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<br />q ~r ()LJ~l( <br /> <br />(t) Significant Change in Health Coverage Attributable to Spouse's Employment. A Participant may revoke a <br />prior election and make a new election where there has been a significant change in the health coverage of the <br />Participant or the Participant's Spouse attributable to the Spouse's employment. Such change is allowed only if the <br />change is consistent (i.e., necessary or appropriate as a result of the significant change in health coverage <br />attributable to the Spouse's employment). The Plan Administrator (in its sole discretion) shall determine whether a <br />requested change is consistent with and attributable to a significant change in health coverage attributable to a <br />Participant's Spouse's employment. <br /> <br />An Employee who is eligible to become a Participant but declined to become a Participant during the initial <br />election period pursuant to Section 3.02(a) or (b) or 3.03 may become a Participant and file a Pre-tax election within <br />thirty (30) days of the occurrence of an event described in Section 3.04 (a),(b),(c), and (t) above, but only if the <br />election under the new Salary Redirection Agreement is made on account of and is consistent with the event (as <br />described above). A Participant otherwise entitled to make a new election under this Section must do so within 30 <br />days of the event (e.g., Change in Status, significant change in coverage, Medicare or Medicaid eligibility, special <br />enrollment right or judgment, decree, or order). Subject to the provisions of the underlying group health plan, <br />elections made to add medical coverage for a newborn or newly adopted Dependent child pursuant to a HIPAA <br />special enrollment right may be retroactive for up to 30 days. All other new election shall be effective no sooner <br />than the first day of the payroll period coincident with or immediately following the date the Participant files his <br />new Salary Redirection Agreement with the Plan Administrator. Elections made pursuant to this Section shall be <br />effective for the balance of the Plan Year in which the election is made unless a subsequent event (described above) <br />allows a further election change. <br /> <br />3.05 Impact of Termination of Employment on Election. Termination of employment shall automatically <br />revoke any Salary Redirection Agreement. Except as provided below, if revocation occurs under this Section 3.05, <br />no new election with respect to Pre-tax Contributions may be made by such Participant during the remainder of the <br />Plan Year. Except as otherwise provided in the applicable Benefit Plans or Policies, former Participants who are <br />rehired within 30 days or less of the date oftennination of employment will be reinstated with the same election(s) <br />such individual had before termination. If a fonner Participant is rehired more than 30 days following tennination <br />of employment and is otherwise eligible to participate in the Plan, the individual may make a new election. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Employer has adopted this Amendment on the date shown below, but <br />effective as of the dates indicated above. <br /> <br />Executed this 1 day of /0/i!rJU itc.. /9 q f <br /> <br />/-7@4!0 <br /> <br />Employer <br /> <br />An;; JZZ& {J {j~:/, <br />