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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVIS�RS M�ETING JUNE 18, 2013 <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened June 18, 2�13 by published call in the County <br /> Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL TO ORDER -The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pamela Lancaster. <br /> INVOCATION - Inuocation was given by Scott Arnold. <br /> PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —The Pledge of Allegiance was given in unison. <br /> ROLL CALL - Present on roll call were, Scott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, Bob McFarland, Dan <br /> purdy, Gary Quandt, 5teve Schuppan and David Ziola. Also present was Deputy County <br /> Attorney Jack Zitterkopf. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW—Chairman Pamela Lancast�r read the notice of open <br /> meeting law. <br /> REQUEST TO RES�RVE TIME—Chairman Lancaster stated that if anyone from the audience <br /> has a request to reserve time to speak on a specific agenda item, to please come forward at this <br /> time. No one responded. <br /> CONS�NT AGENDA— Purdy made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the following by <br /> consent agenda: <br /> 1. Placed on file the minutes of the June 4, 2013 meeting <br /> 2. 5 Approved Resolution #13-040 approving the agreement for professional services <br /> consultant for NEPA Services on Federal Aid 8ridge Project Number BRO-7040(25) <br /> Control Number 42322 Grand Island Narthwest, Monitor Road Sauth of White Cloud <br /> R�ad <br /> 3. 8 Placed on file the petition from Clark Gauthier to exclude a tract of land from the Hall <br /> County Industrial area and set the public Hearing for July 16, 2013 at 9:45 a.m. <br /> 4. 9 Approved the special designated liquor license for Grand Island Skeet & Sporting Clay <br /> Club for August 17, 2Q13 <br /> 5. 11 Set the special board meeting for July 8, 2013 at �:00 p.m. at the Grand Island City <br /> Library for the jaint meeting with the Health Department <br /> 6. 12 Accepted the Audit committee recommendation to approve the equipment & <br /> improvement reserve fund requests and the building and land fund requests <br /> 7. 13 Accepted the health insurance committee recommendation to approve Berkley Life <br /> as the new carrier effective July 1, 2013 there was a 12 '/� % increase <br /> 8. Placed on file the Hall County Keno Financial report for quarter ending December 31, <br /> 2012 <br /> 9. 16 Authorized the Chair to sign the sub grant agreement for child support enforcement <br /> services for the Clerk of the District Court <br /> 10. 1$Approved Resolution#13-041 for the change of Callateral with Wells Fargo Bank in <br /> the amount of$365,0OO.�Q for the County Clerk Imprest accounts <br /> 11. 19a County Treasurer—Approved the Resalution #13-042 to increase the public <br /> depasitory bond with Travelers Casualty & Surety Company from $13,0�0,000.�0 to <br /> $27,000,OOO.QO <br /> 12. 19b County Treasurer—Approved the Resolution#13-043 to decrease the public <br /> depository bond with Travelers Casualty 8� Surety Company from $27,000,�00.00 to <br /> $10,Q00,000.00 <br /> 1 <br />