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Schuppan made a motion and Quandt seconded to accept the committee recommendation to <br /> not participate in the leased space with the city regarding the housing of the buses. This does <br /> not affect the rural transportation. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson <br /> and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Lanfear noted that there may be some changes in the boundaries so the 5% ridership may <br /> change. <br /> Richardson noted that they are also going to use the route match software and are working with <br /> Senior Citizens to optimize the learning curve for the riders. It will be done a different way to <br /> call for a ride. <br /> Lancaster noted it will be computerized and people will be on the buses much longer. She also <br /> noted that the boundaries may change it will not follow the city limits. The people across from <br /> Walmart will be considered rural the 5% may increase. There will be a percentage cost per <br /> month and then will be adjusted at the end of the year. There will be concern but they will try to <br /> do it with the least amount of trauma. <br /> Schuppan noted that they have been trying to get answers. Lancaster stated that they will <br /> maintain transit for the rural area and they will include Cairo and Doniphan to make sure they <br /> have access to transportation. <br /> Richardson stated that they will get numbers for August and September and Lanfear stated the <br /> positive thing is that there will be good numbers and better reporting. <br /> 17 FACILITIES — Discussion was held on the bid opening for the third floor restoration. Quandt <br /> questioned if there was going to be scaffolding and if there was going to be work done on the <br /> clock. This was noted in the bid specifications. Mr. Humphrey stated that there was not to be <br /> any work on the clock and there would be no scaffolding. He will check the specifications and <br /> come back. <br /> 9. PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1 & 6 ROAD PROGRAM — Schuppan made a motion and Quandt <br /> seconded to open the public hearing. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> County Highway Superintendent Steve Riehle distributed the civil rights survey forms. <br /> Mr. Riehle stated that the 1 & 6 has been set by the fiscal year so it matches the budget year. <br /> The hearing was advertised and notice was posted. This has been presented to the Regional <br /> Planning commission. He noted that they address the critical bridges because the impact the <br /> farming community. <br /> Mr. Riehle reviewed the 1 year projects. <br /> C40(340) 70`h &Airport Road to replace a timber bridge with culvert <br /> C40(372) bridge built in 1935 will remove old bridge and do channel work and contractor to build <br /> new bridge <br /> 4 <br />