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I Manufacture of light sheet metal products including heating and ventilation equipment. <br /> J Manufacture and/or processing of agricultural products including but not limited to ethanol plants and <br /> mills. <br /> K Truck and freight terminals. <br /> L Commercial mining,quarries, sand and gravel pits and accessory uses. <br /> M Storage of trucks,tractors, and trailers engaged in the transportation of explosives. <br /> N Race tracks, drag strips and similar uses and associated accessory uses. <br /> O Wind Energy devices. <br /> P Community sewage disposal facilities. <br /> Q Sanitary landfill siting or expansion conducted in a manner and method approved by the County Board of <br /> Supervisors, provided said landfill is not closer than 1,000 feet to a municipal well and/or one mile to any <br /> village or city limits or any subdivision, addition or residence platted as of the effective date of this <br /> resolution, see Section 6.04 of the Supplemental Regulations. <br /> R Lawn and Garden Nurseries. <br /> S Commercial Kennels and facilities for the raising, breeding and boarding of dogs and other small animals, <br /> including exotic, non-farm and non-domestic animals, provided that all buildings and facilities be at least <br /> 100 feet from the property line and 300 feet from any neighboring residence. <br /> T The spreading, stockpiling, or composting of dead livestock, sludge, by-products from manufacturing or <br /> any processing plant, and/or paunch manure on agricultural land by municipalities or operations inside or <br /> outside of the County. <br /> U The application of livestock manure in Hall County by operations located outside the County. <br /> ✓ Class Ill, and IV Livestock Feeding Operations, subject to the license requirements, waste disposal <br /> requirements and recommendations of the State of Nebraska and the Land Use specifications in the Hall <br /> County Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 4.02.04 Standards for Livestock Feeding Operations <br /> 1. The following setbacks and design standards are the minimum sanitation and odor practices for Hall <br /> County. In addition, the Hall County Board of Supervisors, when considering the health, safety, and <br /> general welfare of the public, may impose more restrictive requirements. These requirements should <br /> consider such things as: <br /> • property values, <br /> • dust, <br /> • lighting, <br /> • waste disposal and <br /> • Dead livestock. <br /> 3. A Conditional Use Permit may be approved after public notice has been given and public hearing is <br /> conducted as required by law. <br /> 4. Agricultural Operations of 1,000 A.U. and under are considered a farm as defined in these Regulations and <br /> do not require a Conditional Use Permit <br /> 5. All existing LFO's that have been granted a conditional use permit may expand within their designated <br /> level; except for the 20,000 and above which requires a new Conditional Use Permit for each expansion <br /> beyond 20,000 A.U.'s, as outlined in Table 1, without applying for another conditional use permit. All <br /> new LFO's and those expanding to the next level shall require a Conditional Use Permit and shall be <br /> located no less than at a distance from non-farm residences or other residences not on an owner's property <br /> in any affected Zoning District as hereafter described: <br /> A. Livestock Feeding Operations(LFO)will be categorized either as Environmentally Controlled <br /> Housing(ECH)Operations or Open Lot Operations. LFOs having more than one type of feeding <br /> operation at one location shall be categorized according to the operation which constitutes the <br /> majority of the total operation. Each operation type shall be classified in one of four levels <br /> according to total number of animal units (A.U.) in the operation at any one time. Levels will <br /> include: <br /> Class I Facility=3010-1,000 animal units; <br /> Class II Facility= 1,001-5,000 animal units; <br /> Class III Facility=5,001-20,000 animal units; and <br /> Class IV Facility=20,001 or more animal units. <br />