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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING JULY 24, 2018 <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened July 24, 2018 by published call in the County <br /> Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chair Jane Richardson. <br /> INVOCATION —The invocation was given by Derick Apfel with Apfel Funeral Home. <br /> PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —The Pledge of Allegiance was given in unison. <br /> ROLL CALL - Present on roll call were Scott Arnold, Karen Bredthauer, Pamela Lancaster, <br /> Doug Lanfear, Gary Quandt, Jane Richardson and Stephen Schuppan. Also present were <br /> County Attorney Sarah Carstensen and Executive Assistant Bonnie Kosmicki. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW— Chair Richardson read the notice of open meeting law. <br /> VERIFY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - The affidavit of publication was received. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME— Richardson stated that if anyone from the audience has a <br /> request to reserve time to come forward at this time. No one responded <br /> CONSENT AGENDA- Lanfear made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve the following by <br /> consent agenda. <br /> 1. Placed on file the minutes of the July 10, 2018 meeting <br /> 2. 8a Set the bid opening for asphalt for August 21, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. with bids due <br /> August 20, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. <br /> 3. 8b Approved Resolution # 18-034 to authorized the chair to sign the PS&E package for <br /> the Bridge on Monitor Road South of White Cloud Road under Federal Aid Project # <br /> BRO-(7040(25) <br /> 4. 11A Resolution # 18-035 Pledged Collateral for Five Points Bank for CUSIP <br /> #3138ETNJ1 FOR $ 569,220.20 <br /> 5. B Resolution # 18-036 Pledge Collateral for Five Points Bank for CUSIP #3138ENH77 <br /> for$1,874,361.41 <br /> 6. C Resolution # 18-037 for Pledge Collateral for Five Points Bank for CUSIP <br /> #3137F57Q5 for $ 992,302.98 <br /> 7. D Resolution #18-038 for Pledged Collateral for Five Points Bank for CUSIP <br /> #3137FEX87 for $2,502,251.17 <br /> 8. E Resolution # 18-039 for Pledge Collateral for Five Points Bank for CUSIP <br /> #3617GTJ63 FOR $1,120,121.27 <br /> 9. 12 Placed on file the settlement of the Hall County Treasurer with the Hall County <br /> Board <br /> 10. 13 Approved the special designated liquor license for Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild for <br /> Husker Harvest Days Sept. 11, 12 & 13 <br /> 11. 14 Approved the Final Plat and Resolution #18-040 for Lowry Acres <br /> 12. 15 Approved the bi weekly pay claims and regular claims <br /> 13. 16 Placed on file the office reports from the Assessor/Register of Deeds and County <br /> Clerk <br /> 14. 17 Placed on file the Hall County Treasurer's Miscellaneous receipts <br /> 15. 18 Placed on file communications Letter from DOT and copy of LB 1098 <br /> 1 <br />