include the 10% co-pay on family insurance and 3% pay increase. Janulewicz <br />recommended approving the contract. Jeffries made a motion and Lancaster seconded <br />to approve the contract with the Communication Workers of America. Arnold, Eriksen, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />2e DISCUSSION AND ACTION - BUILDING LOCATED IN COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF <br />WAY AT CMP: County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz stated that there is building on the <br />county road-right-of-way at CMP and the owners of the land would like to leave the <br />