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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING February 4, 2020 <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened February 4, 2020 by published call in the County <br /> Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL TO ORDER -The meeting was called to order by Chair Pam Lancaster. <br /> INVOCATION was given by Chair Lancaster <br /> James Carlson led the Board on the Pledge of Allegiance. The Department of Army granted <br /> him the Army Commendations medal for this military service. He has served various sessions. <br /> He thanked the board for allowing him to take time away from his job in order to serve. This <br /> allowed him to achieve that recognition and he was the first in the state to complete 22 weeks of <br /> active training. He noted that Doug, Brandon and Jacob had to pick up the slack when he was <br /> gone. Lancaster thanked him for his service <br /> ROLL CALL - Present on roll call were Karen Bredthauer, Dick Hartman, Butch Hurst, Pamela <br /> Lancaster, Ron Peterson, Gary Quandt., and Jane Richardson. Also present was Board <br /> Assistant Kim Duncan, and Deputy County Attorney Sarah Carstensen. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW—Chair Lancaster read the notice of open meeting law. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME — Chair Lancaster called for anyone from the audience had a <br /> request to reserve time and no one responded. <br /> VERIFY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - The affidavit of publication was received. <br /> CONSENT AGENDA— Peterson made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the following <br /> by consent agenda. <br /> 1. Placed on file the minutes of the January 21, 2020 meeting <br /> 2. 6 Authorized the chair to sign the agreement with WJE for the cost allocation <br /> plans for federal and state programs <br /> 3. 8 set the bid opening for the social services HVAC for 9:30 a.m. March 3, 2020 <br /> with bids due March 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. <br /> 4. 8b Set the informal bid opening for the three removal at the Hall County Park for <br /> February 18, 2020 at 9:45 a.m. with bids due Friday February 14 at 5:00 p.m. <br /> 5. 8 I Adopted the Nirma Safety manual <br /> 6. 9 Placed on file the Public Works Quarterly report <br /> 7. 12 Approved the special designated liquor license for Miretta vineyards at Crane <br /> Meadows for March 13, 14, 20, 20, 21 27 & 28 <br /> 8. 15 Approved the biweekly pay claims <br /> 9. 16 Approved the early claims <br /> 10. 17 Placed on file the office report from the Building Department <br /> 11. 18 Placed on file the Hall County Treasurer's miscellaneous receipts <br /> 12. 19 Placed on file communications Stuhr Museum minutes and e mail from Steve <br /> Riehle <br /> Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 1 <br />