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<br />(200203,36 <br /> <br />Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and Bob Mettenbrink 5900 North <br />North Road requested to speak. He owns property to the south where they want to <br />apply the solids and he questioned how this could be applied without causing an odor <br />problem. <br /> <br />George Leiser 3981 West One R Road - He lives across where they are proposing the <br />land application he does not have a concern on the ground application but has concerns <br />if there will be residue on the roads and the fly problem once it is land applied. If it was <br />applied during December through February there may not be a problem with flies. <br />Hartman stated that all you have to do is follow a truck and there is an odor problem. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that a lot of the people here are opposed to the land application and there <br />seems to be one problem after another. Conagra is important to the community but if <br />this can be hauled to the landfill or the dump why isn't it addressed this way. Mr. <br />Niemann stated that if it were hauled to the dump there would be fees and would be <br />expensive. Cant take to dump because of the cost condition use voted unanimously not <br />to land apply <br /> <br />Tom Rauret - North Road - He stated that the weather could affect the land application <br />and what if it is land applied and not worked into the land is there any enforcement if it is <br />not done correctly. He lives by the rules and they should also. <br /> <br />Jim Eriksen questioned if there could be an accumulation of the sludge and spills of the <br />liquid. Mr. Niemann stated that it is transported in sealed containers and it could happen <br />but they would take all possible precautions. <br /> <br />Marcella Greenwood stated that they are in the process of selling a piece of property <br />and is here to represent the owners. They would like to wait until the property is sold <br />before they land apply. <br /> <br />Sue Sheller 4417 Whitecloud Road - She lives across the road and stated that if it is not <br />worked into the ground the smell and fillies would be a serious problem. <br /> <br />10:55 a.m. Jeffries made a motion and Hartman seconded to close the public hearing. <br />Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Hartman made a motion and Jeffries seconded to deny the conditional use permit to <br />Conagra for the land application of the sludge. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, <br />Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried <br /> <br />Arnold stated that he had a concern on conflicting information on how it can be disposed <br />of. He could understand the concern on the cost if it was disposed of in the landfill. <br /> <br />Eriksen - He also stated he felt they were lacking some information to make a good <br />decision and expressed concern that there are not rules and regulations for <br />enforcement. <br /> <br />Jeffries - He stated that everyone is figuring out an angle to impose this on the county <br />people. The cost is too much and Conagra is from Missouri. They do the work and if it is <br /> <br />4 <br />