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<br />9'5 r.., /7c:J <br /> <br />Joel Dalton, Corrections Director, reported on the claim for <br />the engineering for the smoke removal. Dalton recomended the <br />low bid for food service from-Consolidated Management be accepted. <br />Quandt made motion and_L~sli~seconded_to.authorize the Chair to <br />sign the contractcwit.h:Cohsolidated Management the low bidder. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk <br />all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> <br />The\appiication for..! the .Class C Liquor License for Linda S. Morse <br />dba Wings Restaurant and Lounge, 3773 North Skypark Road, Grand <br />Island, Nebraska was read. Quandt made motion and Landis seconded <br />to set the public hearing as June 6, at 10:30 A.M. Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk all voted yes <br />and none voted no. <br /> <br />Doris Mason, Hall County Treasurer reported on the computer problems <br />she rec::ently had. The old computer frOInn~heH Clerk of t.h~ District <br />-__H. I - - ----- -.' -..- __ <br />Court was used. Two discs were 10st.__anCi i~\ outidai;e.Q. She i~ <br />interested in the new AS/400 advanced ~6. She1WoUId'be-able to <br />save CPU charges from the state byn.using this new system. Doris <br />Mason wasreguested to __qheck__on_t_he amount remain~Li~~th~_c:()mputer <br />budget~_-:j~enkotter mca..d.fLmo_t.inn and Har,1jrlanseconded to allow noris <br />Mason Lt..Qj use the remaIning money in the comput-er-J:ine item and <br />the remaining from the miscellaneous general for the purchase of <br />the computer system for her office. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk all voted yes and none voted <br />no. <br /> <br />The proposal for painting the rotunda in the court house was <br />presentedoand discussed. The specs are to be changed to read <br />primer coat plus 1, 2, and 3 coats of paint. Landis made motion <br />and Stelk seconded to approve the specs. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Landis, Leslie, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes and Quandt voted <br />no. <br /> <br />The appointments to the Board of Adjustments was discussed and <br />this will be put on the agenda for May 30. <br /> <br />Court appointed counsel and the report from the Indigent Defense <br />Committee was given by Stelk. The options of contracting with <br />-a firm for all second and third tier services and the court <br />appointed counsel was discusssed. If the policy board was used <br />they could send out specs and get a contract. Eac~ board member <br />expressed their ideas on the policy board. Quandt, Hartman and <br />Landis requested putting out bids without policy board. Abernethy, <br />Leslie, Rosenkotter and Stelk requested putting out bids with a <br />policy board. Jerry Janulewicz stated that there is not a State <br />statute that provides for the County Board to contract with a firm <br />for the second _andthird.tier-defense:.. He:-recommended using a <br />policy board-to provide insulation for the County Board. The board <br />requested Janulewicz and Abernethy to send a letter or questionaire <br />on. the. creati?_u;~. of ~ JLQl~QY_!?~B:r? andn thedutiesoft~is board~ <br />ThIS:__wJ.ll be@~J.rea to th,e l!all C~>unty Bar and <br /> <br />The joint meeting of the City Coun<;iJ.1:~ and the County Board will be <br />held May 23 at 7:00 P.M. The Health budget showed a 3% increase <br />and the county is requesting no more that 2% increase. <br /> <br />The following office reports were read. <br /> <br />Hall County Sheriff - Total fees mileage and miscellaneous $33,290.97 <br />March 1995 Total Copies 93.70 <br />Total motor vehicle inspections -7,4:30.00 <br /> <br />Jean Fisher Register of Deeds - Doc Stamps <br />Recording fees <br />Photo fees <br />Marjorie Haubld, County Clerk Total fees <br />Hall County Sheriff - Total fees <br />February 1995 <br /> <br />Harfmaqmade~motion and Stelk seconded to accept and place on file <br />the~fice reports. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, <br />Rosenkotter and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> <br />5,110.28 <br />8,828.50 <br />680.39 <br />23,953.60 <br />11,025.21 <br />