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9:05 held a board of equalization meeting <br /> 9:07 a.m. returned to the regular meeting <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Chair Lancaster called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 6 PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE - Mr. Riehle stated he ask to rearrange some agenda <br /> items. He reported that they are currently routing the road cracks and sealing them. <br /> The time to do this is when it is cold so it sets up. They are wrapping up the North Road <br /> ditch cleaning and put up a berm on the west to prevent water and also cleaned out the <br /> ditch and installed the pipes. <br /> He stated his management team is looking at the equipment. They have used the <br /> shredder on the track loader to shred volunteer trees in the ditches. It will do 4 or 5 inch <br /> trees. They used to have 2 grad-ails and used them and 2 dump trucks to keep ditches <br /> clean and he would like to consider purchasing a grade all and also look at the motor <br /> graders next year. <br /> Bredthauer noted she had heard she was a committee of one and wanted to give the <br /> board information. They met with all of the staff and are trying to make things the most <br /> effective. The staff has some concerns that they do not have the right equipment. The <br /> rubber tire excavator does not do the job, the zipper has not been used and they cannot <br /> do every bridge project and may consider subletting them out. They have discussed <br /> issues and need to make it better. <br /> Mr. Riehle stated that the state has raised the bar regarding critical bridges. They have <br /> soft match dollars to build them. They have built the bridges in the past. In 2021 the <br /> bridges will need to be inspected and he would like to train an emp0loyee to do these <br /> he is currently the only one that can do the bridge inspections. <br /> Richardson ask when the meet and Bredthauer stated they meet Monday morning at <br /> 7:00 a.m. <br /> Bredthauer stated that there was discussion in the past that public works did not need <br /> new equipment but they have fallen behind. They have to live with decision made by <br /> the past administration. There needs to be a better way to get things done. She <br /> provided information on the cold planer this is a used unit that has 82 hours on it and is <br /> priced at $19,000.00 <br /> Richardson noted that they used to have committees and they had a set meeting time. <br /> Then they were abolished and a point person was assigned and Karen was appointed <br /> to replace Mr. Hartman. She noted that the point person was to prevent 7 board <br /> members going to a departments with questions. The questions were to be funneled <br /> 3 <br />