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<br />(03/13/1 <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY - 2a CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION REGARDING <br />AMBULANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND - County Attorney <br />Jerry Janulewicz was present. He stated that the committee has met with the city <br />concerning the ambulance agreement and the city council has approved the agreement. <br />This agreement is similar to the current agreement. It will provide a 2% increase each <br />year and it also addresses the transportation of inmates from the county jail. The city <br />will not seek reimbursement of the inmate transportation unless the total cost exceeds <br />$12,000.00 a year. He recommended approving the contract. Jeffries stated that the <br />county's contribution is $165,000.00 a year and it costs the city $1.3 million a year to <br />operate the ambulances. Rye made a motion and Jeffries seconded to approve the <br />contract and authorize the Chair to sign. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster <br />and Rye all voted yes and none voted no, with Hartman absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2b CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION ON RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SUB-GRANT <br />AWARD AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE BOARD CHAIR TO ACT WITH RESPECT <br />TO DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS EQUIPMENT GRANT - Janulewicz stated that <br />Emergency Management Director Howard Maxon applied for an emergency <br />preparedness grant. The federal government has awarded money to the states and <br />these dollars may be distributed to other state entities for equipment purchases. These <br />dollars and the purchases of the equipment must go through the county. Hall County <br />received $49,100.00 for the 2002-2003 fiscal year. Once the equipment is purchased <br />and the ownership of the equipment transfers to the other public entities the county does <br />not have to keep the equipment on the county inventory. When the equipment is <br />purchased they will have to follow the county purchasing act. The county now needs to <br />approve the grant award agreement and the sub-grantee agreements with the fire <br />districts and St. Francis Hospital. <br /> <br />Arnold made a motion and Humiston seconded to approve Resolution #03 0042 a <br />resolution approve the domestic preparedness equipment grant award agreement and <br />authorize the board chairman to execute sub-grantee agreements. Arnold, Eriksen, <br />Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and none voted no, with Hartman <br />absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />3 <br />