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LB1098 LB1098 <br /> 2018 2018 <br /> 1 Section 1. Section 23-3108, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, is <br /> 2 amended to read: <br /> 3 23-3108 (1) Except as provided in section 23-3109, purchases of <br /> 4 personal property or services by the county board or purchasing agent <br /> 5 shall be made: <br /> 6 (a) Through the competitive sealed bidding process prescribed in <br /> 7 section 23-3111 if the estimated value of the purchase is fifty twenty <br /> 8 thousand dollars or more; <br /> 9 (b) By securing and recording at least three informal bids, if <br /> 10 practicable, if the estimated value of the purchase is equal to or <br /> 11 exceeds ten five thousand dollars, but is less than fifty twenty thousand <br /> a <br /> 12 dollars; or <br /> 13 (c) By purchasing in the open market if the estimated value of the <br /> 14 purchase is less than ten five thousand dollars, subject to section <br /> 15 23-3112. In any county having a population of less than one hundred <br /> 16 thousand inhabitants and in which the county board has not appointed a <br /> 17 purchasing agent pursuant to section 23-3105, all elected officials are <br /> 18 hereby authorized to make purchases with an estimated value less than ten <br /> 19 five thousand dollars. <br /> 20 (2) In no case shall a purchase made pursuant to subdivision (1)(a), <br /> 21 (b), or (c) of this section be divided to produce several purchases which <br /> 22 are of an estimated value below that established in the relevant <br /> 23 subdivision. <br /> 24 (3) All contracts and leases shall be approved as to form by the <br /> 25 county attorney, and a copy of each long-term contract or lease shall be <br /> 26 filed with the county clerk. <br /> 27 Sec. 2. Original section 23-3108, Reissue Revised Statutes of <br /> 28 Nebraska, is repealed. <br /> -2- <br />