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<br />9~;:-/~7 <br /> <br />if <br /> <br />, AGREEMENT FOR ASPHALTIC PAVING OF STOLLEY PARK ROAD. Public Works Director <br />Dan Hostler explained the agreement to be with City of Grand Island. It is <br />included in one - six year road program, County to do 1/2 mile, City to do <br />1/8 mile. Motion by Landis, seconded by Hartman to approve the agreement <br />as presented. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and <br />Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ON BIDS TAKEN LAST WEEK: Hostler reported <br />the reason for committee recommendation. Motion by Hartman, seconded by <br />Rosenkotter to accept the bid of Yant Equipment $7898.84 for Doniphan Shop <br />and reject bid for Grand Island Shop and to negotiate on the low bid. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />10:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF LAND USE DISTRICT FROM <br />AN AG-l ZONE TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 60 ACRES. <br />County Clerk read the affidavit of publication as published in Grand <br />Island Independent. <br />Motion by Rosenkotter, seconded by Leslie to open the Public Hearing. . <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Nelson Helm, Regional Planning Director explained the location and the <br />reason for request of land use. Maynard Stelk is the property owner <br />located on south side of Guenther Road, immediately east of Engleman Road. <br />Regional Planning Commission recommended the approval of requested change <br />of land use district. <br />No one from audience spoke for or against the land use change. <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Abernethy to close the Public Hearing. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Quandt to approve the change of land <br />use district. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and Rosenkotter <br />voted yes, none voted no, Stelk abstained. Motion carried. <br /> <br />FINAL PLAT - AXFORD SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON NORTH SIDE OF PINTAIL LANE, 232 <br />FEET WEST OF LAKESIDE DRIVE. Nelson Helm"Regional Planning Director <br />explained the location and reason for request of subdivision. <br />Motion by Abernethy, seconded by Rosenkotter to approve the final <br />plat and authorize chair to sign. Abernethy, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, <br />Rosenkotter,and Stelk voted yes, none voted no, Hartman absent from room. <br />Motlon carrled. <br /> <br />FINAL PLAT - EPPERT SECOND SUBDIVISION LOCATED WEST SIDE OF GUN BARREL ROAD, <br />APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF STOLLEY PARK ROAD. Nelson Helm, Regional <br />Planning Director explained the location and reason for request of subdivi- <br />sion. Regional Planning Commission recommended approval of final plat. <br />Motion Rosenkotter, seconded by Abernethy, to approve the final plat <br />and authorize chair to sign. Abernethy, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosen- <br />kotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no, Hartman was absent from room. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />NEBRASKA CRIME COMMISSION GRANT. Jeff Hackett, Sioux City, Iowa, representa- <br />tive of Boys & Girls Horne & Family Services and Richard Pope, South Sioux <br />City, Nebraska administrator of Boys & Girls Horne in Dakota County in charge <br />of Nebraska programs spoke in regard to request for Hall County being the <br />sponsoring agent. They answered questions from board members. The deadline <br />for grant application is May 2nd. <br />Supervisor Abernethy "introduced those present in audience, Tom Miller <br />retired from Law Enforcement training Center, Bill White, member Crime <br />Commission, Jeff Golden, Crime Commission, Gina Baker, Director Boys Town <br />Grand Island, Trudy Tru, CASA program; Richard Whitaker, Mid Plains Center <br />in Grand Island. Also present were Hall County Sheriff Jim Fosket and <br />City of Grand Island Police Chief Gene Watson. <br />Sheriff Fosket spoke, feels center should be City and County joint <br />venture. <br />Police Chief Watson spoke, would be willing to go before City Council <br />requesting joint funding. <br />Supervisor Hartman was absent from room. <br />Other speaking were Gina Baker Director Boys Town Grand Island, Jeff Golden <br />Chief Juvenile Director with Crime Commission. <br />supervisor Hartman returned to meeting during this discussion. <br />Speaking were Torn Miller, 30 year in Nebraska Law Enforcement and 10 year <br />in Hall County, he is now retired and as private citizen supports the pro- <br />gram and urged support of the grant application. <br />Richard Whitaker, Mid Plains Center Grand Island spoke. <br />