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HALL COUNTY LEOP ANNEX D <br /> 6. State agencies will support local governments by providing reports of <br /> potential and existing widespread hazardous conditions. <br /> 7. The Nebraska State Patrol, in coordination with the Department of <br /> Transportation, will provide road conditions to responding agencies, <br /> media, and the public. <br /> 8. Subsequent to a Presidential Declaration, the Public Information Officers <br /> of all state agencies involved in disaster recovery efforts will coordinate <br /> activities with the federal agencies involved through the lead PIO at the <br /> JIC. <br /> D. Support from Federal Agencies <br /> 1. The National Weather Service has the primary responsibility for issuing <br /> weather-related disaster warnings to the public. <br /> 2. Under a Presidential Emergency or a major disaster declaration, the <br /> Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Public Information <br /> Officer will coordinate and be responsible for release of public <br /> information concerning federal assistance. <br /> E. Support from Volunteer Agencies and Organizations <br /> Volunteer and private organizations will be evaluating the situation and <br /> making internal determinations of the level of assistance they can provide. <br /> Each organization, in coordination with state and local governments and the <br /> JIC, will be providing public information concerning their efforts. <br /> F. Support from Media <br /> A strong working relationship with local media has been made to ensure <br /> rapid dissemination of emergency public information. <br /> VI. ADMINISTRATION and LOGISTICS <br /> A. The Public Information Officer should meet annually with local government <br /> officials, the Emergency Management Director, and media representatives to <br /> review this Annex and coordinate operating procedures. <br /> B. The Emergency Management Director will revise this Annex based upon the <br /> recommendations of the PIO. <br /> C. Every effort will be made to incorporate media involvement in exercises of <br /> the Basic Plan. <br /> D-7 <br /> 2020 <br />