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<br />:.' . .,~ <br /> <br />9'5';:-....3 5/ <br /> <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to'~tate AUditor to investigate -, <br />if legal for tax dollars to be used on ballot issues. Lengthy discussion <br />followed between County Board Members. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to table the motion until later <br />today for vote. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk <br />voted yes, none voted no, with Leslie not present. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />.::> <br /> <br />Nelson Helm, Regional Planning Director gave quarterly report on the activities <br />of the Regional Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Supervisor Leslie arrived at meeting during this discussion. <br /> <br />Grand Island Mayor Gnadt attended meeting for about 10 minutes. <br /> <br />County Assessor presented Tax Correction Notices #1071 thru #1097. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Rosenkotter to accept and authorize chairman to <br />initial the tax correction notices #1071 thru #1097 as presented. Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted <br />no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Motion by Rosenkotter, seconded by Stelk to recess for Board of Equalization <br />meeting. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk <br />voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br />Board of Equalization meeting 10:09 AM. and returned to regular session at <br />10:15 A.M. <br /> <br />Jan Pelland, County Assessor requested a designated parking space for use of <br />the County Appraiser vehicle, so can be parked under lights as requested by <br />~ome'County Board Members. Discussion followed and Board Member agreed County <br />Assessor should work with Rick, Building & Grounds Superintendent for a design- <br />ated space. <br /> <br />Chairman called recess at 10: 25 A.M. and returned to session at 10: 30 A.M. ,for <br />Hall County Board of Corrections meeting as advertised. <br /> <br />Returned to regular Board of Supervisors meeting atIJJ..: 3_8_A.M.> <br />Chairman Abernethy requested the membership application for Federal Surplus <br />Property be discussed at later date. <br /> <br />Ellen Merrill, County Board Assistan:t, gave weekly update report. She <br />presented lettex;s Housing Authority;and~Director and to Stuhr Museum for <br />Board Members ~~gnatures. (2) Copy'lbI:rules and regulations for the City of <br />Kearney.' s lottery trust fund as requested by County Board Member. (3) dates and <br />times fo~ upcoming committee meetings. (4) the County's Janitorial Contract is <br />due for renewal in February and Vending Machine contract is due end of December <br />(was a 6 month contract), (5) Copy of letter from Central Nebraska Community" <br />Services, (6) Copy of letter from Troy Mason, jail inmate (7) Building & <br />Grounds Superintendent Rick Stepanek had obtained proposals from two plumbing <br />companies for back flow prevention devices for county buildings. <br />Preisendorf Plumbing:' County Office Building, 117 E 1st $2163. Safety Center <br />$5740.00 and Old jail building $6354. <br />Winfrey Plumbing: County Office building 117 E 1st $2212.00, Safety Center <br />$5887.00 and Old Jail $6783.00 <br /> <br />Discussion on Janitorial Contract, Chairman appointed Committee of Stelk, <br />Quandt and Rosenkotter to work on renewal contract. Discussion on Vending <br />Machine contract, to request 5 years receipt of income from vending machines <br />and 6month~ for?urre~~ c~mpany (due tO,only 6 months, members felt they <br />should be g~ven a ranger t~me for compar~son) Agreed to place on agenda for <br />next week's meeting. <br />Motion by Rosenkotter, seconded by Landis to respond to Letter from Mason <br />and refer copy to Joel Dalton, Corrections Director and to County Attorney. <br /> <br />Discussion on the back flow prevention devices, Motion by Landis, seconded <br />by Rosenkotter to put on hold and see what State decides on the devices. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, Leslie and Rosenkotter <br />voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Discussion on three claims held from last week's claim audit for clarification. <br />Compton & Associates, Kearney $250.00 from Public Defender's office. <br />Motion by Landis, seconded by Hartman to refer to County Attorney for a written <br />opinion. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, <br />Rosenkotter voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Two claims had been discussed and clarified in Board of Corrections meeting by <br />Joel Dalton, Corrections Director. <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Rosenkotter to approve payment for US Cavalry <br />$1209.05 for equipment and Wise Interactive Studies $1498.00 for training, that <br />were held from last week's claim audit. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, <br />Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br />