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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING MARCH 24, 2015 <br /> 9:05 a.m. Schuppan made a motion and Purdy seconded to go into a Board of <br /> Equalization meeting. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE ā€” Present on roll call vote were Scott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, <br /> Douglas Lanfear, Daniel Purdy, Gary Quandt, Jane Richardson and Steve Schuppan. <br /> Also present were County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf, Board Assistant Stacey Ruzicka and <br /> County Assessor Jan Pelland. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW ā€” Chairman Arnold read the notice of the open <br /> meeting law. <br /> MINUTES ā€” Purdy made a motion and Lanfear seconded to approve the minutes of the <br /> March 10, 2015 meeting. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and <br /> Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Arnold called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> TAX CORRECTION NOTICES - County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax correction <br /> notices #4915 to #4928 requesting the county board to accept and authorize the chair to <br /> initial. <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Richardson seconded to accept tax correction notices <br /> #4915 to #4928 and authorize the chair to initial. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Chairman Arnold called for new or unfinished <br /> business and no one responded. <br /> 9:13 a.m. meeting adjourned and returned to the regular meeting. <br /> Marl. J. onley t' all County/le t? . ; may. <br /> fli <br /> Vā€ž. <br />