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PLEDGED COLLATERAL <br /> RESOLUTION#)O - ate <br /> Whereas the, <br /> Desirous of pledging as collateral for County Funds now on deposit in said bank <br /> FHR 4830 WA CUSIP# 3137FHWH2 MATURITY DATE 10/01/2022 <br /> in the amount of$ a$t �,Dlo <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Hall County Board of Supervisors that on <br /> Behalf of the County of Hall,they do hereby approve the collateral as listed for County <br /> Funds now on deposit in said bank. <br /> Adopted thiday of,„ (-• c N WI Or, .: • <br /> Resolution moved by a i .k--)e SSD r ____ <br /> Seconded by IL . - . `' f•_r. vt• a r <br /> Karen Bredthauer For'For V ; Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Butch Hurst For K ;Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Pamela Lancaster For \/ ; Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Gary Quandt For V ;Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Ron Peterson For / ; Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Jane Richardson For V ;Against ;Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Scott Sorensen For X ; Against ; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> ALL COUNTY BARD OF SUPERVISORS <br /> 4 4 PP <br /> _'ice i .4%�i�/. <br /> Chair -'a - "th= Board of Supervisors <br /> aria J. onley, Hall ounty Clerk <br />