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<br />(20020a~9 <br /> <br />12 APPROVE AMENDMENT #1 FOR MAXIMUS CONSULTING CONTRACT - This is <br />the amendment to the contract. Jeffries made a motion and Logan seconded to have <br />Jerry Janulewicz review the amendment and authorize the chair to sign. Arnold, <br />Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no with <br />Hartman absent for the vote. Motion carried. <br /> <br />16 COMMENCE AUDIT OF MONTHLY CLAIMS AND ACTION ON CLAIM AUDIT - The <br />board members review the claims and Logan made a motion and Jeffries seconded to <br />approve the claims and authorize the clerk to sign. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, <br />Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />BOARD ASSISTANT REPORT - Board Assistant Stacey Ruzicka included her progress <br />report and reminded the board members of the board of equalization meetings. She <br />also reminded them of the union negotiations. The evaluation forms need to be <br />returned by July 10th. The computer committee will meet after the board meeting. She <br />reported that BTS made some adjustments on the video equipment and asked if the <br />reception is better. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER REPORTS - Hartman - no report <br /> <br />Humiston - no report <br /> <br />Eriksen - All reported on <br /> <br />Logan - He had one union negotiation meeting <br /> <br />Bud - He attended union meetings and he reported that a plan is being developed for <br />retired police offices to provide security for the courthouse and grounds. These would <br />be well-experienced people and they could handle the job. Jeffries will take this <br />proposal to the justice committee for discussion and bring it back to the county board. <br /> <br />Scott - He reported that there was a proposal for the state to budget money for felony <br />cases and capital cases they would reimburse the county 25% but we may have to <br />increase the amount that is paid to the attorneys. The juvenile committee met on the <br />planning grant and there may be some concerns on a conflict of interest issue. <br /> <br />Lancaster - All of the committees have been reported on. <br /> <br />11 :50 am. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be July 16, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br />