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May 19, 2020 <br /> To: Elected Officials, Appointed Officials and Agency Directors <br /> From: Pamela Lancaster,Chair <br /> Subject: 2020-2021 Budget <br /> The County Commissioners ask each elected official, appointed official and Agency Director to use good <br /> fiscal management in completing their budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021. The Commissioners wish to <br /> give you their expectations for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. <br /> 1. Your budget request form for your department is attached. The first two columns contain actual <br /> expenditures for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 fiscal years. The third column is the last year's <br /> 2019-2020 budget. The fourth column is the actual expense for 2019-2020 through April 30th. <br /> Please enter your request for the upcoming 2020-2021 fiscal year in the fifth column titled <br /> official's estimation. Also include a spreadsheet showing your salary and benefit <br /> information by employee. Make sure to include range and step numbers for each employee. <br /> 2. The Commissioners would like the officials and department heads to review personnel costs by <br /> converting some full-time positions to part-time and dividing up the work between the remaining <br /> personnel. Please consider eliminating positions through attrition or by making transfers to other <br /> open positions. <br /> 3. The Commissioners have discussed salary increases for the fiscal year 2020-2021. For all non <br /> union employees, please use a 1.5% cost of living increase with steps. For all union employees, <br /> please refer to your current contract. <br /> 4. If you have budgeted for any new employees, you will need to get approval by the Board during <br /> the review of your budget with the Board. If you have used something in addition to the step plan <br /> or the 1_5% cost of living increase, you will need to get approval by the Board during the review <br /> of your budget with the Board. <br /> 5. The Commissioners have requested a 0 % increase in operating expenses. Exceptions <br /> will be made on a case by case basis. This year all departments will need to meet with the <br /> County Board. <br /> 6. There will be a 7.5% increase in the medical premiums; the dental and life premiums will <br /> remain unchanged. The Commissioners plan to keep the percentage of insurance paid by <br /> employees the same as last year. For the amount to be budgeted for health insurance, please use <br /> $24.400 per year for family coverage (they will be contributing 20%). Use $11,875 per year for <br /> single coverage (they will be contributing 5%). For all union employees, please refer to your <br /> current contract. If you have union employees contributing 7% for single coverage, use $11,625. <br /> For the amount to be budgeted for FICA, please use 7.65% of the total salary. For the amount to <br /> be budgeted for retirement, please use 6.75%of the total salary(for all employees in the Sheriffs <br /> Department who meet the criteria of law enforcement officials, use 7.75%). Please remember <br /> salary totals include all taxable benefits. <br /> 7. The Commissioners would again like each department with payroll to have a budget line item <br /> called retirement unfunded liability. Each department will put$150 per each budgeted full time <br /> employee in this line item (i.e., 4 employees x $150 = $600). This money will be transferred <br /> annually to a fund that will be used to pay for employees retiring with accrued vacation and sick <br /> leave. Should a department have a qualified employee retire, the full payment for vacation and <br /> sick leave will come out of the vacation and sick leave fund. However, compensatory time will <br /> be paid from departments individual budgets. <br /> ( pciLL\t_ <br />