WHEREAS, on January 27, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., issued Executive Order
<br /> 14008 entitled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad (86 Fed. Reg. 7,619); and
<br /> WHEREAS, in Section 216 of Executive Order 14008 President Biden directed the
<br /> Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and other senior
<br /> officials, to develop a program to conserve at least 30 percent of the land and waters in the
<br /> United State by 2030, which is called the "30 x 30" program; and
<br /> WHEREAS, under the 30 x 30 program, some 680 million acres of our Nation's lands may
<br /> be set aside and permanently preserved in its natural state, preventing the productive use of
<br /> these lands and their resources; and
<br /> WHEREAS, there is no constitutional or statutory authority for the President, the
<br /> Department of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture, or any other federal agency to set
<br /> aside and permanently preserve 30 percent of all land and water in the United State, and no
<br /> such authority is referenced in Executive Order 14008; and
<br /> WHEREAS, placing private lands into permanent conservation status will cause dramatic
<br /> and irreversible harm to the economies of many states, including Nebraska, and counties, such
<br /> as Hall County, whose citizens depend on private lands for their livelihoods; and
<br /> WHEREAS, the 30 x 30 program, if implemented, will conflict with the plans, policies,
<br /> and programs of Hall County; and
<br /> WHEREAS, Hall County seeks to protect its sovereignty and the ability of its citizens to
<br /> enjoy the use of their land free from additional mandatory federal regulations; and
<br /> WHEREAS, Hall County seeks to consulted for coordination of policy development with
<br /> respect to any plans, policies, or programs of the federal government pursuant to Executive
<br /> Order 14008;
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hall County Board of Commissioners that:
<br /> 1. The County Board opposes the 30 x 30 program including any objective of
<br /> permanently preserving 30 percent of the Nation's lands in its natural state by 2030, or any
<br /> similar program that will set aside and prevent the productive use of millions of acres of land,
<br /> including land in Hall County.
<br /> 2. The County Board further opposes the designation of land in Hall County as
<br /> wilderness, wilderness study areas, wildlife preserves, open space, or other conservation land,
<br /> to the extent that such designations restrict public access to such lands, prevent the
<br /> development and productive use of the resources on or within such lands, or restrict
<br /> responsible land management such as to prevent risks of fire, insect infestation, disease, etc.
<br /> 3. The County Board supports the continued private ownership of land in Hall
<br /> County recognizing the Nation's need for domestic sources of crops/food, livestock and other
<br /> meat/poultry production, manufacturing, energy, minerals, timber, and fiber.
<br /> 4. The County Board recognizes and supports the State of Nebraska's constitutional
<br /> and statutory water rights and water rights systems, and other state laws and programs
<br /> governing water rights and water use, and opposes any federal designation of waters and
<br /> watercourses within Hall County that would impair or restrict water diversion and uses
<br /> authorized under the Constitution of the State of Nebraska and Nebraska law.
<br /> 5. The County Board supports reasonable national, regional, and global greenhouse
<br /> gas emissions policies and goals that are comprehensive, practical, cost-effective, and do not
<br /> unnecessarily single out specific industries or activities, but opposes the use of global climate
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