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9:05 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization <br /> 9:11 a.m. Adjourned the Board of Equalization meeting <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chair Lancaster called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 9. DISCUSS AND APPROVE HIRING LEGAL COUNCIL FOR UNION NEGOTIATIONS <br /> A copy of the letter from Jerry Pigsley with Woods Aitken was provided to the board <br /> member. <br /> Peterson made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to approve the letter from Jerry <br /> Pigsley with Woods Aitken and authorize the Chair to sign. Bredthauer, Hurst, <br /> Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one voted <br /> no. Motion carried. <br /> 12 DISCUSS & TAKE ACTION ON COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS — Lancaster said this <br /> will be pulled and it will be addressed in 2 weeks. She stated that with the new Veterans <br /> Court Judge Carson is requesting to have a board member be part of this and Butch <br /> Hurst stated he would be willing to do that. She also stated that Charlie with the City of <br /> Grand Island stated there is to be a transportation committee with CRANE and they are <br /> requesting a board member to sit on that committee. Scott Sorensen stated he would <br /> be willing to serve on that committee. <br /> 13. APPROVE EARLY CLAIMS —The early claims were listed on the agenda and <br /> County Clerk Marla Conley requested that the board also approve a claim to the vendor <br /> imprest account in the amount of$66,072.69. Due to a clerical error this check was <br /> mailed. It was deleted at the January 19th meeting because it was an overpayment to <br /> the City of Grand Island. His city has been contacted and will return the overpayment of <br /> the funds so it can go back into the general fund. This process will be reviewed and <br /> approved by Stacy Ruzicka. Lancaster stated there is to be a committee that is to <br /> review this at the end of the year and she is not sure if they do this we should check on <br /> this. <br /> Peterson made a motion and Sorensen seconded to approve the early claims as listed <br /> on the agenda and the claim to the vendor imprest system for $66,072.69. Bredthauer, <br /> Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one <br /> voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 3.9:30 A.M. PRESENTATION REGARDING THE VETERANS COURT ISSUE (ZOOM <br /> CALL) Judge Ryan Carson stated he appreciates the time to speak to the board <br /> regarding the Veterans' Treatment Court. He stated they are not asking for money it <br /> good to know what is happening in Hall County and they are excited about the <br /> Veteran's Court. The Nebraska Legislature allotted funds for this and the 8th District <br /> Judges Judge Young, Judge Butler, Judge Mash and Judge Carson were ask to start <br /> the Veteran's Court in Hall County. It had a slow start because of COVID but they have <br /> 2 <br />