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<br />~20020169 <br /> <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY DISCUSS AND APPROVE BID SPECIFICATIONS AND SET <br />BID OPENING DATE FOR REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS IN BEL TZER BUILDING - <br />County Attorney Jerry Januelwicz presented bid specifications for the removal of the <br />asbestos in the Beltzer Building. The floor tile and the mastic have asbestos in it and will <br />need to be removed. He spoke to the architect and they recommended hiring a <br />contractor remove the asbestos. He has prepared the bid specifications that require the <br />removal of the asbestos according to Nebraska regulations. They will have a project <br />monitor and do air samples when the project is completed so there will be no airborne <br />asbestos in the building. The estimated cost would be $20,000.00. It would be better to <br />remove the asbestos while the building is empty. The building and grounds committee <br />met and recommended to proceed with the project. Jeffries made a motion and Logan <br />seconded to approve the bid specifications and set the bid opening for April 9th at 9:30 <br />a.m. Jeffries stated that this is the time to have the tile and the glue removed because it <br />would have to be removed in the future. Logan questioned if the asbestos removal <br />would cause problems on the completion date on the remodeling for the Beltzer Building. <br />Jerry Janulewicz stated that this will eliminate delays and they should be able to <br />coordinate the work with the contractor that is doing the remodeling. The vote on the <br />motion was held. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Logan all <br />voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and no <br />one responded. <br /> <br />7b PRESENTATION FROM JON I KUSMA WEATHER ALERT RADIOS - Joni Kuzma <br />stated that the City of Grand Island received a $300,000.00 grant for Project Impact, <br />which is a partnership between the City of Grand Island, the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency and the weather radio provider, Weather or Not, Inc. Project <br />Impact will place the radios in schools, homes, medical facilities, nursing homes and <br />businesses in Hall County. The radios will be available at a cost of $15.00 instead of the <br />regular price of $75.00. The radio is pre-programmed for Hall, Buffalo, Sherman, and <br />Adams Counties. People can call for the order form, send it in and the radio will be <br />mailed directly to the address listed on the order form. Joni provided forms to the board <br />members. <br /> <br />7a APPROVE PROCLAMATION FOR SEVERE WEATHER AWARENESS WEEK- <br />Emergency Management Director Howard Maxon stated that Governor Mike Johanns <br />has declared April 1 to April 5 as "Weather Awareness Week. He presented a resolution <br />for the board to consider. Last year Hall County did not have any tornadoes but the <br />season is here and everyone needs to be ready to take action if necessary. Jeffries <br />made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve Resolution #02 - 0021 declaring April 1 <br />to April 5 as Weather Awareness Week. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster and Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. Howard <br />encouraged everyone to purchase the weather alert radios. They are available at a <br />nominal fee and they will be on a first come, first serve basis. <br /> <br />2 <br />