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<br />~1999034.j <br /> <br />Landis made a motion and Stelk seconded to refer the bids to the Public Works Director Dan <br />Hostler and the public works committee. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster Landis, Logan and <br />Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />BILL STOV AL HALL COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY DISCUSSION ON TAX ASKING: <br />Airport Director Bill Stoval requested to talk to the board on their budget request. He stated that <br />the mission of the airport is to provide a needed service to Hall County and they would like to <br />have the resources to develop the airport. They have changed their request from $477,360.00 to <br />$379,160.00. The airport has applied for a federal grant of three million dollars that requires <br />matching funds at ten cents to the dollar. If the matching funds are not available they would have <br />to turn the grant back. These funds would provide needed repair to the runways. Board member <br />Dan Fisher spoke to the board on the currant condition of the airport and urged the county's <br />support. Stelk made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve the general fund tax asking at <br />$379,160.00. Landis stated that the county is using inheritance funds for some county operations <br />and requested that a committee be appointed to address some ofthe questions on the airport. <br />Lancaster stated she supports the request but the county may not be able to continue this level of <br />support. Arnold stated he supports the airport but because the airport was off the tax roles it may <br />be costing us more now. Logan questioned if there would be additional air service. Mr. Stovall <br />stated that the master plan will address adding air service. The vote on the motion was taken. <br />Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Logan and Stelk all voted yes and Landis voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Stelk made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve Resolution #99 0061 a resolution <br />determining a final allocation of levy authority for the Hall County Airport Authority. Arnold, <br />Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Logan and Ste1k all voted yes and Landis voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Resolution #99 6 () en L- <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION DETERMINING A FINAL ALLOCATION OF LEVY AUTHORITY <br />FOR THE HALL COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Hall County Board of Supervisors is in receipt of a preliminary request of <br />levy allocation submitted by Hall County Airport Authority , hereinafter <br />referred to as "District," requesting an allocation of levy in the amount of General $ 3 79, 160 00 <br />Sinking $ _ ~ Bond $ ] 6], ] 60 00 Total $ 540,320 00 for the fiscal year 1999-2000, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, The Hall County Board of Supervisors has considered the aforesaid preliminary levy <br />request and determined that a final allocation of levy authority should be made and established for the <br />District. <br /> <br />NOW BE IT RESOLVED, a [mal allocation oflevy authority in the amount of <br />General $_379,160 00 , Sinking $ ,Bond$ 161,16000,Total$ 54032000 <br />is hereby determined, made and established for the District for the fiscal year 1999-2000. <br /> <br />IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, the Hall County Clerk shall forward a copy of the Resolution to <br />the chairperson of the governing body of the District. <br />