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201804777 <br /> THENCE S02'52'19"W A DISTANCE OF 80.83 FEET,THENCE S55'01'11'W A DISTANCE OF 92.67 <br /> FEET.THENCE S23'10143'W A DISTANCE OF 133.67 FEEI.THENCE S07'5754'E A DISTANCE OF <br /> 48.81 FEET.THENCE S5625'42'E A DISTANCE OF 185.92 FEET.THENCE S49111'35E A DISTANCE <br /> OF 150291±1,1.THENCE S01'10'0TE A DISTANCE OF 140.00 FEET.THENCE S71'06'15"E A <br /> DISTANCE OF 166.89 FEEL THENCE S63'41'22"E A DISTANCE OF 151.52 FEET.THENCE <br /> S32'3327"E A DISTANCE OF 18325 FEET.THENCE S052924"W A DISTANCE OF 58.65 FEET TO <br /> THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5. PRAIRIE CREEK MEADOWS •SUBDIVISION. <br /> THENCE N90'00100'N ON SAID SOUTH LINEA DISTANCE OF 1326.94 FEET TO THE <br /> POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 33.57 ACRES MORE OR LESS. AND IS SUBJECT <br /> TO ANY EXISTING EASEMENTS OR RIGHT OF WAY BY RECORD <br /> as a subdivision of the foregoing tract of land located within the jurisdiction of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, and hereby submits to the County Board of Supervisors of such County for acceptance <br /> as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such proposed subdivision,to be known as <br /> PRAIRIE CREEK MEADOWS SECOND SUBDIVISION , designating explicitly the land to be <br /> laid out and particularly describing the lots, easements,and streets belonging to such subdivision, <br /> with the lots designated by number, easements by dimensions, and streets by name, and proposes <br /> to cause the plat of such subdivision when finally approved by the Regional Planning <br /> Commission and the County Board to be acknowledged by such owner, certified as to accuracy <br /> of survey by a registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the easements to the use <br /> and benefit of public utilities,and of the street to the use of the public forever. In consideration of <br /> the acceptance of the plat of said PRAIRIE CREEK MEADOWS SECOND SUBDIVISION,the <br /> Subdivider hereby consents and agrees with the County of Hall,Nebraska,as follows: <br /> 1. Planned Unit Development Zone. This subdivision is designated as a <br /> Planned Unit Development Zone and shall be regulated in accordance with the Hall County Zoning <br /> Resolution. A Development Plan as shown on the Final Plat for PRAIRIE CREEK MEADOWS <br /> SECOND SUBDIVISION as filed with the Hall County Register of Deeds.Any amendments to such <br /> Development Plan shall be approved by Hall County in accordance with the Hall County Zoning and <br /> Subdivision Regulations. <br /> 2. Roads. The Subdivider agrees to waive the right to protest a paving district <br /> for One-R Road where it abuts the property. Box Elder Drive shall be permitted as private road to be <br /> maintained by the Subdivider and/or future property owners. The intersection of Box Elder Drive <br /> shall be designed to specifications approved by the Hall County Engineer. <br /> Prairie Creek Meadows Second Subdivision Agreement Page 2 <br />