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Cro <br /> RESOLUTION#911 <br /> Resolution pertaining to the creation of State Veterans Cemetery in Hall County Nebraska <br /> WHEREAS; our Nation was founded on the principles of justice, liberty, opportunity, safety and happiness; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS; securing and maintaining these rights rests with the men and women who have served, are <br /> serving and those who one-day will be inspired to serve in our armed forces; and <br /> WHEREAS; the sacrifice and service of such individuals can never truly be measured; and <br /> WHEREAS; it is right and proper to honor with great respect and dignity those who have selflessly served <br /> our nation; and <br /> WHEREAS; the need for a physical place to peacefully and reverently honor veterans and their families <br /> grows with the passage of time; and <br /> WHEREAS; there is already existing within the City of Grand Island the Nebraska Veterans Home Cemetery; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS; the city of Grand Island owns land contiguous to the Nebraska Veterans Home Cemetery that <br /> Is undeveloped; and <br /> WHEREAS; the land abutting the Nebraska Veterans Home Cemetery has historical significance as one <br /> being part of the land owned for the purpose of the Nebraska Veterans Home; and <br /> WHEREAS; this site will perpetually honor veterans and their dependents as well as mark the location <br /> which veterans called "home"for nearly 130 years; and <br /> WHEREAS; this action continues to honor the original 1887 commitment of the community to care for <br /> our veterans; now therefore <br /> BE IT RESOLVED; that the Hall County Board of Commissioners, meeting on this 21St day of January 2020, go on <br /> record in support of State Legislation required to create a State Veterans Cemetery consisting <br /> of the existing Nebraska Veterans Home Cemetery and additional acres needed; and <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Governor of the State of Nebraska <br /> and all members of the Government and Military Affairs Committee of the Nebraska State <br /> Legislature. <br /> RESOLUTION MOVED BY Commissioner, Gary Quandt <br /> SECONDED BY Commissioner, Karen Bredthauer <br />