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BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> RESOLUTION #22- 1.55' <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONSERVATION EASEMENT BETWEEN THE LARRY L. BRUMMOND <br /> ESTATE AND THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE <br /> WHEREAS, The Larry L. Brummund Estate is the owner of real estate described as the S% <br /> of the NW 1/4 of Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 9 West of the 6th Prime Meridian; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NCRS) is desirous of obtaining a <br /> conservation easement from the Larry L. Brummund Estate and The Larry L. Brummond Estate, <br /> owner, is desirous of providing a conservation easement to NCRS under the Wetlands Reserve <br /> Program on the property described above; and <br /> WHEREAS, The Larry L. Brummund Estate submitted a request to Hall County for the <br /> approval of a conservation easement on the real estate legally described above; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to NEB. REV. STAT. §76-2,112, on November 8, 2021, the Hall <br /> County Board of Commissioners forwarded the easement request to the Hall County Joint <br /> Planning Commission for their review and recommendations regarding the conformity of the <br /> proposed acquisition to comprehensive planning for the area; and <br /> WHEREAS, also pursuant to NEB. REV. STAT. §76-2,112, on December 1, 2021 the Hall <br /> County Joint Planning Commission recommended approval of the easement at their regularly <br /> scheduled meeting finding that the proposed easement is supported by the 2004 Hall County <br /> Comprehensive Development Plan. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hall County Board of Commissioners that the <br /> designated conservation easement on the real estate legally described hereinabove should be, <br /> and hereby is, approved. <br /> Resolution moved by Commissioner �' l�,�C�. ��J S� . <br /> Seconded by Commissioner Qamy-t <br />