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COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 <br /> The Hall County Board of Commissioners convened September 13, 2022 by published <br /> call in the County Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Peterson. <br /> INVOCATION - Invocation was given by Karen Bredthauer. <br /> PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — The Pledge of Allegiance was given in unison. <br /> ROLL CALL - Present on roll call were Karen Bredthauer, Butch Hurst, Pamela <br /> Lancaster, Gary Quandt, Ron Peterson, and Jane Richardson. Scott Sorensen was <br /> excused from the meeting. Also present were County Sheriff Richard Conrad and Board <br /> Assistant Kim Dugan. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW— Chair Peteson read the notice of open meeting <br /> law. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME — Chair Peterson called for anyone who wanted to <br /> reserve time on a specific agenda item. <br /> VERIFY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - The affidavit of publication was received. <br /> CONSENT AGENDA— Hurst made a motion and Lancaster seconded to approve the <br /> following by consent agenda. <br /> 1. Placed on file the minutes of the August 30, 2022 meeting <br /> 2. 7a Approved the purchase of approximately 47,000 of crack sealer from state bid <br /> for a total of $28,200.0014 approved the purchase of condensers for the Hall <br /> County Department of Corrections <br /> 3. 16 Placed on file the tort claim from the estate of Carley Johnson <br /> 4. 17 Approved the special designated liquor licenses for B & D Management for <br /> October 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, and 29, 2022 <br /> 5. 18 Placed on file the 2022 county inventories <br /> 6. 19 regional planning — a) Approved Resolution #22-054 amending schedule of <br /> fees for zoning & subdivision transactions <br /> b) Approved final plat & Resolution #22-049 for M & H Gideon 2nd Subdivision <br /> c) Approved final plat & Resolution #22-050 for Katzberg Family Farm <br /> Subdivision <br /> d) Approved final plat & Resolution #22-051 for River View at Harrell Farms <br /> Subdivision <br /> e) Approve final plat & Resolution #22-052 for Gehle 3rd Subdivision <br /> f) Approve final plat & Resolution #22-053 for Highway Motels 2nd Subdivision <br /> 7. 20 Approved the bi weekly pay claims <br /> 8. 21 Approved the early claims for <br /> 1 <br />